RPG using source?



Well i'm not to hot when it comes to modding and stuff, but i recall someone tried to make an rpg mod for half life which sukd but was still miles ahead of anything i cud ever do. But outa curiosity, do u guys recon it will be easier this time round to make an rpg'ish mod with source?
Vampire the Masquerade
not really a mod, but it's an rpg on source
not easier. propably harder because you have to add much more detail to make it look convincing.. but uhm...d efinately doable if you know your coding... cause it requires a whole lot of new systems for lvls, dialogie, yadyayda.... it's like creating an entirely new game.
I'd actually like to see this project. It'd be neat to see the creativity of people's imagination, instead of just creating fps-based mods. Even though I lack the skill in making a game, there could be some great ideas that would sculpt the game.
I don't thing it'll be easier or harder. The tools are similar but much powerfull and we'll get face poser etc. So we'll be able to do alot more stuff. Actually, i'm making a third person single player MOD that has some RPG elements. I'll post the Web Site on the forums when we'll be ready to do so.
You already have an rpg in hl2, you pick it up bout halfway into the game. Silly man!
The problem with RPG's is that you need a large amount of levels to make a good experience, and in general a lot of time. If you're going single-player, you need hundreds of pages of script put into the game, along with the models, animations, and voices. IF you're going MP only, then you have to worry about other people ruining the experience, and you also need a powerful server to keep track of experience, inventory, etc. because leaving that data client-side will guarantee people will hack it.