Rumors that the Revolutoin Nintendo showed at E3 is a fake...ON is real!


Sep 12, 2003
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This is a conversation I had with a kid online, and if what he says is true, it will be amazing.

Vash: And Nintendo ON
DncingWuLi Masta: what about it?
Vash: Its not fake.
DncingWuLi Masta: that was a really cool video
DncingWuLi Masta: lol
DncingWuLi Masta: really??
Vash: Well.
Vash: Its a long story.
Vash: Many pieces of information
Vash: First off, lets look at the fact
Vash: It was said to have been made by a fan
Vash: In one week.
DncingWuLi Masta: i thought that was way too professional to be fake
Vash: So one guy made the video in one week
Vash: Exactly.
Vash: Now
Vash: Lets exaimne deeper.
Vash: That Revolution you saw?
Vash: Fake.
DncingWuLi Masta: really?
Vash: Yah
DncingWuLi Masta: how do you know
Vash: Apperantly its
Vash: "Nintendos trojan horse"
Vash: You remember the Trojan horse
Vash: It was a surprise gift
DncingWuLi Masta: yes
Vash: But turned out to be fake.
Vash: Let me explain more.
Vash: A few months ago, a guy by the name of Aries started posting information
Vash: Aries was appearntly an exec who quit nintendo
Vash: He made predictions about things that came true.
Vash: He said Nintendo would be backwards compatibile with all their consoles
Vash: It came true
Vash: He said the controllers will be wireless
Vash: It came true
Vash: He said that Super Smash Brothers woud be an online Revolution title
Vash: it came true
DncingWuLi Masta: wait
Vash: What
DncingWuLi Masta: so is it the revolution or the go?
Vash: let me explain it?
Vash: Now
Vash: Aries said all those things
Vash: That came true.
Vash: Kind of odd, huh?
Vash: He even said this
Vash: Seems like he knows a bit, huh?
Vash: He should know a lot.
Vash: He isn't real.
Vash: Augmented Reality Immersion Entertainment System
Vash: A R I E S
DncingWuLi Masta: dude
DncingWuLi Masta: this is awsome
Vash: More information
Vash: Today is a weird day, huh?
Vash: Guess what today is.
DncingWuLi Masta: 19th
Vash: Yes.
Vash: But its more than that.
Vash: did you know the Revolutions codename was
Vash: Nintendo 21
Vash: Can you guess what today is...?
DncingWuLi Masta: 19th
Vash: It's Nintendos birthday.
Vash: Their 21st birthday
DncingWuLi Masta: oh
DncingWuLi Masta: hmm
DncingWuLi Masta: dude
DncingWuLi Masta: youre getting me psyched
Vash: This was found on
Vash: (before it went down)
Vash: Also.
Vash: Don't you find it odd that
Vash: Only IGN posted the video and said it was fake?
Vash: No one else posted the video, did they?
DncingWuLi Masta: well thats ign
DncingWuLi Masta: ign is ign
Vash: Yeah.
Vash: But
Vash: IGN is partenering with Nintendo.
DncingWuLi Masta: oh
DncingWuLi Masta: dudueududueududue
DncingWuLi Masta: i'm so psyched now
Vash: Also
Vash: Remember the videos
Vash: 512.000.000
Vash: "Revolution Day"?
DncingWuLi Masta: no
Vash: 512,000,000 / 1000 = 512,000 (Millisec. -> Sec.)

512,000 / 60 = 8533.3 (Sec. -> Min.)

8533.3 / 60 = 142.2 (Min. -> Hours.)

142.2 / 24 = 5.9 (Hours -> Days)

So there we have 6 days and May 13 (the day this video was leaked) + 6 days = May 19
Vash: New Nintendo On video.
Vash: Other information:
Vash: -REFER TO PIC 4-
Vash: Notice the date?
Vash: May 19th
Vash: This was taken from Tina Wood's DS during a presentation of "Nintendo Dogs" at their pre-e3 press conference on the 17th.

Read through it all.
Now, this really got me psyched. I dont know if it's true. When I asked him where he got his information, he said "sources. But this really got me excited, and I hope it's true.



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Ya I have been reading a lot about this. No one knows what to believe anymore. Even a lot of major skeptics admit there have been a lot of coincidences.

More than what is usually found in conspiracy theories.
People are so good at coming up with conspiracy theories...
That Vash guy sounds like a fanatic fanboy, I wouldn't trust his opinion.
Its not just him, there are a lot of people on other forums that have spent the last week debating this constantly. Its a larger conspiracy theory than you think.

