Running CS:S



What kind of fps would I get in CS:S all settings max with 8xFSAA/16xAF and my monitors preferred resolution (1280x1024) with these specs:

P4 3.2GHz
Asus mobo (not too sure which one)
Gig of PC3200 RAM
Asus X800 Pro

I'm also going to flash my video card to XT speeds soon also but just saying without me doing that what kind of fps would I get.
Hi. There is a handy dandy search feature that will tell you the answer. There are a billion threads on this already.
I have used the search feature before with title names common to mine but I didn't get anything and if I did it wasn't close to my pc at all, so thanks anyway. Is there a benchmark on CS:S somewhere?
You can run the stress test benchmark if you already own CS:S, it's on the main menu.

Not sure why you're worried about framerate anyway, you've pretty much got top of the line hardware.
Well I just want a good framerate with everything maxed out. I'm not really worried just wondering. I remember their being a CS:S benchmark so I'm going to try and find it. Thanks for your help butternuts.