Ron Paul warns of staged terror attack

U.S. Terror Attack - 'Ninety Days at Most'

Jul 02 10:20:33 2007
Counterterrorism expert Juval Aviv spoke with FOX Fan Central about what Americans can do to protect themselves in case of a terror attack.

Do you believe another terrorist attack is likely on American soil?

I predict, based primarily on information that is floating in Europe and the Middle East, that an event is imminent and around the corner here in the United States. It could happen as soon as tomorrow, or it could happen in the next few months. Ninety days at the most.,2933,161962,00.html
DUDE! How awesome, because I watched a video on youtube were he would be cited in an interview, that he didn't share (all?) of Alex Jones' views and clearly stated he didn't believe the 9/11 were a false flag operation...But now I see, what he said on Alex' show prbbly weighs more, since if such a clever mans says that...I mean, ron paul is a true patriot (well, at least he won't wipe his bottom with the constitution and civil liberties) and is pro non-intervention policy, and says the US policy invited the 9/11 attacks, then he just HAS to know the government was *complicit* with the attacks, which is something he never was asked...I doesn't believe in mihop-theories, but judging by his replies to interviewers' questions, he always just replies in regard to mihop-theories, he never actually stated, that the government was innocent...if he did that, he would lose a heck lot of votes, anyway...

USA - The new facist superpower. Scary...

Heck, make that nazist. If GWB becomes a dictator I would not put it above him to put muslims in concentration camps.

Well, its definatly seems like Osama Bin Laden has won. 9/11 has been used to remove waaay to many rights for the americans. I do not think 9/11 was something the US goverment did, but I do think its possible that they where aware that it was going to happen and ignored it. Kinda lika pearl harbour.

make it PNAC. It IS a new pearl harbour, and really, in 2002, David Cross realized something my dad, whom I am ashamed off being a total selfish autist and prejudicial islamophobe, hasn't realized in six years...
David Cross' views are expressed by this: "America was targeted for attack because it is the brightest becon of liberty and freedom."
-"Liberty? What liberty???"
He's an isolationist and a neo-liberal who wants to remove the income tax completely.

Nothing for me, thanks.
If it was staged then it would of most likely been the by the hand of international bankers involving compartments of the military industrial complex, but it's blatantly obvious that at least part of the official conspiracy theory is BS.

You just have to watch what happened closely.

I HATE to doublepost here, but I couldn't wait for someone to post...
Are you suggesting, the wtc was bombed? Because that's exactely what I think, I didn't make any conclusions based video footage as of yet, but as for the witness accounts, they are highly intriguing, so I am afraid SOMEBODY had his hands in this, now we know NORAD stood down, but maybe a third factoin is in this...
I think Silverstein was warned off, I mean, he and his children had schedule changes JUST in the morning of 9/11, removing them from the danger zone :eek:...
But also I am afraid, that the israeli are in this as well...
Of course, Israel made some profit out of this all, although, given the fact that they couldn't have infiltrated the american air defense organizations and the most profit had only been claimed by the government itself, I don't think we should assume that they actually engineered it...
I heard that the israeli prime Minister at the time had a prepared paper to be read on bbc in the morning of 9/11, and as the attacks unfolded, he would read that paper, and talk about terrorist and muslim dangers...coincidence?
I think there was something like a israeli spy circle, and it doesn't suprise me the mossad had information on this whole coup, but who didn't?
If the italians knew about impending attacks, then mossad, the best intelligence service on the world must have had at least the same information, or more...
What bothers me is, that now a antisemite faction unfolds, dubbing itself being antizionist, speaking of zionist, but mostly just saying "it was the jews" all over again...
While I don't like the israeli aggression displayed in their political behaviour, and the way they TOY around with the palestinians, this wouldn't be an excuse for me to gain anger on them in turn...
I am a pacifist; I know there always will be wars, and of course, it might be israel manufactured it after all, but at the moment cheney and bush are the biggest concern, and after all, anything that leads to israeli intelligence circles will immediately adapted by a group of people, talking about how the zionist jews blew up the world trade ctr, to invade Iraq, destroy american citizens' civil liberties, get grip of saddam's oil....
OH! Oh waita sec, now THAT wasn't them, right? ^^
As I said, I think the...well, the mossad wouldn't have had a reason to stop the attacks, if they could have done anything about it...I guess, israeli interests are crippling the US policies, and they might have infiltrated some of the organizations, which would be quite easy, and maybe not even necessary to gain power of american foreign policies, because Israel already does, but unless they infiltrated al quaeda, there's nothing they could have done themselves...
Well, to calm myself down, I think among the parties, that warned the US were intelligence circles all around the world, which included israel.
If it turns out they released less infos on the US, which wouldn't use them anyway, just what they did with every other information they had, this makes them suspicious.
But as far as i can recall, they actually warned them...
You know, I think they were in the "italy, egypt, france, germany" gang,
all of them had tried to inform the US. Ergo, SAVE them. So, if the mossad actually told the Us, that they had al quaida, and there was some activity going on, this should give them a fresh start, because something like holding this info back would help making the attacks more and more inevitable, while the US government after all was still to have the last word...which was "get me some wargames here, ditch that clinton memo there, hold that fbi agent back, don't get that phoenix memo out," and what-not...

