Ryzom open beta


Aug 30, 2003
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The open beta started 3 days ago, i was figureing someone would make a thread on this, but no one did i guess. Ive been thinking of trying it, but im not sure since the first open beta was horrible but some people on the SA forums were saying to not judge the game on the open beta becuase it has gotten much better during the closed beta, so i might try it. http://ryzom.com/subscribe/ - thats the link to sign up for the open beta, (if you already signed up for the first beta you dont need to again) and also the links to DL it.
it never seemed to be my style, ive always avoided it since i saw the ad for it in cgm.
Im downloading it now, i figured theres nothing else to do so what the hell, ill tell you all how it is when its done.
i have money down saying that its going to suck :|
I played the beta... and it does suck, pretty bad too. the graphics are alright but the animations are stuff are shite... anyhow I stopped playing after my charecter was like lvl 6
wow.. what a suprise, the game is horrible. I didnt even play it for more then 1 minute to reliese it. The different "races" are horrible, which makes the game bad enough since you run away in some stupid looking player model where no matter what you do, it will look stupid, and then once you play the game, its laggy, empty, and boring. I just couldnt imagine my self playing this game, even for free, let alone for 10 - 15 dollars a month. I pressed play, waited for it to load, walked around for not even a minute, went to menu, quit, and then uninstall.
Same thing as Epyon, I played this in the closed beta, has to be the worst mmorpgs ever.
same, they mailed me the beta disc a logn time ago, i installed, played for 5 min, snapped the disc inhalf and never wanna see or hear of it again
i tried it out. The magic system looked promising, but I only glanced at it for about 30 seconds so who knows...

waited for way too long for it to update and load, played for about 5 minutes, killed a rat, and quit. I'll uninstall when I get something else to put on here, or when i get bored...
Epyon said:
The open beta started 3 days ago, i was figureing someone would make a thread on this, but no one did i guess. Ive been thinking of trying it, but im not sure since the first open beta was horrible but some people on the SA forums were saying to not judge the game on the open beta becuase it has gotten much better during the closed beta, so i might try it. http://ryzom.com/subscribe/ - thats the link to sign up for the open beta, (if you already signed up for the first beta you dont need to again) and also the links to DL it.

Yeah it was kind of bad back then during the first open beta. It really went downhill went they tried to balance it, it became impossible to do anything without SEVERE loss of money (you earned like 10K by spending 200K). Plus my fingers hurt from playing it, was far to repetive in the gui... Lineage II was much nicer.