Roundtable discussion tonight

Originally posted by Skull
Majestic XII, what did you mean by me being in the wrong channel ? :\
well, it's only 5 hours and 9 minutes to go!

ah, my bad. Munro said that the Valvechat chan is only there to give the right people voice in the main chat...
Originally posted by BWMASTER
2. Will the bullet shells coming out of guns be affected by the physics?
What about when you reload and you drop the "bullets loader"? Will
that be affected by the physics too?

The word you looking after is "mag" or magazine.
My questions:

1. Does the physics model include any simulation of springs even in a limited fashion, or is it strictly a rigid-body model at the moment?

2. Can you simulate a spring by allowing a static object to exert different amounts of opposing force depending on its position and trigger values? (i.e., I step on a platform and it sinks downwards from my weight, but the lower it moves, the more force it exerts upwards, slowing the descent of the platform and eventually moving it back upwards)

3. Does/will Hammer support "3d snapping" (i.e., when toggled on, you cannot drag brushes through each other: allowing you to move objects around in a room in the editor as if they were solid)? This makes populating a map with static objects ten times easier: you can just drag one brush directly up against another and not worry about overlap or a tiny space between them.

4. Do all particles "bounce" off other objects like in the tunnels vid, or can this behavior be altered?

5. Could you build an entity out of particles (i.e. a hologram made up of a loose collection of glowing particles)
Will Half-Life 2 allow mappers to include a mini jpg of what their custom map looks like, so that if a user is unsure if he wants to join a server running a custom map, he can atleast see a small screenshot of what it looks like next to the map name before deciding?

In HL1 maps had a very low entitie count limit that I hit early before I finished scripting my entire sequence, has this limit been increased in Source?

Is Half-Life 2's source code going to end the famous "// ????????", "// Hack", etc comments that we could never understand?

Will Source SDK come with documentation of its API, perhaps with some helpful hints as to the usage of some of the methods and functions within the Source API?

What does the 'Sew' button do in the new Hammer?

How far does the Parent Child relationship work? IE: Will a mapper be able to make a drivable tank, as a parent with an opening and closing hatch, outter gun turrent, and camera attached to it as children of the drivable tank, each being able to function independently at the same time by diffrent people?


Does Source allow mappers to choose if a sound file will loop continuously without having to buy 3rd party software just to add a 'cue' to the waveform?

Does Source support the snow effect seen in Dead Or Alive 3 when you walk through it?

Will Half-Life 2 server browser add a filter to display only servers set to allow cheats enabled for the gamers who love using impulse 101 to get all weapons in deathmatch?
Some good questions :) Keep 'em coming!
"bullet loader" hmmm, sorry, it's slightly amusing.

-"what's the average/max Wpoly count for action scenes?"
-"are characters collision still as big as half-lifes? A player could not fit through a space that was < or = 32 units wide, thats 32 virtual inches, I mean even my bedroom door is 30 inches, and I can fit through that quite easily."
-Are shots fired from the weapons instant, or do they have velocity, arc, etc.?

Thanks, I hope I can get in to watch, off I go...

Do bullet paths originate from the barrel of the gun in both first and third person views, or will Half-Life 2 sport the infamous "shooting from the forehead" feature?
Came up with one:

Does it support stable object-on-object in MP? (meaning, could you stand on one of those flying thingies without lagging/sliding halfway across map while it is flying, or the buggy for that matter)

Wonder if the valve guys has even thought about testing that? :)

Oh and another one:

Does Source support looping terrain? (like Tribes)
1. How the gravity work ? The mapper define one for the whole level ? Can we define some high/low gravity zone where every object are affected ?

2. I heard the the characters are render with some radiosity parameters depend of their environnement. How it work and what are these parameter ?

3. In lots of 3D games the static objects and dynamic object have a slightly different render so we can instantly see what object is useful or not. For example if a wall can be broken, we can see it. The problem exist in HL2 ?

4. What are the properties and the limit of the materials. How many textures ? what effect can be apply on it ? can it be interactive (if we shoot in a wall or walk on a floor can it change his texture or properties ?)

5. How do you render the sky ? is it always an horrible skybox :) ?

6. Can I be listed in the credits ? :p
One more question: in HL MP, touching another player causes an odd jerky/sticky feeling, I assume due to problems combining collision and prediction. This makes MP mods that involve close-quarter combat somewhat difficult. Will the new netcode resolve this problem?

