

Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
hey guys did this, this morning. 1275 polies. ummm its for COD mod so cap is 1300. NE how tell me what u think!
Are you making a Vietnam mod? Just asking. Oh and nice model.
no a somolia mod. but meh, everyone in the middle east, africa, and asia use AK's. Hell alot of eastern european countries do too. oh yeah and south america uses em
i think its cool for low polly.. just dont like the clip :eek: curves round 2 much but i imagen its ment to look like that
yeah its either that or a drum barrel which i guess i could model. :bounce:
The clip looks like a bannana. I'd say go for the barrel.
as a model, it's good. nice poly disdrtibution.

crits on the gun aspect.
1) you cna save polys by romvieng the model detail on the side no one will see (ie the bump on the magazine, and the fire mode selector.
2)the magazine neews to be consitant in width
3) No Bipods... Bipods are essential to an Machine gun of this caliber (no pun intended) You need bipods
4)You should include some modeled details on the side the player sees
5)also, you see the bananna clip very rarely. 99% of the time soldiers use the drum.
All an rpk is is an ak-47 with a longer barrel. The stock is slightly different it normally has a drum magazine and it has a built in bipod. Its looks good.
that magazine is called a 'banana' mag isnt it ? lol

anyways, nice model, i guess you could do what Ichi said, and also, he missed the stock, you can save a load of polies there, as its very round and nobody will really see it.

*edit* that makes me feel like a lil' COD, and btw, can you give us the site of this mod all these are for ? chars, now...back to my COD :farmer: