roommate problems? //rant


Dec 7, 2004
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Its close to the end of school and im about to murder my roommate in his sleep. THere is so much unsaid tension in this room i can barely breathe. Just now, im listening to music and hes playing a game (sound off naturally, its polite). Then i left the room for quite litterally 30 seconds, and i return to find my music lowered and his volume turned on. There's also the fact that he started to wake up at the same time i do. He didnt before, but just started, which now makes it a 'race' to the only shower on our floor. I also feel like he tries to impress me, with his cell phone, because whenever he calls someone who isnt his girlfriend, hell always put them on speaker, as if to let me know that hes not calling her. Youd have to know him for it to really make sense.
I started to ignore him for a month or two to try and make it go away. But now he ignores me too (on top of stealing my ignore idea, he also steals phrases that i say), So our conversation has dropped to nil. Here's an example:
him: how was your day?
Those are pretty much the extent of our conversations now, or just flat our ignoring the subject:
me:mr. lingle is suck an a**hole he runs us too much and we never get to practice
plus he does everything at the same time as me, which is really freaking annoying. Ill brush me teeth, and start to go to bed and so will he, when i wake up he wakes up, when i leave for class so does he, if we have the period off before lunch, then hell wait for me to leave, for the love of god you can do something on your own. Now hes playing my game, HL1, and every 10 seconds keeps asking me to tell him how to beat some part, or if he should do this or that. Jesus man, its a game just do something and stop asking so many questions. Am i the only one with this problem?
The list goes on and on...this is just a small sample.
i smell....... a really cool roommate!!!!

EDIT: WHAT! how did i get 2 warnings!!!!!!
my sister's roomate was pretty much the same way yours is... i guess the only solution is to kick your roomate out or to talk to him/her ;)
Darkknighttt said:
i smell....... a really cool roommate!!!!

EDIT: WHAT! how did i get 2 warnings!!!!!!
Spam, and the lowest is 2. You only have one warning but its worth 2 points.
Maybe you should just be glad you have someone looking up to you I guess.

Darkknighttt, it's because of your spamming.
when hes asleep pour boiling hot tea over him it will stick to his skin and boil him casuing a great deal of pain, as he cannot tell what is going on hit him with an axe to the head (double points for headshots you see)

when hes dead simply hide the dead body in a tall conveniantly sized locker, if any1 asks just reply "its just a box"
Are you sure you're not just living with a ... mirror?

Anyway, relax. I've had much worse. I failed college partly because of my roommate. We rent an apartement together and decided to split the rent in half. I payed for my education myself so I had to work almost everyday after class. I had a very though life, while he used to sit home, smoke pot all day, break stuff, make crazy arguments with his girlfriend, put the tv on in the middle of the night on max volume, and generally not care about bothering me. Then, one day, he was at work and I was studying in my room, and the landlord is at the door. He tells me rent hasn't been payed for two months and asks what's going on. I didn't have a clue - the appartement was on my roommate's name and I gave him my part every month. Turns out my roommate also had a gambling problem and wasted all our rent on poker machines for the last two months. I almost had a fight with him later that week (even though he's much taller than me), but in the end I just moved out and let him deal with all the rent problems. I still see him every now and then, he hasn't changed much.

So relax, it could be worse.
Well you should organise your next year so you don't spend any more time with him, get a new room, new roomate, or live by yourself (probably more harmonious to live alone :p).

For the short term, you should probably confront him, just say "if you've got a problem with me, just tell me, don't go acting with this immature charade"
Also tell him you need your privacy and space.

Lock your bedroom door, vary your waking up and going to bed patterns so he can't follow. Do everything to confuse him, and would make his sleeping patterns too difficult to follow yours.

I did all that and I live quite harmoniously with my roommates now, sometimes they fight each other at 3am, but I have earplugs :P

Best way is to confront problems. I said if they want to make problems with me, I can make worse problems for them. Worked for me, but maybe that's because they fear me, bwahaha.
one of my housemates has just turned bizzare this semester, the other 4 all agree, first off his room smells like shit, and i mean fcuking reaks, i went out to the shops yesterday and i could tell he'd got up, comeout of his room and walked to the kicthen and back, and not gone downstairs just because when i walked along the same route i nearly gagged it smelled so bad. then he'll come home and just open his door and let the smell waft through the house (we close it when he goes out cause it smells so bad) - with my door being right next to his i either have to appear antisocial and close it or spray odour neutraliser every half hour to prevent my room smelling as bad as his

he also has now started to lock himself in his room for hours, and i mean hours, he sometimes will get up and have a shower at 3pm, then he'll lock his door and not appear til 2am when he's hungry or something, get some food and wake everyone else up by setting the fire alarm off (i mean FFS who makes freaking TOAST in the grill anymore?????) - then go back in his room and watch south park til 5am with the bass still turned up

thats not it though, he blatently doesn't turn up to the lectures on his course that i do go to and then expects me to relay what i learned during the day to him so he doesn't have to actually make any effort to go to uni

