Ropes Question


Jan 19, 2005
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Ok, I downloaded rope bridge tutorial and after watching it, I tried to recreate one of the traps in traptown that never made it into the game. Im talking about the metal pipe or beam swining on ropes and killing combine soldiers. I initially decided to create a test map just to see how it would work later on. I created two columns, a crate (physbox), two move_ropes, two keyframe_ropes, and two lengsconstraints. I set it up and it worked good so then I got an idea of making it so that when I shoot one the keyframe_ropes (attached to the crate), the ropes will break. For that, I went to keyframe_rope and said 'yes' for break option and also went to lengsconstraints options and tried to set up a trigger for it to break when I shoot. The only options I had in the trigger menu were: OnBreak, OnUser1, OnUser2, OnUser3, and OnUser4. I didn't know what OnUser ment but i selected it anyway (if anyone can tell me what it means, it will be very appreciated). So when I compiled and ran the game, neither did the rope break nor did the lengsconstraints break. Can someone help me out? Or give me a tutorial? Thank you!!!

PS: When I try to use sky_day01_08 for skybox texture, I get a white square at the bottom of my skybox... anyone knows how to fix it?
... why can't I edit my initial messege? Anyway, maybe its possible to create some sort of a link between my crate and lengthcontroller and break it off when I shoot it? Any suggestions?
It seems the "break" option on move_ and keyframe_ropes only work when it's hit with an explosion of some kind (grenade or rpg) , not with gunfire. Plus they don't have "OnBreak" outputs to trigger other things to happen.

I got around this by placing tiny (1x1x1) invisible cubes at each end of a rope, and making them func_breakables. I had a swinging thing, so one func_breakable was parented to the swinging object. Then when either breakable is shot, it sends a "Break" input to the rope, and a "break" input to the phys_lengthconstraint.

This means you have to shoot the end of the rope to get it to break, but otherwise it works pretty well.
I know this is an old topic, but the entity func_clip_vphysics appears made for this task. Make a brush that stops your swingy thing from, er, swinging, and then tie the breakable's break output to the clip_vphysics object's kill function. You don't need to parent your swingy thing, then. Don't know about your method, but this way resets itself at every round.

Sorry for all the jargon...