<RJMC> weird news of the day: woman is banned from rivers


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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A woman who has attempted suicide four times has been banned from jumping into rivers, canals or onto railway lines.

The 23-year-old was rescued three times from the River Avon in Bath last year after trying to take her life.

She was also found hanging from a railway parapet and police had to stop trains to rescue her. Sutton could be jailed for breaking the order.

I guess she is not very creative
Well all the better I guess, it'd suck to commit suicide with your entire life ahead of you and only having seen a small portion of it
Massive failure. Suicide should work the first time.
Suicide is retarded and ****ing selfish.
I never understood why suicide is illegal. They need to get this woman some help, not chastise her. What the hell is the matter with this world? :|
Why is it illegal? I dont know, all I know is more people die from alcohol related illness and cancer caused by cigarrettes than all the illegal drugs combined so..maybe cause we cant set up a booth right beside a cliff and charge people as they jump? How on earth would we regulate that?
You know what? Shut the **** up.


All I meant is that if she doesn't want to live then fair enough, but to be honest, she's tried what... four times? And failed every time. She's obviously not trying hard enough.
I know this is missing the point, but from a practical viewpoint: How do you enforce a law like this? I'm betting there are more rivers and railway tracks than any police force can patrol.

All I meant is that if she doesn't want to live then fair enough, but to be honest, she's tried what... four times? And failed every time. She's obviously not trying hard enough.

Seriously, it cant be hard. If you fail this many times, and you do it while people are around to rescue you, I think its just a call for attention.

****in attention whores.
Suicide is retarded and ****ing selfish.

Yes, but it's also sad and pathetic, and the poor woman needs help not some idiotic ban on her going in the rivers (I seriously don't understand the point of this at all). If she's attention whoring, this will give her more attention; if she's actually trying to kill herself, this will either make it worse or not affect it.
I just hope you people are joking.
If someone legitimately wants to kill themself and has tried this many times I see no reason to stop them. If no one has tried to help her by this point, or if that help hasn't succeeded, then I don't see why she should be stopped. Suicide is extremely selfish, but it's a personal choice. I think it's stupid, but if she's serious about it, let her. Shouldn't the individual have control over whether they live or die?

Sure it sucks for family and friends, but if you're serious about committing suicide, obviously those two things don't matter that much to you.
Holy **** is he bad at attempting suicide! :laugh: Next time use a gun or something. Please, it would make the world a better place so you don't have people risking their life to save yours. So please do it right the next time!
If you kill yourself, we'll have to put you in prison.

With logic like that, it's not surprising British prisons are full to bursting. Probably with corpses.
Why not just give her a gun? She seems to WANT to die, so if she doesn't opt to shoot herself, we know she's just wanting attention and we can just ignore her.
So what, if at first you don't succeed, give up?

Also, how the **** is suicide selfish?
Because if you kill yourself, you're also screwing up the lives of those that love you.

Although in your case, I can see your point.
Because if you kill yourself, you're also screwing up the lives of those that love you.

Although in your case, I can see your point.

Pretty much.

Killing yourself ****s up other people's lives who actually care about you.
No, suicide is a selfish act. Here are my reasons:
  1. People who commit suicide also kill their loved ones. Just like that wrestler that died recently.
  2. People who attempt suicide need people to bail their asses out. Those people are risking their lives for that pos.
  3. They don't care about that person that saved them but actually hates the very thing that person did.
  4. They don't care about the grief about family members finding their loved one dead in a gruesome way. This destroys families, friendships, and may bring about more suicides.
  5. I'm sort of religious (I think there is a God...kinda...in fact I don't even know my religion, but who cares) but I do think God wants you to be alive. That's why you are on Earth in the first place. You serve a purpose and it's your job to serve that purpose. Whether you end up welding for a living or finding a cure for cancer, you have a goal in life.
  6. We all have turmoil in our lives. God allways puts you through tests to see how you will come out of it. By taking the easy way out is selfish. Like my mom always said: "God gave you lemons so you make lemonade". Think outside the box and get creative! Don't just sit there and plan out how to kill yourself! Either you do it right or you don't. Our society is decaying because a lack of that thus the emo's.
  7. Finally, I don't think they are thinking of the traumatic shock of an innocent bystander watching them commit suicide. Now the poor person has to remember that sight of you falling to death and go see a shrink.
So weird how the most secular forum I know has such a big problem with something as simple as suicide. You people never fail to amaze me!
The no experience thing is invalid; if my opinion says that you shouldn't commit murder, the fact that I know nobody who has been murdered or is a murderer does not invalidate my opinion.
Sea, you can't argue that suicide is not selfish. It hurts, at the very least, the poor bastard that has to scrape up your remains will be scared. Do not be fooled, ambulance/police/firemen do not "get used to it". Not to mention when you next of kin has to come and ID whats left of you, thats gotta be a laugh right?

But don't worry, because your dead, so its dosen't effect you only everyone who has to deal with it. No suicide isn't a selfish option at all?

Oh, and you seem to be trying to come across that none of us know what its like to be suicidal, and you do cos you've got cool, emo depression or something. We are not 15 year old girls, this does not impress us. If you really are suicidal, go and do it, preferably in such a way that you arn't a bloody heap that they have to collect with a shovel to show your family. If your not, then stop telling everyone that we don't know what its like and you do.

