Rockstar game comes to PC

I bet it runs like a shit.
red dead was shit anyrate. not worth lookin forward to
I'm more interested in LA Noire than Grand Theft Equine. So, good news.
What's with all the hate for LA Noir and Red Dead? I thought they were both great. Granted I didn't get to finish LA Noir.
They're both great, and I'll buy LA Noire on PC, since I have RDR on PS3 already.
Red Dead Redemption, please. Although LA Noire also looks like a good game I feel like I'm really missing out with RDR :(
I played through LA Noire on PS3 and was BORED AS SHIT. The only interesting missions were the last two. Everything else felt like an utter slog and the whole "look at people's behavior to see if they are lying in an interrogation" bit was a load as well because it was either totally obvious or not evident at all. Mind you, I LOVE point-n-click adventure games that are story-heavy and rely on your skills at looking at the environment to solve puzzles and sifting through inventory to fit all the puzzle pieces together, but for whatever reason this was almost completely uncompelling. Some of the faces looked ****ing amazing though.

RDR on the other hand I would pay them $100 for on PC if they would just release it already. Don't think it is going to happen though. :(
I'll get Noire since I have no other way to play it. Disappoint at no announcement of RDR.
Red Dead Redemption was great, **** you guys! I've been waiting for it to come to PC forever. I find that I can never spend much time playing games on my Xbox 360.
I only ever play pc games, so this is great news for me! I'm just hoping they'll make it a F2P game, like so many others at the moment...Team Fortress, Battlefield Play4Free etc... c'mon La Noire!
Do you even know what LA Noir is? Isn't a SP game.