Rumoured used game ban for next Xbox "Fantastic" according to Volition employee.

Well then **** you, you money grubbing piece of shit.
Used game sales DO benefit the industry. Where do people think a lot of the money received from turning in 2nd hand games goes? Straight back on new titles. Eliminate the 2nd hand games market and it won't just be consumers like Dog who duck out - it'll be plenty of people who pay full release price, confident in the knowledge they can sell on a game once they beat it or if it stinks. Then there's the prevalence of DLC nowadays which means 2nd hand users are still being monetised. Durall's soundbyte is pure greedy shortsightedness.

I consider all of that fairly irrelevant to the more significant principle, anyway, which is this: why should companies be able to dictate the terms of the market purely to maximise their own profits? What god-given right do they have to selling goods that consumers don't also have? Granted, that question applies less to digital distribution, since it's just a fact that games companies control that marketplace.

Most people I know who buy used games trade in for more used games. I doubt the number of people who buy new and sell is at all significant in the grand scheme of things. Honestly I find the whole "these assholes are greedy money grubbing turdfaces" notion hilariously shortsighted on your part. Developers make shit on their games, unless they sell a ridiculous amount. Absolute shit. Thats why we see so many studio closures every god damn year. You want to call some people greedy? Then look at gamestop, and look at yourselves. Gamestop sells used games for typically $5 off the new price, $10 off if you're lucky. They do this because they know people are willing to pay full price, but hey might as well save five bucks. You're ****ing paying some other asshole almost the same price but giving them ALL the profits while the guy who makes it just sits there watching with his thumb up his ass because evey time he protests he gets called a greedy ****er. So because of people's $5-level of greedy, penny pinching frugality, a developer sees no money at all from the purchase of their game. Thats ****ed up.

If you want to argue legality and precedent or whatever, fine, you'll win that argument. That doesn't change the fact that its ****ed up that people would rather save five ****ing dollars than support the developer of the product they're using. Its ****ed up when you're buying games, its ****ed up when you're buying music, its ****ed up when you're buying movies. You know, I'd be all for the elimination of the used product industry entirely, and having it strictly limited to customer-to-customer level trading. The corporate element, especially when its a damn-near monopoly, just exacerbates the inherent harm far too much.

And yeah, its 1:20AM now and I probably said some stupid shit in my tired, angry post. At least half the shit I just said I'll feel dumb for saying tomorrow, but **** it. Support the god damn people who make the shit you like, mother****ers. But since you wont, enjoy your half-games once developers and publisher start taking up EA's approach and charging you to unlock features on used games. I for one welcome it.
If devs are struggling it's not because of the used game market, which has been around since the inception of gaming and hasn't prevented it from becoming a multi-billion dollar industry. Devs want more money, I get it, but so does everyone. Gamestop and consumers certainly aren't hoovering up all the money which for whatever reason is failing to make its way to the devs.

Do you have some ethical gripe with Steam sales too? I've lost count of the number of games I've picked up for pocket change. People who buy second hand physical copies probably represent a greater profit for the makers than I have done for those games, since used games don't materialise out of thin air, and irrespective of your doubts their sale creates cash flow for people who buy new, much more profitable titles. If those second hand buyers go on to buy a single piece of DLC, they've almost certainly surpassed my contribution. So should we all feel some randomised guilt every time we nab a digital bargain, because we've greedily chosen to give the makers $20+ less than we could have done? Is that '****ed up'? Or are only people who save a similar amount of money (or less, probably) by buying used games the ****ed up ones? Don't be ridiculous. This is business, not charity.
All they need to do is reduce the price of their game. I just bought a PS3 and 4 pre-owned games. I would've bought them new if the new ones were the same price. It's not that difficult.
I generally won't pay more then 20 dollars for a game. So most of my games are used. I'm sure many would disagree with this opinion, but I haven't seen a game worth 50/60 dollars in a long, LONG time.
But the developer would have to agree to their game being on sale...

I just find it odd that people would rather give 100% of their money to game or gamestop and have non go to the developer which in turn goes shits up and closes rather then support them. So many companys are closing and people should be doing what they can to help out! So many people I know have lost jobs in the games industry because of bad profits, its not only second hand sales of course but it does contribute, and I my self has lost a job from bad profit margins.

People love games but people do not want to support the developer. It just seems crazy.
But the developer would have to agree to their game being on sale...

I just find it odd that people would rather give 100% of their money to game or gamestop and have non go to the developer which in turn goes shits up and closes rather then support them. So many companys are closing and people should be doing what they can to help out! So many people I know have lost jobs in the games industry because of bad profits, its not only second hand sales of course but it does contribute, and I my self has lost a job from bad profit margins.

People love games but people do not want to support the developer. It just seems crazy.
If SR3 goes on sale tomorrow, I'm sure it would be the publishing giant THQ who give the nod, rather than the Volition devs who broke their backs in crunch time to get the game out. In any case, companies indirectly agree to participate in the used games market by releasing a good which can be resold.

Times are just as tough for end users as they are for companies right now. It's not like these guys are Oxfam or tsunami victims. Besides, to make an ideological argument about not buying used games you'd have to first believe they are massively damaging to devs & publishers, which for reasons already mentioned I don't think is the case. I mean the idea (mentioned further up) that EA pursue the business practices they do in retaliation towards greedy consumers, as opposed to just their own greed, is laughable.
In any case, companies indirectly agree to participate in the used games market by releasing a good which can be resold.

Haha, thats only because they have no choice but to accept being ****ed. They're not allowed to say how their products are handled after an initial sale. After all, why should companies be able to dictate the terms of the market purely to maximise their own profits? What god-given right do they have to selling goods that consumers don't also have?
I'd love to be ****ed the way they're being ****ed.
Dave Baranec at Volition needs to slap his ass, and tell him to have THQ get the rights to Freespace from Interplay so that they can have Volition make the 3rd game.