Router question?


Nov 30, 2004
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Can you use a router with a desktop PC? I'm getting a new PC and am keeping my old one which is not too bad. And wwant to use a router to get the internet to the new computer. My friend is convinced you can only do this with laptops. Is it possible with a desktop also?
As far as I know, the type of computer doesn't matter (may be wrong though). It should just depend on what network card is installed in each. Why should there be a difference?
Deathwish-uk- said:
Can you use a router with a desktop PC? I'm getting a new PC and am keeping my old one which is not too bad. And wwant to use a router to get the internet to the new computer. My friend is convinced you can only do this with laptops. Is it possible with a desktop also?

Yes, you can, thats what a rounter was manily made for.
And almost everyone here, is connected threw a router.

yea there wont be any problems at all, its really easy to set up a network