Rogue Threat - New Site and Media Update


Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
In an act to raise publicity towards Rogue Threat, a Modification that tells the story of Half-Life 2 in the eyes of a Combine Soldier, the team has released a very impressive update including several rendered models and a screenshot of a map called "stranded".[br]

[br]As an addition to the update, the team would like to introduce their brand new, flash website created by a few members. The website is pretty heavy on the downloads, so if you are still on dial-up, they have an option to view the website in HTML format only. The brand new website can be found here.
Weapon looks a lot like Halo 2's Assault Rifle, and pistol looks like Sam Fischer's pistol. Then again, what doesn't these days :LOL:

Blurry map screenshot :|
I like the sound of this mod, deployable manhacks FOR THE WIN! haha

good luck with the project :D
Has anyone else noticed the FN2000 is nicknamed the Llama? :bounce: .:E
Pesmerga said:
Weapon looks a lot like Halo 2's Assault Rifle, and pistol looks like Sam Fischer's pistol. Then again, what doesn't these days :LOL:

Blurry map screenshot :|

If you swapped those descriptions (as it actually is the rifle used in splinter cell) then you win the prize!
Weapon looks a lot like Splinter cells Assault Rifle, and pistol looks like Master Cheifs pistol.

What do I win!?
a slap to the face....make your own mod or dont abuse the hard work of other people
IMHO it looks badass
The rifle is a F2000, a real weapon created by the makers of the P90, used to create consistancy with the HL2 world (since the origional HL2 used a bullpup design OICW). The Pistol is a H&K USP Compact .45, a popular law enforcement pistol. Both weapons are taken from life and are not based after any game specificly, notice how the HL2 SMG is a H&K MP7 PWD, modifed to the likes of the HL2 creators. And aeroripper, if you noticed, the update mainly focuses on the release of a new site that has not been updated in a long time, showing new progress around the mod. Anyway, thanks for the replys, hope to see some of you guys at the forums.

Edit: The compression of the screenshots if from, not RT, they have alot of bandwith used daily so they have to compress their images more, clearer shots can be seen on the Rogue Threat site.

Lead Developer of Rogue Threat
Tight-ass Llama said:
a slap to the face....make your own mod or dont abuse the hard work of other people
IMHO it looks badass

Did I say a single thing to the mod :| ....
Looking at the details section of the website, I think I can safely say that it is the most insane thing I have ever read. :p

website said:
Both humans and Combine use Bi-Dimensional warping to travel quickly within their dimension. It is assumed that the Judith Mossman leaked the designs of Eli’s bi-dimensional warp to the Combine but the Combine has yet to master its execution. The Bi-Dimensional warps are teleports that are made up out of 3 components. There are the Transfer Stations, the Receiving Stations and the Slingshot Boarder Worlds. Bi-Dimensional travel starts by 2 teleports (technically identical, however one designated as a Transmitter and one as a Receiver) that modify dimensional Strings by bombarding the space-time fabric within an enclosed space with resonating waves of pulsating radiation. This is accomplished by spinning rings surrounding the teleporting subject that emit minor radiation in a rhythmic pulse that slows the patterns of Strings in turn causing the stretching of space-time fabric very thin (slowly causing mass to become massless and causing a singularity portal) until a rift is created into a boarder world. This is the process of creating the trans-dimensional properties of a black hole without ever having to create infinite mass to reach infinite curvature of space-time. The second component to Bi-Dimensional warping is transfer to the designated boarder world to ‘slingshot’ back to the location of the receiving teleport. This is handled by the receiving teleport doing the exactly same procedure of the transmitting teleport without the dimensional travel, simply dimension tearing takes place. Due to the boarder dimension being intersected with others, there is no real ‘location’ of the dimension physically compared to the ‘earth’ dimension since the ‘Xen’ dimension (for example) is another plain of reality (dimension) so physical location is not important, location can be dialed in regardless of earthly location. This allows the transmitting teleport to transmit its subject into the boarder world at any location it pleases using mathematical locaters. Once the subject is in the boarder world, the receiving teleport witch has opened a rift in the exact location forces the subject to travel back to the same dimension with no real ‘time’ passing giving the illusion no second dimension was never traveled to. The entire process takes very large amounts of energy to power the radioactive bombardiers.

Samon said:
Did I say a single thing to the mod :| ....

I doubt the mod would say anything to you even if you did...
SixThree said:
I doubt the mod would say anything to you even if you did...

I meant toward the mod, I guess my wording could have been better :p

"Hi are you?"


Y'all did have a point though.
That gun up there is supposed to be a combine technology weapon, according to the site, but it looks exactly like the SC gun.

I'm not trying to be a rude, but it's all just got a weird vibe.