Rumor: Leaked Press Release

i hope thats not true decemder is pretty late and i dont wanna wiat that long...nov sounds good on 27 when my b-day is :naughty:
I think its fake because VALVe has said that the game will have a WORLDWIDE release(same day everywhere).

And it says retail price 54.99 .. ........ umm no. Steam was 49(us dollars im talking about)
Concept said:
Agreed. The 6th and 20th of December would be an awful long time to wait. :(

I hope this isn't true.
IT ISN'T! How many times does it have to be said? ARGH!
IF this is true there are 2 choices:


LOS ANGELES, Calif. (October 16, 2004) - Vivendi Universal Games announced today that Half-Life 2, the highly anticipated next installment in the best-selling and beloved franchise, has gone gold and will be released December 6th in North America, and December 20th in Europe.

It goes gold now and vivendi delays it till xmas release

it's not gold yet but will be by November 22nd

that's if it's true, now if you think about it, either aren't that appealing or realistic. Well no.1 might be realistic but if it was why would they announce it gold now? wouldn't that just piss off gamers like us?

i think it's a scam, but if it IS true it'll probably be posted on monday. Someone wanna email gabe/vivendi about this?

Edit: you can see it's fake from not only the stuff i talked about above but the price. 54.95? nothing is that in steam!? bronze is 49.95 and silver 59.95!
MiccyNarc said:
IT ISN'T! How many times does it have to be said? ARGH!

I know it probably isn't, but after previous disappointments, I'm being naturally cautious to any Half-Life 2 news. Good or bad.
If info, especially something like a press release, doesnt come from somewhere official, dont believe it. Its that simple. There are a million people out there who could whip up a fake press release and get the whole community riled up... just dont believe it. Its fake, but i guess that has already been established :p
It's fake. The grammar is atrocious, and the facts don't match up.

There's about a 1% chance of it being real. Seriously.
Actually, it's funny; at first I've thought it's a complete fake, but then I decided to do some research out of boredom... Some comparisons:

Half-Life 2 carries a suggested retail prices of $54.95
- Corresponding EB Games page

has been rated “M” for Mature by the ESRB with descriptors for blood and intense violence.
- Corresponding ESRB page

will be released December 6th in North America, and December 20th in Europe
- Corresponding VE3D link (basically it says that HL2 was just shipped to British games rating agency yesterday, while it already has a North American rating, which might explain two weeks difference in release dates).

... so far only the release dates themselves look like they might be fake, but then again who knows, if HL2 beta got leaked, why wouldn't the press release?
Reaktor4 said:
I will be quite pissed off if its gonna be released on dec 20th

That wont happen. Nov 28 will be latest. Hopes up!
Doesn't make sense buisness wise. Almost certaintly fake. If the game goes gold next week or has gone gold in the days then vu would be ver very careless to not be sure to make a release by Nov 25. Biggest shopping day int North America is the day after thanksgiving. You miss that day you will make 1/2 what you could if you get it out before.
if it went gold october 16th ... why the HELL would it be released december 6th??? of course its fake :cheese:
I've got 3 words:
World Wide Release...

and 6th of December? ridiculous :P
Dec 20th (in europe) is way too late for a christmas release - every company with some sense for business starts those releases end of nov / beg of dec at the latest ...
Fake to the max....

As everyone said, VALVe wants a worldwide simultaneous release!!!

Or at the least like one maybe two days difference like Halo 2....

But 2 weeks? NO WAY!
I thought the press release had "the first review of the entire game" with it?
Taken from the Steam fourms:


CNN reporter:..... George W Bush today launched a full scale attack by military specialists against valve software studios in california...

Bush:...........These Guys are creating terrorist training software, and we have to stamp them out before they can release it...........

(as picture fades G-Man seen grinning behind president)

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell:
Responded by saying:'Who me, I just thought it would be fun to invade California'

now that would be a release hype coup

20th of december? European release dates are almost always on a friday NOT a monday!
They said that there was gonna be a simultainus worldwide release of HL2, so no.
Has Valve said they want worldwide release in retail stores? Or did they mean that throught Steam it will be possible to play it anywhere when its released?
Elimi said:
Has Valve said they want worldwide release in retail stores? Or did they mean that throught Steam it will be possible to play it anywhere when its released?

Pretty sure its both.