Rosa Parks Dead

Qonfused said:
I thought she died a long time ago.
Same 'ere. Jeez, all that stuff seems like a long time ago, but I guess it really wasn't :|
bryanf445 said:
errm, whats that supposed to mean? heh

I don't know, really. I just thought it sounded kind of mean. :|
Icarusintel said:
ummmm... ok, why should i care? everyone dies

Let me know when you pass U.S. History.

Rosa Parks left her mark on this country, although she may be gone the cause certainly isn't.
Cooper said:
Let me know when you pass U.S. History.

Rosa Parks left her mark on this country, although she may be gone the cause certainly isn't.
ummm... yes, i know what she did, I'm a damn history major in my junior year of college
i'm just wondering why i should care about her passing away, or anyone famous or important passing away for that matter, people die, get over it, i don;t see why it should be all over the news
and last i checked the whole civil rights movement panned out pretty well for minorities, so i don;t see any reason to renew the fervor
Icarusintel said:
ummm... yes, i know what she did, I'm a damn history major in my junior year of college
i'm just wondering why i should care about her passing away, or anyone famous or important passing away for that matter, people die, get over it, i don;t see why it should be all over the news
and last i checked the whole civil rights movement panned out pretty well for minorities, so i don;t see any reason to renew the fervor
Well it is just that in essence -news. If at the least it's a notification. Even if it was someone I despised (which in this case it's someone I have a lot of respect for) I'd still want to know what happened.
Its called respect. Being in VMI I figured you would understand that. Do they not say that any soldier who falls in combat deserves a final salute? She may not have been on a foreign battlefield but she played her part.

I'm not trying to put Rosa Parks on any giant pedestal but when somebody takes part in changing this country their passing should be noted. Thats why we have memorial day, to remember those who fought for others. In the same way, why shouldn't we show respect to someone who strived to see that America's own citizens are equal?
Cooper said:
Its called respect. Being in VMI I figured you would understand that. Do they not say that any soldier who falls in combat deserves a final salute? She may not have been on a foreign battlefield but she played her part.

I'm not trying to put Rosa Parks on any giant pedestal but when somebody takes part in changing this country their passing should be noted. Thats why we have memorial day, to remember those who fought for others. In the same way, why shouldn't we show respect to someone who strived to see that America's own citizens are equal?

Hear hear.
Rest in Peace, Rosa.

Damn, she lived a long time :)
I saw it on the news this morning. Very brave woman, it's hard to imagine that only a couple of decades ago black people had to sit in the back of the bus because of the colour of their skin.

Oh, and Icarusintel, wtf is your problem when people stop for a moment to think about what someone who died has done in his/her life? Surely you don't want to die with nobody giving a **** who you were and what you did?
mhm.... strange in germany we got in fights about who could sit in a the back of the bus :\

anyway yes a very brave women
Spicy Tuna said:
mhm.... strange in germany we got in fights about who could sit in a the back of the bus :\

In the states, at least in my childhood... all the cool kids sat in the back of the bus. People who sat in the front were generally the nerdy kids. So yes, generally the back seats were fought over.

I think it mainly stems from who can be the furthest away from the driver though, so he has a harder time seeing you.
Damn her, why did she have to get up.

She deserved it.

*pulls off white sheet hood*
Aw hell naw. :o

In the states, at least in my childhood... all the cool kids sat in the back of the bus. People who sat in the front were generally the nerdy kids. So yes, generally the back seats were fought over.

Happens here too. :p
Cooper said:
Its called respect. Being in VMI I figured you would understand that. Do they not say that any soldier who falls in combat deserves a final salute? She may not have been on a foreign battlefield but she played her part.

I'm not trying to put Rosa Parks on any giant pedestal but when somebody takes part in changing this country their passing should be noted. Thats why we have memorial day, to remember those who fought for others. In the same way, why shouldn't we show respect to someone who strived to see that America's own citizens are equal?


She was a hero, she sparked a movement that changed the world.
Icarusintel said:
ummm... yes, i know what she did, I'm a damn history major in my junior year of college
i'm just wondering why i should care about her passing away, or anyone famous or important passing away for that matter, people die, get over it, i don;t see why it should be all over the news
and last i checked the whole civil rights movement panned out pretty well for minorities, so i don;t see any reason to renew the fervor

if u don't care, why are u in here?
why bother posting...clearly, u do care.

anyway this woman did alot at a time where people needed a leader.
Rosa Parks was an even more extraordinary example for simply just being a totally normal person. A great example of how one person and one action can make a real difference.
Dr. Freeman said:
if u don't care, why are u in here?
why bother posting...clearly, u do care.

anyway this woman did alot at a time where people needed a leader.

He does care, he played the devil's advocate. I guess that's one way to attract attention. I won't take him serious anymore though.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
He does care, he played the devil's advocate. I guess that's one way to attract attention. I won't take him serious anymore though.
i don;t know why anyone ever did in the first place, unless it concerns games, i'm definitely serious then

Oh no! Trailer trash won't get educated! Tragedy!
^QFT, less idiots ull do the education system loads of good.
too bad another Rosa Parks type of role model hasn't come along yet...

and Kangy..those kids weren't "trailer trash"..nowadays,yes they would be, but back did as your parents told you to!

and you better believe in what they believed in as well or else you won a date with a leather strap in the tool shed..

ahh,the good old days.. :rolleyes:
watch the old videos of the little rock incident ....the majority are adults

oh and anyone know what "strange fruit" is?

here's a hint:

"Southern trees bear strange fruit, Blood on the leaves
and blood at the root"

from the Billy Holiday song
CptStern said:
oh and anyone know what "strange fruit" is?

here's a hint:

"Southern trees bear strange fruit, Blood on the leaves
and blood at the root"

from the Billy Holiday song
sounds like something we have at my family reunions
no you dont

no one?

well the song Strange Fruit refers to bodies of black men hanging from trees after being lynched during the height of the racism in the south

"Black bodies swingin' in the southern breeze, / Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees."

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