Rockstar mod in desperate need of a coder



Hello everyone

The Rockstar mod team is in desperate need of a coder. Many of our ideas have been given the green light by another coder, so we know that our ideas will work (he is also working on a prototype which i will explain later), so all we need is a coder that will be able to put them into effect.

About Rockstar
Rockstar is a newly created mod for the Half-Life 2 engine. It sees the player create a band from the ground up and manage their career. You can customize everything from the songs they play to the clothes they wear.

Start off in your garage and go about town to pick up as much talent as you want. Hire band members with varying talent from guitarists to drummers to vocalists and even keyboard players. Start writing songs or play covers of already famous songs. Start performing a few gigs at the pub and then sign an agent and start your career as superstars.

- Dynamic Composing System
The mod will feature a special feature which allows the player to create songs using context sensitive buttons that appear invisible over the surface of an instrument, and clicking on them will produce a sound which is recorded in a timeline. For example, on a drumkit (which that coder i mentioned before is working on) clicking on a snare drum will create the snare drum sound and record it in a timeline which can be saved and played back or performed at a concert. The coder I've been talking to (who is unfortunately too busy on another mod to help us out) says this can probably be done using VGUI, but I'll let the coder decide how to go about it.

This is not the only way a song can be written and added to your "portfolio". Like mentioned before, you can save pre recorded songs into your portfolio which can then be played at gigs. However, rather then going for the hard root as mentioend above, you can simply drag and drop pre recorded "slabs" of music (or for example, licks for guitars) onto a timeline for each instrument, thus slowly building up a song.

Both these featuers are a bit on the unkown side, and are thus open for change if they can't simply work.

Songs will be available in different genres, heavy/death metal, rock, country, blues, jazz etc. The initial release of the mod might only include a few genres, not sure yet.

- Money system
You will start the game off with a limited amount of money, enough for basic instruments and band member hire (a guitarist and a drummer...not sure yet if they will start the game with you, or if you have to hire them). You gain money for every gig you perform. Your first gigs (and possibly a few after that) will not cost anything to set up and you will get 100% profit. However when you get more famous you will need to pay for hiring of the location and for the sound and lighting crew, this will be subtracted out of your gig money after you perform and what you are left with will be yours to spend as you see fit. I was also thinking of having a special feature which allows you how much money to spend on sound and lighting so if your running low on cash you can use less people for sound and lighting, but your overall performance will drop due to bad sound and lighting quality.

Instrument shops will be available for you to spend your hard earned cash on that gleaming guitar you have seen in the window every time you pass. Every instrument will be brought this way with an exception to the drum kit which will be a module based system (so that the song making system works properly) so you will by each piece of the kit seperatly (this might change and you might be able to buy the whole kit all at once, depends on what the coder says will work better).

YOu can outfit your band with all sorts of clothing and acessories. You can't have a heavy metal band running around in suit pants and pocket protectors ;) . So instead, go out and buy chains, grow your hair long and get tight leather pants if thats what you want. It's up to you. Even make a KISS tribute band if you so desire. :p


They are just some of the features of the mod. If you have questions i will gladly answer them for you so don't hesitate to ask.

Now onto some of the work we have done :p .

That is our picture gallery on our mod's profile over at We have two concept logos, one concept picture and a model of a gibson les paul with two texture variations. More concepts are on the way however, so don't get worried about the lack of concepts. One of our concept artists is having problems with her scanner.

We also have a website up

and a forum

So there you go. If you have questions feel free to ask me about them.

If you are interested in the position, then PM me, email me at ([email protected]) or join our forums and there is a seperate subforum for joining the team, post there and I'll get back to you.

I look forward to hearing from some talented people.
Archnemisis - Rockstar mod Leader/Founder
This would make an interesting multiplayer game, to be honest. I'm not sure how you'd be able to rate songs in singleplayer, though.

Also, props for doing something unique.

-Angry Lawyer
Thanks for the feedback. It's good to hear a bit of encouragement. We have had a bit of a rough start with the mod (i.e. people not believing it could work, no support etc).

As for multiplayer, this thought past through my mind several times, the original mod idea was to have an online jam session where you could form a band with others. This could maybe still happen, but we will see.

@Angry Lawyer
I'm not sure if i mentioned song rating in the original post, but when you perform, basically you will play a sort of game (click all the lights when they flash or something...preferably something musical orientated). Then if you fail to do well in the game, your performance will go down therefore meaning less money. So if you get a certain percentage in the game then you will get a better score then if you got a lower percentage. Depending on what score you got (these scores will probably fall into categories or something along the lines of "Unreal", "Sick", "Groovy", "So-So", and "S**thouse" lol nah not sure about the last one, but they will be the ratings or we will use a system like that), you will get varying amounts of money. These will probably be coded into the game as certain amounts depending on where you perform. For example, if you get a rating of "Sick" and your performing at your local pub you might earn $75 ($100 for a rating of "Unreal" or something), but later in the game if you earn a rating of "Sick" but your performing in a stadium full of people, you might earn $350 000 (minus what you owe for the location and for your crew the end you might only get $300 000).

Hopefully you can understand that. Most of the features we will try to tiptoe around and get the "easier" alternative to getting them in game.

Just to let everyone know, the coder position is still open.

Also, if your interested in the mod then join us on our forums and talk about the mod or be the first to get the latest information about it becuase we post there when something new has happened or some new media is available.

More concepts are on the way however, so don't get worried about the lack of concepts.
Well thank **** for that, you should really work on concept art! It's the most important part!
Lol yes I am aware of that. One of our artists is focusing on more promotional stuff (i.e. banners, posters etc) he also said he had a picture in mind, but I won't spoil it for you ;) .

Oh other concept artist is having problems getting a scanner that works, so we will have to wait for her art.
Focus on the social side a mod where you could import music would bring. Think of it like myspace, but with added 3D bandfolk. I think that would make for a much more long-lived project than one that's similar to Dance Dance Revolution.

-Angry Lawyer
Thats already in. It's going to be like a sort of "Sandbox" mode, but you would just import your songs in and the band would play it. You would begin by selecting what genre it is, and then you would import it (selecting the gerne would load the corresponding band...for example if you select heavy metal, when you play your song, the band would be full of heavy metal rockers etc).