RPS Left 4 Dead versus mode impressions


Jul 2, 2007
Reaction score
Rock, Paper, Shotgun have posted their impressions on Left 4 Dead versus mode.
This is how multiplayer should be, people! One side deliberately over-powerful, the other side constantly respawning and aiming to grief as much as they can. And even when being trounced, that experience was a lot of fun. It might feel like running with a bungee cord tied around your waist, but it?s still entertaining when you fall flat on your face and get flung backward.
[br]Pure cinema. Very funny. Very brutal.
Read whole review here.
"RPS Versus mode impressions"

Perhaps consider re-naming the thread so readers can actually tell which game the title is referring to. You'd be forgiven for thinking RPS was a game you didn't care about, when in fact this is a hands-on scoop of the relatively-unseen infected-versus-survivors game mode for the next Valve game, written by people who know how to write...
Heh, I thought of the same thing, but since the only "Versus Mode" I know of is the one in L4D I figured it was about the game. :p
"Rock Paper Shotgun impressions on Left 4 Dead Versus Mode" is a more readable title, really.

Awesome preview.