Route Canal Help ..stuck For Ever....!



Hmmm how to explain this... Well i fell down the air vent into a place with a bunch of exploding barrels.. and a bunch of those "Annoying Scissor Things" well i killed all of those and now im stuck... I've tryed everything stacking barrels bla bla bla... then i found a vent i was so happy, i tryed to get into it several times, then i stuck a barrel in front of it and hopped into the vent when i got in there, there was a dead end... i was like DAMNIT!! I'm so mad please help meeeeeeeeeeeee... i hope that this message was clear ....thanks

He means this bit. And they're called man-hacks not scissors :)

TBH, I can't remember how I got out of this bit, but I don't remember it being hard.
i think that you have to go up to the top right of that pic and go turn on a valve on the backside of a pipe to raise the water... think that is where im thinking
Yeah, right, theres a ladder on the left of that screenie, go up it, then jump from it to a pipe, follow the pipe along to the end and jump on the ledge on the right. Now ahead of you is a door on your left, go through it, now follow the pipes down, (jumping from one to the other) to a valve at the bottom. Turn it and the water level begins to rise, head back in the room, and go down the ladder, there should be an access able large pipe now, go through it. Hope that helps
once you raise the water you will have to go under to the RED pipe. I was stuck on the next room for awhile till i noticed the red pipe from both rooms.
I was stuck there for a while cuz they hid the bloody valve.