Royal Rumble! anti-gaming nutbar against Gaming Hero


May 5, 2004
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interesting interview here between both sides of the anti-violence in games issue: Jack Thomspon (the lawyer responible for the GTA witch hunts) and Henry Jenkins MIT professor on interactive media

some memorable quotes:

Jack Thompson:

"...there is going to be a Columbine to the factor of 10..."

"[my] solution is to scare the dickens out of the videogame industry to stop marketing and selling inappropriate games to children. My goal is to save lives. "

"EGM: You once compared Doug Lowenstein, president of the Entertainment Software Association, to Saddam Hussein.

Jack Thompson: If I did, I want to apologize to Saddam Hussein."

according to Thompson ..Osama plays Full Spectrum Warrior:

"A cyberterrorism expert has found that games such as [THQ's] Full Spectrum Warrior, or Full Spectrum Command as it's known in the military, is being used by al Qaeda to train their troops. These games don't just teach skills—they break down the inhibition to kill. We've been trained by society and our parents not to kill another person, so the way you break that down is to put a soldier in a VR setting, which will be far more effective in the long run."

here he blames video games for everything from violent behaviour to bad ...errrr manners ....yes, he is a right-wing extremist nutjob:

"we don't know how many people have acted out violently because of these games, but after I appeared on Good Morning America, a Gallop poll found 71 percent of all U.S teenage boys who played Vice City were twice as likely to have been engaged in an act of violence. Also, aggressive behavior may be expressed verbally—not everyone goes "postal" or "Columbine." There have been dozens of studies that show even short-term exposure of these games to teens has an effect on violence, aggressiveness, and bad behavior that goes from bad speech to killing people. It's a wide spectrum. Videogames can be the final causal link in a chain of factors that can result in a Columbine."

he really is crazy

memorable quotes from Henry Jenkins:

"How many violent criminals cite the Bible in their criminal action? Should we ban the Bible?"

"Education is the key, not legislation. If you heavily regulate the industry it will narrow what games are in the market, and retailers will only carry content that is suitable for the youngest of players. Retailers won't carry a Mature-rated game if you move to an enforceable system. We saw this with the comic industry in the '50s. The other way to approach this problem is to put the burden on the consumer. We have to educate. "

I predicted that the above will happen just as it did in the comics industry ...our gaming community will eventually become bland as publishers wont take chances when developers come to them with new ideas
CptStern said:
"EGM: You once compared Doug Lowenstein, president of the Entertainment Software Association, to Saddam Hussein.

Jack Thompson: If I did, I want to apologize to Saddam Hussein."

Oh my god, does this guy listen to himself? :O

"How many violent criminals cite the Bible in their criminal action? Should we ban the Bible?"

That's one of the best counter-arguments I've heard on the subject. :)

Anymore quotes?

EDIT: Ooops, found the link. :p
Wait its the right wingers that want to ban all these video games? I always assumed it was the lefts because of tipper gores big thing with music and twisted sister.

Somebody clarify please.
stop thinking about it as partisan politics has nothing to do with democrats and republicans
So your saying that individuals from both parties both are into the whole censoring thing, and this guys reasons happen to be a right wing nutjob? But there are those from both sides that are willing to censor entertainment?

Come on partisian politics is a lot more fun anyways becase then i can be like "those damn republicans" vs "those damn individuals from different parties who like to censor entertainment"
willyd said:
So your saying that individuals from both parties both are into the whole censoring thing, and this guys reasons happen to be a right wing nutjob? But there are those from both sides that are willing to censor entertainment?

yes there are people from both sides

the right wing statement comes from this:

right wing
The conservative or reactionary faction of a group

willyd said:
Come on partisian politics is a lot more fun anyways becase then i can be like "those damn republicans" vs "those damn individuals from different parties who like to censor entertainment"

I agree but partisan politics tends to be more "lets blame the other guy" than "lets get to the truth"
Wooo left wingers all the way.

This guy really is pathetic.
well, what if games really make people more aggressive?

i mean i remember when i was little, my friend came over with his antari, and we played for a while, then he kept loosing so he got so mad that he took a screw driver, and with angly face and screams started to 'stab" the antari with it, actually kinda funny to remember, but nevertheless, he got pissed so bad
Thats just having a temper. :D Those have been around for a little bit longer than Videogames.

(The temper is actually credited as being yet another invention of Thomas Edison. After his 67nth try at making a lightbulb he snapped and started throwing them at passers-by.)
The left wing is doing this just as much as the right wing, so drop the political affiliation BS. The only kind of people I find that don't like these types of games are old people, my grandparents were horrified at what games I played, but that is because they don't understand that it is just like a movie, it isn't real.
Here is an interesting point:

Jack Thompson said:
If Henry doesn't think education has an effect on anyone he should stop being a professor. You can modify behavior. The very same people like Doug [Lowenstein] who say games can't encourage anyone to do anything are the same people who tend to get upset about tobacco ads because they encourage kids to smoke. So why are [mature] game advertisements shown on TV when X percentage of kids are in the audience?