Oh, and the woman in the OPs story is epic fail, almost to the point of win, but not.
It's their choice. It is YOUR choice if you want to get strung out over their decision to quite IRL. It's not selfish because YOU are making YOU sad. Period.
So you are telling me that if your mother died, you would not be upset because you can realise that its just your mind making you upset and over rule it? Congrats, but the vast majority do not have the magical ability you claim to have, and as such, in tragic circumstances, have no choise but to feel the pain, which is forced upon them.

Physical pain is just a mental reaction. If someone was beating you up to make themselves feel good, would you say that was not selfish, because you are choosing to feel that pain?
sea - You've got issues man. You're very wrong. It's just a shame you don't know how wrong you are, but never mind.
Because my opinions are founded on experience as opposed to being pulled from thin air? Please tell me otherwise, because I'd like to understand your point of view.
You think you know so much because ... ?

I've had friends kill themselves, it's not a great thing to go through. Seeing the distress of their families, even to this day ... that sort of thing will stay with them till they die.
I've had suicidal feelings myself, when i've been at a loose end and wanted an easy escape. It's nothing but a cowards way out. That's all it is.

I don't understand how you can dress it up as anything else. I'm in favour of someone making a poll asking whether suicide is selfish or not, just to show you how deluded you are.
Doing something for your own gain which will "harm/upset/in some way worsen the life of another" is the very defenition of being selfish.

I must ask, just quickly, how being calous about a woman who would devistate her own family for her own gain, makes me selfish? Terrible? Ok. Heartless? Sure. But selfish? But lets suppose I am selfish (actually, every single thing anyone ever did was a selfish act, but thats for another thread), so what? I didn't say I'm not selfish, I just said that she is. The fact that I am prepared to joke about it in a way she will never know about is probobly worse than her trying to do something that will effect her family forever.

But I digress, I think we should settle this selfish thing so the debate can move onwards, so I prepose a question:
This is what is going to happen to the people around her as a direct result of her suicide:
Her family will be crushed, distressed etc etc
The poor paramedics etc that have to scrape her up will be scarred for life. Find anyone whose job ever involves horrific deaths and ask them if it ever gets easy(er)

Now, given that I have given a clear example of what a selfish act is, can you or can you not accept that killing herself would be a selfish act?
Selfish: concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others. I got 3 words for you sea: suck it up. I wanna tell you a personal story. Way back in the Fall of 1998 I suffered many losses. I lost my dog, cats, I even watched my poor hampster die before going to school and then had to go to school all at age 11. I loved my grandpa very much. He had prostate cancer among other things. A very nice man who raised his kids from the ghetto's of Waltham, MA and survived communist Russia. He noticed his days were limited. I would visit him and he would have pain all the time in his feet (he had galt syndrome) and would walk on crutches. He prepared his suit so when he would die, he would be ready. He also prepared his will (something a suicidal person won't). Then he was admitted to the hospital one day for the "no hope for cure" part of hospital. It was the last time I visited him. He told my mom to get me a college education and try and make me remember the good things, not him in pain. When he finally did die I didn't know. My stupid grandparents didn't want my parents to tell me because it would be such a grief. So when Thanksgiving came around I asked "where is grandpa?" Basically everybody dropped their forks and looked at me. This was weeks after the fact mind you. My mom told me and you basically get the point. In fact it was sort of in secret when they cremated him. They just didn't want to make me suffer the fact that my hero, my grandpa, had died. He never once complained of the pain too much and he was never grumpy and suicidal. He even asked my mom for pot once just to get over the pain. That is not selfish. Life is important and precious. You suck it up and move forward or you die like the wuss you are.
Krynn is right IMO. Its just too easy to kill yourself, and the fact that shes failed 4 times simply means that she is crying for attention. I mean, who tries to kill themselves in public like that? Certainly not someone who truly wants to die...
what point are you making, and who are you making it at?
I found it amusing that she was given an ASBO for this, until I realized that indefinitely ending your existence has more than a tinge of misanthropy about it. Nevertheless, ASBOs are to protect 'Social order' not people from their own Antisocial tendencies.
I know this is missing the point, but from a practical viewpoint: How do you enforce a law like this? I'm betting there are more rivers and railway tracks than any police force can patrol.
Sounds like a job for...
I actually agree with Sea.
Tell me, people who think its selfish. Have you ever been in a suicidal situation? If yes, then continue to debate.
If No, you have no idea.
You all do realize that many (I'm generalizing, yes..) suicidal people are suicidal because one of their main beliefs is that they are alone. They often feel that there is not a single entity on this earth (or on any other) that cares enough to notice their absence. That's not selfish. It's horrifyingly sad. Oftentimes, suicidal people feel as though their death will actually "solve" problems for other people, not create more. Again... not selfish.

The act of selfishness, by the true meaning of the word, would indicate that a suicidal person actually cares more about themselves than any other. That couldn't be any farther from the truth. Most suicidal people care so little about themselves, they couldn't actually begin to understand the term.
