RTM needs modelers



Return to Mana, the RPG modification for HL2 is seeking modelers for the project. Work will run the full gambit of modeling from props to dragons.

visit us at www.returntomana.org

if intrested in joining a professional mod team and getting your work out to the world. Email me at [email protected], include examples of past work.

Dylan "Mobius" Biery
Black Sheep Development
Concept Lead
YOu should limit posts like this to the help wanted forums,

on that note, I love the new screenshots
those waterfalls are pouring mercury into the lake o_O can't say i'm a fan of the theme, but great screenshots, and 28 points for doing a non-fps :)
it might look nice but it seems like it would be a real straing on you're computeres processing power .
i dont like all that happy, sunshine and flowers crap. :| too idealistic for me. need some dark stuff. looks like the games for like emotional vampires. lol. however...i have to say...those are some damn good screenshots. very nice indeed.
just curious but uh... why is the name & all the nav links in english and everything else in german -_- lol also, how long has it been in production? it already looks very polished.
JudasKing said:
just curious but uh... why is the name & all the nav links in english and everything else in german

Have you tried clicking the big 'english' button at the top of the page?
well i didn't know it was there.. -_- it just hangs while loading the 3 top images & one on the bottom. in that case disregard that then lol


  • mana.JPG
    48.8 KB · Views: 133
grow a heart
whoah what does a heart have to do with anything? lol. my aorta and pulminary arteries are just fine. not premature just to let u know. :D
well i posted in the help wanted too, thanks for all the comments.

about those waterfalls, they look like crap in the screen shots. but in game the look more real. But getting the falls perfect is low on the poll.

And dont worry, the game will get darkish as all good fantasy titles do.

And since the site is set to German as default, we are going to add a language selection page that will be the default.