"3. Does/will Hammer support "3d snapping" (i.e., when toggled on, you cannot drag brushes through each other: allowing you to move objects around in a room in the editor as if they were solid)? This makes populating a map with static objects ten times easier: you can just drag one brush directly up against another and not worry about overlap or a tiny space between them."

A very good question! If munro doesnt ask that one, i will :)
On they said that HL2 will be bundled with the ATI 9900 and that HL2's gold date will be September 13th. Are these things true, or are they just rumors?
Will the new engine allow what i like to call "entity binding" which allows entities to stick together . For example a func_door with a func_breakable for a window and when the door moves the func_breakable moves along with it, but you will be able to smash it in ?
1. How the gravity work ? The mapper define one for the whole level ? Can we define some high/low gravity zone where every object are affected ?

trigger_gravity entities can control this in HL1

3. In lots of 3D games the static objects and dynamic object have a slightly different render so we can instantly see what object is useful or not. For example if a wall can be broken, we can see it. The problem exist in HL2 ?

HL1 did not have this. Why would HL2 have it? O_o

4. What are the properties and the limit of the materials. How many textures ? what effect can be apply on it ? can it be interactive (if we shoot in a wall or walk on a floor can it change his texture or properties ?)

Half-Life 1 can change textures when shot.

5. How do you render the sky ? is it always an horrible skybox ?

Download the Docks video from Steam of fileplanet, then look at the sky. (Also note the moving clouds in traptown)

6. Can I be listed in the credits ?

Me too?
Will the new engine allow what i like to call "entity binding" which allows entities to stick together . For example a func_door with a func_breakable for a window and when the door moves the func_breakable moves along with it, but you will be able to smash it in ?

They said yes to this question, HL2 uses parent child relationships with entities.
okay i couldnt really understand this above, but correct me if im wrong. Anyone who wants to join the channel will be able to, but only select people will be allowed to talk.
Originally posted by Majestic XII

"3. Does/will Hammer support "3d snapping" (i.e., when toggled on, you cannot drag brushes through each other: allowing you to move objects around in a room in the editor as if they were solid)? This makes populating a map with static objects ten times easier: you can just drag one brush directly up against another and not worry about overlap or a tiny space between them."

A very good question! If munro doesnt ask that one, i will :)

Very good question...i really hope so! ..could be so delightfull :)
yes, another channel question for me...will everyone who wants to be able to see the IRC chat? I'd like to be making a log for my site, but i won't be getting home till nearer to 5:30. will someone save me a spot? :)
Originally posted by Spiffae
yes, another channel question for me...will everyone who wants to be able to see the IRC chat? I'd like to be making a log for my site, but i won't be getting home till nearer to 5:30. will someone save me a spot? :)

There's about 55 places left, dunno if you'll make it in time :/
I'll up the amount of spaces available. Just join #halflife2news and log.
1. In Traptown the shadow of the box could be seen through the table (in the shadow of the table) why did this happen? Has this been fixed?

2. To what extent does the collision detection work? Will you be able to stick your gun barrel into the wall?

3. Can the enviromental lighting change over time? Would this affect performance?

4. How does terrian deformation work in multiplayer?
4a. How much of a map can be deformable? (IE can we make multiplayer maps that change over the course of the day)

5. From a cheat/hack standpoint how was source designed differently from the HL1 engine. (IE is it harder to create cheats/hacks)

6. How big can a vehicle be?

7. The sky's looked like normal skyboxes.. can they be dymanic/animated at all?

8. How long does it take to run across a map the biggest size the engine can handle?

9. Would it be feasible to create a MMO using a group of connected servers all running one part of the world?

10. There are lots of issues with the scoreboards being out of sync with what's actually going on in HL.. has this been addressed in source?
(IE people joining are on a team even if they aren't, the team scores are reversed or just plain wrong)
10a. Does Source still use VGUI 2 or is there something new? (total steam GUI? VGUI 3?)

11. Can you stand on someone's head like in HL or will you fall off?

12. If you throw a cat off a roof in source will it always land on it's feet?
Can players tag walls in multiplayer in new ways rather than spraypaints, like a short wav file the player made that is played where they placed it?

Will animated color spray logos be possible again?

Will clients auto download custom models being used by other players so we dont have to leave the server searching for a download on the web?

Will modders have a more direct access to the rendering engine of HL2 so that we can write our own graphics effects or extend upon the original?

Does Source support climbable swinging ropes like the ones in Opposing Force?

Does Source support the ability to move particles and/or sprites in the same mannor as a func_train?

Does Source support Virtual Reality hardware like Shutter Glasses and the nvidia cards built in support for VR?

