RS2:Ex, a Warhammer 40,000 mod help wanted.


Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
With our recent releas eof a map development kit were looking for mappers to aid us in creating parts of a large city map we plan to use as a campain in multiplayer as well as stand alone maps for this mod.

We have a small but dedicated team working away on the main mod but additional help in the form of animators, scenery modelers or other talented induviduals would be usefull.

So if you wanna help purge the Xenos in the name of the Emperor or Claim this world as a snack for the Hive Mind come visit us at: or our IRC channel ( #rspecies2)
Copyright infringement?
Games Workshop lets people make mods about their games, so long as proper credit is given.

Good luck finding a mapper, I'd love (or hate, depends) to see a Warhammer 40k mod.
They've got a big section on their website describing the do's and don'ts. Pretty much all they ask is that you don't make money from it, that you don't cross their fiction with anyone else's, and that you stick to their canon as much as possible.

-Angry Lawyer
The problem with working with 40k is that the minitures when produced in a 3d package are very bland and have very little detail on them. The bolter is a fine example of this, it's basicly a box with a clip and a trigger. What you need to do, in my opinion, is stick in the 40k universe but do alot of your own concept work based on orignal content. Make your own characters and stories. Vetrain space mariens that you can cram detail onto from their past battles and try and get some of the characters personality into their weapons.

The 40k universe is so big and epic and its somthing you can really have alot of fun with.
That's only because people aren't putting enough effort into modelling them - if you look at 40K's concept art, they're packed full of detail :D

-Angry Lawyer
yeah i realy loved WH40k, the idea itself about making a 40k mod i great.

i do hope it doesn't look like the original game to much, becouse there are so many new things you can change, while it will still have the feeling that your playing 40k !