Run Run Run


Sep 2, 2004
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Running is sweat, I lose a minute on my mile everyday. Whats a good way to stretch your running ability? As to push your self hard, but block it out mentally? I try concentrating on my breathing, and try to take deep breaths insted of quick ones. Any ideas? I know there are some runnners out there, and some good ones at that.
I like to listen to music while I run and concentrate on that. Works for me.
:dozey: Yeah, running uphills sure does make your legs stronger faster, as well as gets you tired faster. Anyways, I just run... I leave my mind blank.
drink only water.. dont drink anything else..i wouldnt even recommend gatorade/powerade
cool, so like how many times can I run in a week? Everyday right?
why pain no gain !!!!! taco bell is really good after running ;-)
KidRock said:
drink only water.. dont drink anything else..i wouldnt even recommend gatorade/powerade
gatorade is actually better than water for getting yourself restored after physical activity, i drink it moderately though.
bad thing about gatoraid and poweraid is the surgar, still replanishes your body faster than water. I drink quickkick sometimes tho.
SlagOps said:
cool, so like how many times can I run in a week? Everyday right?

yeah, i used to run every day...but then some cartilage tore off my kneecap and i had to get surgery. i had bad knees to begin with, though, so no worries. now i run three days and take the next day off.
KidRock said:
drink only water.. dont drink anything else..i wouldnt even recommend gatorade/powerade

:dozey: Do you even know how Gatorade or Powerade works?
ailevation said:
:dozey: Do you even know how Gatorade or Powerade works?

I know it has sugar in it... and if you are trying to bring your running times down you dont want any sugar. Water IS the best thing to drink. Ask any personal trainer or workout coach.

EDIT: it also has sodium in it.. that is basiclly salt(IIRC) Just use common sence.. do you really want sugar and salt in you while you are running?
KidRock said:
I know it has sugar in it... and if you are trying to bring your running times down you dont want any sugar. Water IS the best thing to drink. Ask any personal trainer or workout coach.

he's right, dude.
:cheers: Nevermind, I think Gatorade and Powerade is more beneficial for atheletes. It has minerals, you drink Gatorade or Powerade to replenish those used up energies. Not ideal to drink when you're just plain out thristy eating hamburgers.
ailevation said:
:cheers: Nevermind, I think Gatorade and Powerade is more beneficial for atheletes. It has minerals, you drink Gatorade or Powerade to replenish those used up energies. Not ideal to drink when you're just plain out thristy eating hamburgers.

I would much rather drink gatorade then isnt all bad it does have good things in it.. including the taste :cheers:
Okay, so as a soccer player, gatorade/powerade always worked for me best THIS way: During a soccer tournament, i would drink one IMMEDIATELY after a game, because i had another game in like 3 hours, so i needed energy fast. However, i NEVER drank it DURING games, because i always felt weighed down.
my swimming coach suggested a half water, half gatorade setup. Still, i sometimes just like to have water.
When I play football or any sport I always drink Gatorade or powerade.. when I run or swim its all water.
"water sucks, gatorade is better....
needle dick! needle dick!"

I hope im not the only one that knows what thats from.
SpuD said:
"water sucks, gatorade is better....
needle dick! needle dick!"

I hope im not the only one that knows what thats from.

Fun movie...kinda made me angry though, cuz they obviously did no research. Remember the part with Captain Insano? He says he'll be at the "Baton Rouge Exposition Center". There's no such thing. But that was probably just me. Cuz i'm from Baton Rouge. And I get pissed off easily... about silly things... silly things like that.
Maybe its a secret exposition center that steve can't go to.
gatorrade are for people who are going to be active for hours but water but other than that drink water for running
SpuD said:
Maybe its a secret exposition center that steve can't go to.

DAMN it...everybody in Baton Rouge knows about it except ME! those BASTARD! always letting me go to the Riverside Centroplex while the sit in their comfy seats at the magical Baton Rouge Exposition Center!
All right, let's put it this way; before gatorade was invented, what did people drink? Water. They seemed to survive well enough. Besides you want complex carbs, like in spaghetti, not plain white sugar.
-Viper- said:
All right, let's put it this way; before gatorade was invented, what did people drink? Water. They seemed to survive well enough. Besides you want complex carbs, like in spaghetti, not plain white sugar.

trueness. AND gatorade was invented in Gainsville. i HATE florida! screw the gators. heh heh...good thing we beat their asses.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
trueness. AND gatorade was invented in Gainsville. i HATE florida! screw the gators. heh heh...good thing we beat their asses.
I can't wait to see UofA take on the gators.... :naughty:
trueness. AND gatorade was invented in Gainsville. i HATE florida! screw the gators. heh heh...good thing we beat their asses.
yeah so did we.
Try finding a short hill in your local park. Say 100 yards. Warm up, then sprint up the hill, and use an alternate path down to jog and recover. Try 10 laps of that.

Also, you don't need energy drinks. Stick to water, get your energy from complex carbs and body fat. Also its very important that you eat lots of protein, meats and fishes are good for this, after your run, to build your muscles.
Yea I take Fishoil pills and stuff, about energy drinks though, I was always drinking the ones the SoBe-with creatine and other stuff in it. Is that bad to drink everymoring to help me get going before I work out? I get up at 4:15a.m.
Don't bother with any fishoil pills. Eat the fish itself.

Only drink as much water as you need. Don't drink too much, there is a limit to how much your body can take. Oh, and bottled water is bollocks, good old UK tapwater has everything you need.
If you're taking a minute off your mile every day... wow... you're not running every day... and you must have been ass-slow to begin with...

I find it's good to take at least one day off a week... my best times I get on my runs (usually 3-milers... only more if I'm feeling really good usually) happen after my off-day. As for eating, just make sure you're hydrated and no carbonated stuff within three hours of going... and make sure you don't eat too soon before going either (water is okay in moderate amounts up to an hour before in my experience)... don't ****ing starve yourself, though... that's just asking to suck. Carbs, especially, are your frieeeeeeends. :)

Oh, and one more thing... lay off the ****ing pills... that's so stupid... don't replace meals with energy drinks... and did you say creatine? Yeah, ****ing quit that too. Chemicals are not your friends.
Letters said:
If you're taking a minute off your mile every day... wow... you're not running every day... and you must have been ass-slow to begin with...

I find it's good to take at least one day off a week... my best times I get on my runs (usually 3-milers... only more if I'm feeling really good usually) happen after my off-day. As for eating, just make sure you're hydrated and no carbonated stuff within three hours of going... and make sure you don't eat too soon before going either (water is okay in moderate amounts up to an hour before in my experience)... don't ****ing starve yourself, though... that's just asking to suck. Carbs, especially, are your frieeeeeeends. :)

Oh, and one more thing... lay off the ****ing pills... that's so stupid... don't replace meals with energy drinks... and did you say creatine? Yeah, ****ing quit that too. Chemicals are not your friends.

Quoted to save me time by not typeing much.