Russians blow chance at first contact: eat alien

The alien in the video appears to be singing in some strange dialect.
Just wait till those sharks regenerate inside the fishermens bodies as they feed off of them like a paracite until;
A penis pops out of your chest? I still laugh at the documentary they did on Aliens saying that the hive entrance looked like a big vagina too.
The alien in the video appears to be singing in some strange dialect.
Yeah some strange terrorist music. Seriously people you can't think this is real. The thing looked incredibly plastic. *Also I can't take the video seriously with tit's all over the place and some guy being eaten by a shark. Also why is everything documented by a video cell phone now? Saddam hanging and now this?
I think the fact the the fisherman states it being delicious finishes the deal.

guitarfish, rays, mantas, sharks, whatever are all cartiligeous fish.

and cartiligeous fish are freaking delicious! Shark meat is some of the sweetest fish meat you can find.

So yeah, this is definitely just some unfortunate fish that got itself ate.
The fish looked pretty pissed off in that video. Reminded me of Samuel L Jackson.
Mother ****er this mother ****ing thread doesn't have a mother ****ing thing to do with Samuel L. mother ****ing Jackson.

Mother f*cker.
You laugh, but during Stalin's reforms, where he collectivised the countryside, peasants afraid of the government seizing their grain, supplies and livestock held out for months by eating absolutely everything that could be eaten before the Party troops could get there and take it away.

lol, owned.