Russian Hostage Situation

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biased? :laugh:

You can't handle the truth?

BS?? check the sources on those articles my trolling friend.
Joeslucky22 said:
biased? :laugh:

You can't handle the truth?

Kerry went to war. Bush did not. That totally destroys any sort of argument on how many medals he's got.
Sprafa said:
Kerry went to war. Bush did not. That totally destroys any sort of argument on how many medals he's got.

I agree, and bush even went AWOL while in service.. talk about a coward...
MaxiKana said:
I agree, and bush even went AWOL while in service.. talk about a coward...

I'm loving how he just STFU.
lol i hate talking to narrow minded people like you.


So he went to war, and did a s***ty job. You can't brag about that.

Now enough of your nonsense and read more. look at the links others have posted, read those too.
Joeslucky22 said:
lol i hate talking to narrow minded people like you.


So he went to war, and did a s***ty job. You can't brag about that.

Now enough of your nonsense and read more. look at the links others have posted, read those too.

Did a shitty job?

ffs no one is discussing what kind of job he did. He at least volunteered, having a rich father that could have done what Bush did, evade war.

But he didn't.
Joeslucky22 said:

Your link serves no purpose, sorry.

So they have some quotes by Kerry about another officers medals? Are you trying to say those quotes put him in a bad light? They seemed pretty reasonable to me. He was just talking about how highly he regarded a military career.

So those quotes by themselves serve no purpose in an argument against Kerry.

But I'm assuming that you think this is the important part of the link:

If John Kerry has been touting a “V” that the Navy says he does not deserve, these quotes are going to be flung back in his face.

Let's examine that a little closer shall we? It says, "If." So what? How does this support any argument your trying to make? Saying "if someone did this then this is bad" isn't an argument. It's biased speculation.

So like I said, that link brings nothing significant to the table.

Also, I'd seriously recommend you research information from more than one source, especially when that source is: ~ The Premier Conservative News Forum.
I never expected to change anyones views.

Im just trying to help "ya'll " :smoking:
Joeslucky22 said:
I never expected to change anyones views.

Im just trying to help "ya'll " :smoking:

it's not smoking you'll help anyone :p

And you can change ppl's views, by actually trying.
oh ok, im sure you'll vote for bush by just listening to someone talk about kerry's bad side all day right?
Joeslucky22 said:
oh ok, im sure you'll vote for bush by just listening to someone talk about kerry's bad side right?

I'll vote for Bush if someone proves to me that everything I've heard bad about Bush in the last 4 years was lies.

And it's if you really want to look at bad sides, look at Bush's daughters.

How can a man that educates his daughters like that be the most powerful man in the World?
Champ said:
Bleh... The russians did nothing wrong here. From what I have heard, the roof collapsed, children started running out of the school and the hostage takers started shooting at them. The russians were forced to move in. When 40 crazy men/women enter a school with weapons and explosives, a high casualty rate is inevitable. And quit bothering Sprafa, he speaks his case with arguments, not crap. Crap is the weapon of the troll. Arguments is the weapon of the intellectual.

Hold on now. Are you calling me a troll? And saying I don't back up my arguments? I suggest you look around.

Sprafa said:
I'll vote for Bush if someone proves to me that everything I've heard bad about Bush in the last 4 years was lies.

I'll vote for Kerry if someone proves to me that everything I've heard bad about Kerry in the last 4 years was lies.

If somebody says that Bush is completely good, that person is lieing. If a person says that Kerry is completely good, that person is lieing as well.

Bush is not as bad as people make him out to be. It is getting a bit ridiculus when I hear Bush and Machavelli in the same setence.
Sprafa said:
I'll vote for Bush if someone proves to me that everything I've heard bad about Bush in the last 4 years was lies.

And it's if you really want to look at bad sides, look at Bush's daughters.

How can a man that educates his daughters like that be the most powerful man in the World?

he isnt the most powerful man in the world, he's a puppet of the most powerful men in the world, you know, the guys's who run the conglomorate corporation's, the guys's who make America's big bucks.

Bush's dad is one of them, and many friend's in and out of America
blahblahblah said:

I'll vote for Kerry if someone proves to me that everything I've heard bad about Kerry in the last 4 years was lies.

What bad things you've heard about Kerry the didn't come from Bush's propaganda machine in the last few months?
blahblahblah said:
Hold on now. Are you calling me a troll? And saying I don't back up my arguments? I suggest you look around.

Hold on now. Are you putting words in my mouth? I told you to back off Sprafa. Furthermore did I show you my definitions on a troll and a debater. You're a troll? No, I don't think so, but I suggest you read my messages more carefully next time.
Alright Joey, I looks at another of your links, specifically:

All it contains is a lot of speculation and accusation. There is no evidence whatsoever about the validity of Kerry's war records.

In fact, at the end of the article it even says:

Experts point out that even the official military records get screwed up. Milavic is trying to get mistakes in his own DD214 file corrected. In his opinion, "these entries are not prima facie evidence of lying or unethical behavior on the part of Kerry or anyone else with screwed-up DD214s."

The article even says itself that none of this is necessarily evidence against Kerry.

Are you seriously going to completely condemn a man based on suspicions and speculation? Now I'm not saying that it shouldn't be looked into. It's an issue that deserves some careful consideration. However, that does not make it rational to based a decision as if he was already guilty when there is no such proof.

And if you want to get into the issue of lying I can bring up times that Bush lied if you want. Here's a couple, just for a quick example...

In his Autobiography Bush says he flew with his unit in the Air National Guard until 1973. He had been assigned to the Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron in Montgomery in may of 1972. However, base commander Brigadier General William Turnipspee says he is, "dead-certain he (Bush) didn't show up."

Or how about in an interview with Wayne Slater of the Dallas Morning News? Here:

Slater said, "Governor, were you ever arrested after 1968?
Bush responded, "No."

Now that wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that he was indeed arrested for drunk driving in 1976.

Then there was the the time he took credit for the Texas Patients' Bill of Rights, which he just happened to have vetoed.

But none of these or other things Bush has done seem to matter compared to the accusations against Kerry do they? See, I really don't get this. As hard as it may be to believe I truly do understand that people have concerns about Kerry and I can respect that. But I see so many people with a double standard where Bush is concerned. They endlessly analyize everything his opponents do and rake them over the coals if anyone should ever even suspected of lying let alone actually guilty of it. Yet at the same time anything Bush does is completely ignored. Does no one see a problem with this kind of thinking?
I'd say this has gone off topic now about some US thing when it started out as Russian. I think its gone as far as its gonna go on that subject. We don't want another political row.

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