Russian Necrophilia fetish to new levels of strange!


Jun 20, 2004
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I thought the climbing into a horse bit this week was the weirdest thing but this beats it:

Russian 'genius' lived with 26 female bodies
Moskvina dressed the bodies up as dolls. Photos released by Life News showed one skeleton wearing a dress, stockings and other clothing while another body appeared to have been dressed as a teddy bear.
Moskvina was said to have visited more than 750 cemeteries although it was not immediately clear when he started digging up bodies. On at least one occasion, Moskvina is believed to have slept in a coffin while on other nights he slept on benches at cemeteries

The bodies were "dried up," Interfax reported.
Wonder how that felt.

He wont be russian off to a graveyard anytime soon.
Sounds like he had a few skeletons in his closet.
Did he drive the stolen corpses home or did he take the bus and carrion?
It wouldn't be so bad Moskiva stealing a woman's corpse if the family had said he cadaver.
bet the womans where very death cold in the bed
sigh, i guess ill do it, then.

in soviet russia, corpse f*cks you
Couldn't he find a sex slav with a pulse?
I couldn't see anything about sexual attraction in the article, but I'd say there was some attraction.