Rube Goldberg Ideas

Dec 26, 2006
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Hi, for a school project we have to make a rube goldberg machine. I was wondering if any of you had any ideas. Im not asking you to do it for me, but just some ideas. I've tried some other things, but they either were lame or not appropiete for school...
Whats this rube goldberg machine of yours? What demonry is this?
Make one where the person who set it up gets slapped with a rubber hand or paddle or something..

The person sets it up (drops the steel ball or flicks the dominoes or whatever), and has to stand at a particular location to do so, then they just stand there in awe as they watch the machine and then BAM. You got served mufukka.
Make sure it involves a fan and parachute. With lots of careful fiddling you could get a fan to turn on, which expands a parachute with a small bit of hooked wire on it, then the wire catches on another wire which completes a circuit.

That'd be really awesome.
I made one for a project in grade 5. We put out a candle. I really want to find those pictures now.