Can mappers write a scripted sequence that work based on if another event is true or false? (ie: If else) Will we be able to define variables within the map itself?
Has somebody emailed Valve about keyframe blending before (i think thats what its called, where you shoot someone in the arm for example and their arm recoils)

If not, my question would be is key frame blending enabled in Source/is it do-able?
[22:37:36] [@Brewskie] moderators will be going from person to person to get your questions. Only three from each person will be allowed. You'll need to discuss which three with the moderator

[22:38:18] [@Brewskie] any questions you still want to ask can be emailed to me and valve will/may answer them at a later time

[22:39:03] [@Brewskie] So when you get voice in the channel only ask those questions you talked to the moderator about
Will the water react just as in HL 1, where you could place a box of water in mid air, and it will be there, or will it fall down/splash? Since it could be awesome to make a hole in a wall and make water pouring out...

Another one about water… If I want to make, let say a beach, and have made the sand and the water, and set the entry to a few waves(if that is still the way to do it?!?) then will the water react to the surface, and the angle and material of the surface(in this case a beach), and in that way create a realistic looking “end” to the water, or do you need to place a sprite of some sort to make it look that way?

Is it possible to create real time lip sync of do the wav files(or whatever) need to be pre-recorded?

How will the particle system be like?(thinking of dust and snow) …will It be sprites like HL1 or something new?

How will trees be created?(models or some smart way in hammer?) Will it be possible to make the leaves to react to some kind of wind?

Will corpses vanish? Will footprints vanish?
Can somebody log this whole event for me? I gotta go to work, but I'd love to see the answers.

And if somebody feels like throwing in my questions for me, here they are:

- As far as complexity of coding goes, has HL2 gotten easier or harder than HL1? What I mean is, say you were to code the exact same mod (something farily simple that doesn't push HL1's limits) in both engines, which would be the easier to code?

- Its been mentioned that the SDK will be released before HL2, maybe sometime in August. Will this include the source code as well, or just Worldcraft and/or modelling related stuff?

- Valve has mentioned in the past that Steam will always be optional, but also its been said that to take advantage of some of the things with Half-Life 2 multiplayer you'll need Steam. For those of us that really don't like steam (56k users or people who just really don't like it for other reasons), will we still be able to do HL2 completely, including multiplayer and everything else Steam users will get? Also, will mod teams be required to use Steam for the SDK and whatnot?

- Is there any possibility of mod teams being able to have their own private steam servers for their internal beta testing?

- Will people who didn't purchase HL2 at the store but instead bought it over Steam be able to play any & all HL2 mods, or will it be like it is now with the current Steam beta where you can't play just any old mod, but only Valve ones?

- Its been said that while HL2's lighting is static based, there will be some dynamic lighting. Do dynamic lights cast dynamic shadows? Is this something will only be able to be used in a few places (such as in the HL engine, where dynamic lighting is was a pretty big system hit) or could we do things like in Splinter Cell, with having lots of light bulbs being shot out and whatnot? Would it be possible to have a swinging light ala DOOM III?
Three about steam:

1. Steam has been said to include P2P systems, for users willingy to share, what kind of network will it use? Something like Kazaa, Bittorrent or your own homemade?

2. Will billing for modding be actually purchasing of products, or would it become more of a "Send 20 $ to the developers for support". i.e. you can play it, without having to pay, but if you feel like it you could give them 20$ for the good game.

3. A final question, how will steam go with multi users? i.e. you have an Cybercafé. What options are there for multilicensing, to keep one account, and is there anyway to let a cybercafé server handle downloads and then share on the whole network, as a "Sharepoint" server which microsoft produced for Windows update and so on?
Haha, sjovt at jeg skulle støde på dig, Fisker_Q, her, hva? Det er mig Johnny The Homicidal Maniac fra
ohhhhh man im mad, i change my name twice in 10 seconds, and i only do it once, and i get kicked and i cant rejoin!! GERR!!!!!!
bs ive been there since 10 am they just made new enemy
1) Can the source handle very large and dense foliage stalker style??

2) Can you give a more indepth and complex example of the outstanding AI?

3) Love you guys :)
#halflife2news has a relay bot on quakenet in the same channel. You can see the chat from there.
thanks, still think that bot needs a good smack in the face is full :( trying quakenet now.
yeah he is...jesus.

it says my connection class is full. i'm on big loss.
In half-life one of the reasons I played it for so long and still play it is because you are not required to put in a cd to run it. This kept my cd from getting scratched or me having to put it in. Will this same convenance be incorporated into halflife 2?