Whether its true or not is another story of course.
The Mullinator said:
Its not just him, there are a lot of people on other forums that have spent the last week debating this constantly. Its a larger conspiracy theory than you think.

Whether its true or not is another story of course.

And gains Nintendo free publicity and attention. ;)
I'm not trusting him. He said he got this information from other people. Like I said, theyre RUMORS. And if you read it, read through the whole conversation.
Deep stuff............nice.

Probably just rabid fanboy stuff though... but it does sound plausible.
Foxtrot said:
That Vash guy sounds like a fanatic fanboy, I wouldn't trust his opinion.
My thoughts exactly, albeit he makes some good points, he still sounds like a rabid Nintendo fanboy who's on viagra.
Yes let take a number of random facts place them side by side and draw rediculus parralles.
A big surprise I can understand... that the surprise would be the "Nintendo ON" is a bit far-fetched, IMO.
I'll believe it when I see it. The things shown in the Nintendo-ON vid still don't strike me as achievable, so I very much doubt this is true.
Realistically though, that Nintendo ON video with all of the castles was way too professional to be made by a fan in one week.

Honestly, for me, these coincidences seem too real to not be considered.
Vigilante said:
Realistically though, that Nintendo ON video with all of the castles was way too professional to be made by a fan in one week.

Honestly, for me, these coincidences seem too real to not be considered.

Depends who the fan was, what equipment he has access too, his skills and whether he had help from friends.
Razor said:
Depends who the fan was, what equipment he has access too, his skills and whether he had help from friends.
Have you seen the video? If he had help from friends then yes I could believe it but he said it was himself. The guy is nothing short of a super man in the world of computer media if he was able to create the video in about a week.

Of course he could also have been lying and may have actually spent a month making it.
The video wasn't that great, 3ds max + premiere, do it a week no problem. Bit rough around the edges in places too.
Steve_O said:
Perhaps he means 21 years of selling home gaming consoles. Of course, I would start that with the Game & Watch in 1980, but whatever...

The first American Console-Type System from Nintendo was released 20 years ago (1985).

If the Revolution comes out in 2006, it'll be 21 years since then.
A True Canadian said:
The first American Console-Type System from Nintendo was released 20 years ago (1985).

If the Revolution comes out in 2006, it'll be 21 years since then.
Yeah, but Nintendo is a Japanese company. They released the Famicon (the original version of the NES) in 1984. In Japan. Where they're from. Japanland.
Steve_O said:
Yeah, but Nintendo is a Japanese company. They released the Famicon (the original version of the NES) in 1984. In Japan. Where they're from. Japanland.

Japan + Canada = Japanada.

Robotic Mooses?
That rather poorly-done photoshop makes Miyamoto look like he's wearing a thONg on his head.
Steve_O said:
Stupid. The plural of "moose" isn't mooses. It's meese.

Actually its just moose...unless you were joking. In which case I'm sorry.
It's around 21 years since the NES was first released, but that's one hell of a stretch.
Steve_O said:
Yeah, but Nintendo is a Japanese company. They released the Famicon (the original version of the NES) in 1984. In Japan. Where they're from. Japanland.

Maybe, but they would probably focus on America the most.

Nintendo is huge in Japan, but over in North America, it is not as popular (don't get me wrong, it's well recognized, but not popular in console sales terms).

They may be targeting America this time around.
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Date Posted: 5/18 5:25am Subject: THE GAME is ON! OFFICIAL THREAD! - Date Edited: 5/18 6:27am (2 edits total) Edited By: theasylum616


Before we all go completely insane I will put everything we know into this thread.

I have been following this story consistantly for the last 24 hours -although the roots of the game go back far earlier- since before I watched the nintendo conference live. This thread is where we will all come together to PLAY THE GAME.

THE GAME has existed since as far back as nintendo began releasing contradictory first glimpses into what the Revolution would be. We were told the revolution would be shown at E3. We were told it would not. We were told the Revolution would be as powerful as the competition. We were told it is not. We were told Mario 128 would be at E3. We are now to believe it is not. We were told IGN would cover all the information available and update constantly over the course of the four days of E3. We now see they are not doing so.

The contradictions and confusion they have caused are the very seeds of THE GAME. These seeds have grown into roots. The roots have interwoven so intricately we have the basis of a complex puzzle. THE GAME is to make sense of all the misinformation and draw out the vital clues and ultimately, the TRUTH.

I call on everyone reading these threads to PLAY THE GAME. It appears to have only just begun. This thread is where we must all come together and share our knowledge. Where we will filter out the dirt from the spring. Lets make this thread an answer. Let's beat THE GAME together.

