
Newbie and the alternate spellings are often used for one of two different meanings. Newbie is usually used to refer to a new person who has recently joined the group of bored, and is a rank default on InvisionFree forums. Several alternate spellings and occasionally the original word, are used to refer to a member who is generally unwanted or disliked in the community, and is often used as part of Trolling or Flaming..

So i can call whoever i want a noob. Even thou im a 06. Troll!

But still, if i only had joined a couple of days earlier...
Um, I, I don't even know where to start with you. I mean, do you even know who you're talking to? Do you have any idea, any idea who I am? Basically, kind of a big deal.
Hi i'm Kane(**** you if you make fun of it)

I like games
I like music
I like to watch videos
I want to *blank* your brains out
Go to hell
I'm sure they'll love you
I never said for the older members to state their names.

I said last few months.
Hi i'm Kane(**** you if you make fun of it)

I like games
I like music
I like to watch videos
I want to *blank* your brains out
Go to hell
I'm sure they'll love you
A)Willie **** you i didin't really chose my name did i?
B)Fusion i'm sure you liked watching it
Expect more posts from me with this new seizure inducing avatar.

I am Derek.
This is a now a 'give out your personal information thread'.

I request your SSN's.
I'm Raziaar.

I'm pretty stupid. Trying to get smart.

I think there was a movie recently released detailing my quest.
Me Azner
Me like to be asian.
Me lol ror and herro and reprace l with r