Rofl Waffles

That has to be the weirdest auction I've ever seen. My girlfriend's story about trying to sell a piece of paper on eBay in her journalism class doesn't even come close.
Arden said:
That has to be the weirdest auction I've ever seen. My girlfriend's story about trying to sell a piece of paper on eBay in her journalism class doesn't even come close.
You obviously never have seen the ebay auction "32 inches of toenails ripped off by my teeth" then
I need to do something like that..something weird so people can give me free money so I can finally get my car fixed... :(
ahahahahahahahahahahaha this is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Weapons of mass carbohydrates!
Bwahaha - the best bit is the question from another member:

Q: I am very intrigued by these wtf muffins. Would it be possible to purchase a batch of them?

Edit- even better:
Q: I had n00dles ph0r d1nner.

A: k. n00dlors r healthy!

"n00dlors" ftw
What is very strange is that they have the exact same plates as me. It MUST be a ufo!
i haven't laughed that much for a long time. Super-Sayan LOLLerscatter!
holy shit, sixty bucks now? it was at 12.50 when i saw it a few days ago.
Who'll be the first to make a living as an eBay Comedian?

Hell, you could set up a business selling comedy junk.
Get ten underlings working at terminals for 12 hours a day, inventing hilarious non-auctions at a rate of 100 per hour. You'd make a killing.
gah, is it bad I found this highly amusing?

It looks like he wrote ROFL on there with a ball point pen.
look at the microwave, he has it set at 13:37....very funny wow
lol i cant believe people are making money off this crap. I think im going to make a living off selling stupid items on ebay.