By now there is no doubt about THE GAME's existance. The fact that we are all here discussing it is proof enough of it's existance. The challenge is to overcome any doubts we have and believe. That is the only way to solve this puzzle. The only way to reach THE END.

HELP EACH OTHER to creat a TIMELINE of the events that have unfolded into this mess to ultimately create a flat sheet of knowledge. I will begin here. I will edit this message as we collectively gain insight into THE TRUTH and update the TIMELINE.


We must compile all posts of ARIES into a page where they are all visible and logical. ARIES has proved himself right on various aspects of the Revolution and press conference. Is ARIES Dennis Dyack? Reggie Fils Aime? An imposter?

Matt promised complete and exstensive coverage of E3, start to finish. He has not delivered. We all know the GAMESPY/IGN link. We all know NINTENDO is working with GAMESPY to provide a free online service for next gen systems. Matt's silence points to one thing. He know's more than we do. He is a SEED in THE GAME. He proved this with his inside knowledge of the link/wolf connection days before it was official.

The ON video was first featured on IGN on May 13. While it was claimed to be a hoax by IGN themselves, to most of us that seems unbelievable. There are clues in the video that parrallel knowledge that has come to be. The mysterious ? box is similar to the unveiled revolution console. The Gamecube and Revolution discs are both used in the ON console. Arrows point from the ON to both a TV and a PC monitor as has been announced by Nintendo. Pablo, the supposed author of the video supplied a message on a related picture that sounded curiously similar to the new Nintendo philosophy. Emphasis on inovation over graphical advantage and a new revolutionary way to play games. Does PABLO work for Nintendo?

Reggie's name came up as the registerer of Mysteriously, this directs you to the "fake" ON video on Reggie also appeared on two of the mystery videos at that showed up briefly before the press conference. One was a close up shot of his eyes. He ended the press conference with a mysterious reference to using the "right side of your brain". This parallels the ON video quote.

Made a mysterious comment at the press conference: "So I hope you let me create some elements of mystery to my further... remarks today . Maybe we can look at this as a form of... puzzle game." Proof of THE GAME. He also made the mysterious reference to a "virtual console" and "expanding the definition of video games". This leads to the conclusion that the Revolution console will depart from the direction the industry is heading and rather than try to tie in with the movie industry, create an entertainment platform seperate to this. Broadway. Hollywood. Nintendo.

The official site of Nintendo America is another player in THE GAME.
The first clue was dropped in the video clips that appeared on the site prior to the Nintendo Press Conference. There were four short videos on the site which were hastily removed.
The second clue was dropped when someone typed in "on" in the system search. The results are interesting to say the least.
This result may refer to the backwards compatibility of the Revolution.
The third and latest clue reveals the hidden words "TEST ONE AGAIN 3". Followed by "Nintendo makes a major splash!" The number clues may relate back to the number dropping in the ON VIDEO. Any ideas on the significance of these numbers?


12:00am 17/05/05
Ign posts the first ever pic of the revolution on They also announce the first official details of the system such as backwards compatibilty etc. As the information was released at exactly midnight was IGN bound to that time? Was releasing the pic early planting another SEED?

USAtoday posts an article about the revoltion with the same information available on IGN. Was IGN their source? Seems likely.

Before the new gameplay footage had aired, IGN cube updated their main page with video impressions of Zelda, Mario DDR and others. This was before MATT had even apparently witnessed the videos at the conference. Quote: "Nintendo of America on Tuesday morning premiered a brand new Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess trailer at its pre-E3 conference in Los Angeles." This article was on IGN as MATT was updating LIVE from the conference. Matt had already witnessed the trailers.


EDIT: Some links:
SimonomiS said:
:O I saw those four video clips.
Sounds like the Tests from Valve. ;)

So did I. I laughed my ass off at the Reggie one.
All I can do is simply shake my head and laugh at how people will create such rediculous conspiracys and stories about a dam video game machine wow just wow are there really people out there that have no life like this I mean get a F in clue and If you believe crap like this your an idiot too sorry to say! :LOL:
Agent.M said:
All I can do is simply shake my head and laugh at how people will create such rediculous conspiracys and stories about a dam video game machine wow just wow are there really people out there that have no life like this! :LOL:
Maybe it's just a hobby. I play soccer. Some people make theories on video game consoles. No big deal.
Steve_O said:
Maybe it's just a hobby. I play soccer. Some people make theories on video game consoles. No big deal.

I guess so....