Rotating in 3ds max 8 :@


May 6, 2006
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I'm having trouble with rotating things in 3ds max (v8)
When I go to rotate something made of some things, like, something made of more than one object, it rotates them all separetely, and some of them dont do this..

How would I group objects together so that they dont do this?

BTW, if I have spelt things really badly, its because I have been sucking at everything lately, and I dont know why :)
by default max uses the "pivot center" of each object to rotate them individually in a selection group:

if you change the pivot type (circled in red in pic) to the 2nd option (selection center) it'll rotate them all based on the average of all the objects' pivot points:

secondly, you can change the pivot point of all the selected objects at once by selecting them, going into the Hierarchy tab, clicking affect pivot only, then modifying the coordinates of the pivot (however it'll change the pivot for the objects indefinitely, unless you change it again):

hope it helps
Ahh! :):) Thanks!

But, when I do an animation, it goes back to normal and its greyed out, so it does it when I want to animate >.<
Probably the easiest way is to link all the object to a helper. to do this, go into the Create tab, and click the Helper button (tape measure icon). click the Point and create one wherever u want it to rotate at. then on the top panel (below file/edit/tools/etc), click the Select and Link button (next to Redo icon). for each object, click on the object & drag onto the Point, and release the mouse. that creates a constraint to the Point.
After you do this to all the objects, try rotating the Point (not the objects), all your objects should move with it, and this is nice because you can still rotate each object individually :) . If any of that is unclear just say so and I'll reiterate ;)