
It's from the upcoming film, "I, robot".
The commercial and all pictures on it are CGed.. Seems to be fake since Japan itself hasn't come up with those kind of robots , and everyone knows they r teh b1g r0b0 sk1llz0r d00ds.
PiMuRho said:
It's from the upcoming film, "I, robot".

Is it?

So that would be like the "<title>" kinda website all movies have?
Interesting. Gorgeous commercial, though ;). Love that slick, cold, blue-steel 3d look ;).
Thats interesting.. have a "fakey" feeling tho..

[edit] - I have a Matrix feeling about this too.. if it is real.
Yep.. Will Smith is the star and it comes out July 16th.. They sure faked me out with the July 16th thingy..
yea.....there is no price tags.....hehe oh wait.... 123,000,000.63 my bad thats the price