He's an isolationast and a neo-liberal who wants to remove the income tax completely.

Nothing for me, thanks.

Lol, reminds me of my dad...(he's a tax advisor and develops tax systems for ukip *advertizes*)
I wish there was a smiley that banged itself into a concrete wall. I've seen it elsewhere, but not here, though.
Quote, "White House preparing to stage new September 11 - Reagan official

RIA Novosti

20/07/2007 13:58 WASHINGTON, July 20 (RIA Novosti) - A former Reagan official has issued a public warning that the Bush administration is preparing to orchestrate a staged terrorist attack in the United States, transform the country into a dictatorship and launch a war with Iran within a year.

Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, blasted Thursday a new Executive Order, released July 17, allowing the White House to seize the assets of anyone who interferes with its Iraq policies and giving the government expanded police powers to exercise control in the country.
That must be like the time you said Bush will do another terror attack within 90 days at most, I think that was 4 months ago now. Or maybe like the time Bush would do an attack in October right before the mid-term elections:

Then again what do I know, I'm a government agent looking to bring you down. I know where you live kathaksung, I warn you to stop posting this.
Yeah, kathaksung posts predicted terrorist attacks every month.
Then a snowstorm happens in Alaska, and he tells everyone that the government engineered it because he booked a cruise there (with his wife who works for the Feds) and that he predicted it accurately.

Of course he won't respond to these posts, and if he does it will be an ad hominem attack whinging about you being in cahoots with the Feds and trying to stifle debate (when in fact it is him who stifles debate by not participating in any meaningful or reciprocal way).

If you dare challenge his posts, you are a "stone-thrower".
Yeah, kathaksung posts predicted terrorist attacks every month.

Have you ever accused this to your boss?

Quote, "Al-Qaida Plans Nuclear Attacks on 7 U.S. Cities
NewsMax Wires

Seasoned investigative reporter and former FBI consultant Paul Williams reveals the alarming potential for nuclear terrorism on U.S. soil and the sinister connections among organized crime, illegal immigrants, and al-Qaida.

Recently, FBI Director Robert Mueller, in an interview with NewsMax, confirmed Williams' main claim. Mueller said al-Qaida's paramount goal is clear: to detonate a nuclear device that would kill hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Williams maintains that al-Qaida is not content on blowing up one nuclear device or even simply a "dirty" nuke - but wants to explode real nuclear devices in seven U.S. cities simultaneously
Kat, you seem to be here now, so do you play the videogame "Half Life 2"?
He's an isolationist and a neo-liberal who wants to remove the income tax completely.

Nothing for me, thanks.

He's not a neo-liberal...he's a classical liberal in the true sense of the word. He's a libertarian.

Ron Paul could quite possibly be the best thing that ever happened to modern politics.
He's not a neo-liberal...he's a classical liberal in the true sense of the word. He's a libertarian.

Ron Paul could quite possibly be the best thing that ever happened to modern politics.
Neo-liberalism and libertarianism is the same thing.

Liberalism has since John Stuart Mill been roughly divided into Social Liberalism and Libertarianism, and both appeared, along with Socialism, as a protest against the old society. To say one is more "classic" than another is not true.
Neo-liberalism and libertarianism is the same thing.

Liberalism has since John Stuart Mill been roughly divided into Social Liberalism and Libertarianism, and both appeared, along with Socialism, as a protest against the old society. To say one is more "classic" than another is not true.