Although couldn't we say the same thing about movies that are rated R?
CptStern said:
yes there are people from both sides

the right wing statement comes from this:

right wing
The conservative or reactionary faction of a group
If anything today's reactionaries are the liberals. Liberal and conservative don't fit anymore- today's conservatives were the liberals in the days of the French right and left politics. It is by majority the left's politician's who push for video game censorship. This goes against their own left constituents, though, and thus no one agrees with them which is why they always fail.
CptStern said:
yes it was ...we go way back ...besides I was thinking out loud

No, I just own an XBOX, PS2, Gamecube, PC and PSP because I like the way they look in my living room. :thumbs:
Hapless said:
No, I just own an XBOX, PS2, Gamecube, PC and PSP because I like the way they look in my living room. :thumbs:

could be your kids :)
CptStern said:
could be your kids :)

Ok, the Gamecube is his. :E Actually I bought my PSP after he got his. He's got a Gameboy Advance SP and a DS, but I was never really into Nintendo's stuff. The PSP, however......
RakuraiTenjin said:
If anything today's reactionaries are the liberals. Liberal and conservative don't fit anymore- today's conservatives were the liberals in the days of the French right and left politics. It is by majority the left's politician's who push for video game censorship. This goes against their own left constituents, though, and thus no one agrees with them which is why they always fail.

who said the democrats are the left? far as I'm concerned they're slightly right of center. Howard Zinn is left of center so is chomsky ..the democrats are not even in the same spectrum
Hapless said:
Ok, the Gamecube is his. :E

play HL2 yet? I could be wrong but I doubt HL2 was your motivating factor for joining this community ...not that I'm judging ..just an observation
CptStern said:
I predicted that the above will happen just as it did in the comics industry ...our gaming community will eventually become bland as publishers wont take chances when developers come to them with new ideas

Haha Steam is the answer!!! Screw stupid publishers that are too afraid of lawsuits, develepors can just go straight to the people. Fortunately the internet can't be censored, so as long as we can connect to other computers censorship will never stop the gaming industry (at least the PC gaming industry) :thumbs:
CptStern said:
play HL2 yet?

Bought it through Steam the very minute it came out, beat it once and played through most of it again. I actually have quite an extensive PC game collection.
Hapless said:
Bought it through Steam the very minute it came out, beat it once and played through most of it again. I actually have quite an extensive PC game collection.

I see ...I edited my last post
CptStern said:
play HL2 yet? I could be wrong but I doubt HL2 was your motivating factor for joining this community ...not that I'm judging ..just an observation

You couldn't be more wrong. I joined several months before you did. I have played through HL1 numerous times, and I love DoD, been playing it since the first beta. Waiting for DoD:Source to release now. It may or may not surprise you to know I was a beta tester for America's Army for quite awhile too.
Hapless said:
You couldn't be more wrong. I joined several months before you did. I have played through HL1 numerous times, and I love DoD, been playing it since the first beta. Waiting for DoD:Source to release now. It may or may not surprise you to know I was a beta tester for America's Army for quite awhile too.

no actually that doesnt surprise me ...maybe we'll run into each other in DoD one day
What's your name in DoD? I use Hapless. Actually, that's where the name comes from, getting my ass kicked in DoD. ;(
no surprise here: Stern ..or CptStern (I strive for originality ;) )
I sure hope Jack Thompson riles against firearms as well.
'A crazed gamer'. Ok. Thats just fear mongering!

Jack seems a little dramatic and sometimes not entirely rational, like the whole lefty first amendment absolutists ... blah blah.

I don't know anything about the brain, but i know iv never had violent tendencies post violent games. So that would generally lead me to believe there are a whole lot of contributing factors that lead to violence and murder, that far surpass violent video games.

I just think there are underlying causes which have already set in motion a willingness to be violent. Maybe video games do provide some sort of 'training', but at the very extreme its cursory.

Hey i love DoD too, my favourite game of allllll time. I go by SomeLuck, but im down in the antipodes so i doubt i'd see you people.
CptStern said:
"[my] solution is to scare the dickens out of the videogame industry to stop marketing and selling inappropriate games to children. My goal is to save lives. "
Of course everyone knows children are much more likely to kill than adults, which is why they should be banned from playing violent video games and adults shouldn't.
CptStern said:
A Gallop poll found 71 percent of all U.S teenage boys who played Vice City were twice as likely to have been engaged in an act of violence.

Ummm, is that even statistically possible. What on earth do you mean by
71% of xxx were twice as likely to xxx anyway?