dammit i needed to rant there, sorry everyone:upstare:
the_lone_wolf said:
one of my housemates has just turned bizzare this semester, the other 4 all agree, first off his room smells like shit, and i mean fcuking reaks, i went out to the shops yesterday and i could tell he'd got up, comeout of his room and walked to the kicthen and back, and not gone downstairs just because when i walked along the same route i nearly gagged it smelled so bad. then he'll come home and just open his door and let the smell waft through the house (we close it when he goes out cause it smells so bad) - with my door being right next to his i either have to appear antisocial and close it or spray odour neutraliser every half hour to prevent my room smelling as bad as his

he also has now started to lock himself in his room for hours, and i mean hours, he sometimes will get up and have a shower at 3pm, then he'll lock his door and not appear til 2am when he's hungry or something, get some food and wake everyone else up by setting the fire alarm off (i mean FFS who makes freaking TOAST in the grill anymore?????) - then go back in his room and watch south park til 5am with the bass still turned up

thats not it though, he blatently doesn't turn up to the lectures on his course that i do go to and then expects me to relay what i learned during the day to him so he doesn't have to actually make any effort to go to uni

dammit i needed to rant there, sorry everyone:upstare:

Urgh that's terrible. Do you ever go in his room? He might be habouring corpses or unpleasant things in there.

Anyway as I said above, confronting the people is the only way to do it really, you can't suffer in silence. If needed, have all of your roomates confront him, although it's probably better one person do it first. Try to be nice and fair, but stern. Tell him if he has any problems, you can talk to him. Mention the awful smell, but don't describe it as shit, as you said.

People who have their music too loud in the night really pisses me off, it's no respect or thought for others. During the day I don't mind.
kirovman said:
Urgh that's terrible. Do you ever go in his room?
you're joking right? the other guys in the house try to avoid the halwway leading to our doors!!! - it's not a BO smell either, imagine you've run a marathon, now stuff the clothes you were wearing into a draw and leave them for a month, then take them out, thats the smell - we do occasionally go in ther while he's out to open the window and air it and to be honest it makes me feel physically ill - thankfully i'm off home next week for a month so i can breath easy again:D
People who have their music too loud in the night really pisses me off, it's no respect or thought for others. During the day I don't mind.
totally agree, in my house i have the loudest system, but once one of the guys is in bed it gets turned right down and i don't play games like HL2 where you have the thack thack thack of gunfire or anything
Just ask one day "what's this smell?" (as if you felt it for the first time). :]
that is one of the reasons why i do not want to dorn in college and just stay home....don't want to meat no weird roomates :dozey:
stinger.aim92 said:
Just ask one day "what's this smell?" (as if you felt it for the first time). :]
tried it doesn't work - it's like he doesn't care

even pete yelling "jesus this house smells like shit" down the hallway whilehis door is open doesn't do anything :x
the_lone_wolf said:
tried it doesn't work - it's like he doesn't care

even pete yelling "jesus this house smells like shit" down the hallway whilehis door is open doesn't do anything :x

Nope, I know that odd remarks or jokes don't work.

As I said, the best way is to actually ask them to have an actual talk about it, sensibly, shouting "it smells like shit" isn't going to work, he's just going to feel more alienated.

If talking to him doesn't work, try asking the university student services for advice.
Or wash jam all his clothes in the washing machine while he's away one day :laugh:

Sounds like you won't be in the same house as him for much longer...a couple of months maybe? By the sounds of it he'll be either failing this year or need to find some new friends.
yeah, for waht it's worth confronting him the feeling of unease would outweigh just living with it for the next couple of months, well 6 weeks really cause i won't be here for the next four - at least it's warm enough to keep my window open now:D
the_lone_wolf said:
yeah, for waht it's worth confronting him the feeling of unease would outweigh just living with it for the next couple of months, well 6 weeks really cause i won't be here for the next four - at least it's warm enough to keep my window open now:D

Heat always makes bad smells like that worse :x
the_lone_wolf said:
tried it doesn't work - it's like he doesn't care

even pete yelling "jesus this house smells like shit" down the hallway whilehis door is open doesn't do anything :x
All gang up on him, force him to have a proper shower and just go ape on his room until most of the stuff has been thrown out, if he doesn't like it, tell him to leave. He needs you more than you need him, you can _easily_ find someone else to take the room and his share of the rent, he wont easily find a new place to live. You've got the upper hand, and there's more of you than him. And you really shouldn't have to put up with something so gross. I used to live with a guy a bit like that, finally ended sortly before I left for the US, so I almost killed him in town he drove me THAT mad. Years later he finally called and apologised for everything heh.

Or brick his door up while he's in his room one day.

hey your students, im surprised you haven't thought of doing that to him yet :)
The Dark Elf said:
Or brick his door up while he's in his room one day.
haha, we were going to do the "cotton dripping in tracle laid in a web in front of the door so when he gets up he just walks into it:D:D:D
the_lone_wolf said:
haha, we were going to do the "cotton dripping in tracle laid in a web in front of the door so when he gets up he just walks into it:D:D:D
lol then quit talking about it and do it, we need photo's of the event :E:E:E hehehe.
I think you should kill a cat, mutilate its body, and shove it up the guy's nose.