The United States of America was founded on the principles of libertarianism/classical liberalism, predating John Stuart Mill.
The two are similar, granted, but neo-liberalism is a new concept which revolves around the revival of classical liberalism. Unfortunately, by association of its proponents, it's also tainted by social conservatism and interventionist foreign policy.

Libertarianism is, quite simply, about maximum freedom. The state shall not interfere in your personal life OR the economy.
9-11-2007- WHAT'S GOING ON?

September 11, 2007 at 09:58:57

Going into Labor Day weekend, there were lots of rumors anticipating a false flag operation, another 9-11. Trainloads of armored vehicles rolled into Houston. The San Francisco Bay bridge closed for three days. Suspicious activity was reported on ferries in Puget Sound. Ominous civil defense exercises are being held in Oregon, as part of Operation Noble Resolve, which also involves military jets flying over New York. An antiaircraft division is ordered to Washington DC.

We made it through the holiday safely.
Then last Wednesday, Congressman Paul Gillmor (R-OH) was found dead in his home. This was reported as a heart attack, until word leaked out that he had blunt trauma to the head and neck. <> Now we're being told he fell down the stairs. Gillmor was investigating a series of option trades that are suspicious- someone is betting billions of dollars that the market will fall 50% by September 21st. Even with the housing crisis, it would take a major catastrophe, like a "terrorist" attack, to precipitate such a plunge. As part of his job on the House Finance Committee, Gillmor was investigating this deal. Was he murdered because he was about to reveal something?

Would this death, on top of the deaths of Senators Wellstone and Carnahan, and the anthraxing of Senators Daschle and Leahy, have a chilling effect on people in Congress? Maybe that's why they're "spineless".

Now we learn that on August 30th, six nuclear warheads were "accidentally" shipped by B-52 from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. (Five arrived, did one get "lost"? Or is someone unable to count?) This violates all military procedure, which requires that nuclear weapons always be shipped on the ground in the continental US, so that if there's an accident, a bomb detonation won't occur. It would take an order from the Commander-in-Chief to put nukes on a plane.

The warheads were reportedly fastened to cruise missiles, which have a range of 1500-2000 miles. Not enough to cross the Atlantic, but enough to hit cities in the US as part of a false flag operation. This scenario is being claimed by "military investigators" on the Hal Turner show, and is making its way around the internet. It's being said the plan was to hit 5 American cities with nuclear weapons over Labor Day weekend in order to install martial law. If so, we have been saved by the grace of God, operating through loyal American whistleblowers, who made the "accidental shipment" of nuclear warheads public.

Now we are told that the entire Air Force will stand down on September 14th, for overhaul and review of procedures. <> Our skies will be unguarded for a day, and our vulnerability has been announced to the whole world. It's an open invitation to America's enemies to attack us. The last stand-down, unannounced ahead of time, took place on Sept 11, 2001. What's planned for Sept. 14th, 2007? Oddly enough, El Al, the Israeli airline, will not be flying planes that day either.

What is going on? One of my most anti-conspiracy friends says he believes it's a giant conspiracy. What do you think? and how can we nip it in the bud?

Let us pray that honest, conscientious, loyal Americans will abort whatever evil plot is in the works, just as someone "outed" the nukes on the B 52 on August 30th. Let us remember that many such evil plots have been headed off- the fourth plane that did NOT hit Congress or the White House 6 years ago (which would have initiated martial law) , the anthrax that did NOT wipe out the whole Senate (thanks to alert postal workers and doctors at the Communicable Disease Center), the lie about "yellowcake from Niger" that was exposed by Ambassador Joe Wilson (at great cost to his wife Valerie Plame, and to all of us who were being protected by her undercover CIA network), and many others.

What to do? Talk about the Sept 14th stand-down and your suspicions, write about it, protest about it. The truth will set us free. God is with us, with We the People. We are being threatened with great harm by those in power who are supposed to be serving us. If we shed enough light, if we make enough noise, if we love our country and our planet, we will finally be able to overthrow the pirates who have hijacked our ship of state, and bring them to justice.

Impeachment now!
In the name of the God of truth and justice, Carol Wolman
Puget Sound, that's the place mentioned in World of Conflict from which the Americans launched capture Soviet anti-shit missiles to slow the Chinese navy down so they can retake Seattle. Crap, maybe Kathaksung is on to something here?

Bah, anyways, Kathaksung, I will asking untill I get an answer to this question: Do you play the video game "Half Life 2"?