S.T.A.L.K.E.R Latest News

The stuff I have read about S.T.A.L.K.E.R in the past year you should be able to run it on a GForce-3, I knew a guy that had a friend of a very good source that @1024x768 all settings full game ran a solid 100FPS with Vsync on , in the alpha. 3Ghz - 1GBram - 9800 pro. From what he said buttery smooth, but its just hear say lol.
hmmm system requirements from a leaked alpha...not too reliable
{RiP}Bastion said:
The stuff I have read about S.T.A.L.K.E.R in the past year you should be able to run it on a GForce-3, I knew a guy that had a friend of a very good source that @1024x768 all settings full game ran a solid 100FPS with Vsync on , in the alpha. 3Ghz - 1GBram - 9800 pro. From what he said buttery smooth, but its just hear say lol.

Wow, dodgy source? I played the so called "alpha," and I'll just assume he means that leaked POS.

It ran 100FPS on ANY card, but, you know why? It has NOTHING IN IT. No AI, lowpoly enemies, no proper lighting, placeholder sounds, uhm.. basically, it's devoid of all graphical bells and whistles. Such is why it ran so smoothly.
The full game will *NOT* run at 100FPS, there's no way it will, even on a completely new top of the line system.

I laugh at your source though, that sounded so stupid :)
ray_MAN said:
More like:
STALKER > graphics + some scare factor + phsyics
HL2 > gameplay + phsyics
DOOM 3 > graphics + massive scare factor

yeah i forgot about physics. i hear doom3 will have some good physics also. :)
Shuzer said:
The full game will *NOT* run at 100FPS, there's no way it will, even on a completely new top of the line system.

would you like to put some money on this? :D

~300 000 polygons per frame at 60 fps on average hardware
im sure if a average system can do 60fps, im sure a 'top of the line' system can do 100+

btw got that quote off the stalker website about the xray engine :)
x84D80Yx said:
would you like to put some money on this? :D

im sure if a average system can do 60fps, im sure a 'top of the line' system can do 100+

btw got that quote off the stalker website about the xray engine :)

Exactly. Plus you could put the settings on low and be playing it on a "completely new top of the line system", then I'd say it would definitely run at about 100fps :E
x84D80Yx said:
would you like to put some money on this? :D

im sure if a average system can do 60fps, im sure a 'top of the line' system can do 100+

btw got that quote off the stalker website about the xray engine :)

lol, I highly doubt it'll run that well with all the said features

If it does, I'll be amazed, and very very happy :)
just be cause you doubt, doesnt mean its not gonna happen. your not god shuzer ;)
x84D80Yx said:
just be cause you doubt, doesnt mean its not gonna happen. your not god shuzer ;)

..tell that to the ants!

Anyhow, I'm half basing my the performance indication on the latest video footage.. the game is stuttering in the videos, unless they recorded it with FRAPS while running it, or something
GSC (the developer?) talk pretty big. In interviews they have said that their lighting is more advanced than Doom3 and their AI more advanced than HL2... They may or may not be exagerrating.
Shuzer said:
..tell that to the ants!

Anyhow, I'm half basing my the performance indication on the latest video footage.. the game is stuttering in the videos, unless they recorded it with FRAPS while running it, or something

i have seen studdering on a hl2 video doesnt mean it wont run silky smooth on a x800xt ;)

but yeah, we shall see how stalker runs when it comes.
Styloid said:
GSC (the developer?) talk pretty big. In interviews they have said that their lighting is more advanced than Doom3 and their AI more advanced than HL2... They may or may not be exagerrating.

Exaggerating. On both accounts, what engine has a lighting system more advanced then Doom 3? I haven't seen any proof STALKER has lighting that good. All of the screenshots of STALKER i've seen just say its got loads of polygon's and detail but i haven't seen any fancy lighting equal to that of Doom 3
Sparta said:
Exaggerating. On both accounts, what engine has a lighting system more advanced then Doom 3? I haven't seen any proof STALKER has lighting that good. All of the screenshots of STALKER i've seen just say its got loads of polygon's and detail but i haven't seen any fancy lighting equal to that of Doom 3





I must say the lighting is very good, and the weapon models are the most detailed ones I've ever seen to-date. Hope it lives upto it...

P.S: Isn't GSC gameworld the same developer who made the crappy "FireStarter". I saw it some days ago in a net club, boy it was a pathetic rip-off of quake 3. Hope stalker doesn't turn out to be anything like that.
I didn't think stalker has a fully dynamic lighting system? I was pretty sure it was still relying on static light maps for large areas. If it doesn't have fully dynamic lights then it really can't claim to stand up to D3's lighting.
Neutrino said:
I didn't think stalker has a fully dynamic lighting system? I was pretty sure it was still relying on static light maps for large areas. If it doesn't have fully dynamic lights then it really can't claim to stand up to D3's lighting.
The developers say it does indeed have dynamic lighting.
lans said:
The developers say it does indeed have dynamic lighting.

Ya, I know it has dynamic lighting. So does HL2. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't have a unified dynamic lighting system like D3. In Doom 3 all lighting is real time and per pixel. I doubt stalker has that ability. I'll have to go read up on the engine to see just what they say.
Neutrino said:
Ya, I know it has dynamic lighting. So does HL2. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't have a unified dynamic lighting system like D3. In Doom 3 all lighting is real time and per pixel. I doubt stalker has that ability. I'll have to go read up on the engine to see just what they say.
HL2 has dynamic lighting? I thought doom3 was the only game that would have it untill last year.
lans said:
HL2 has dynamic lighting? I thought doom3 was the only game that would have it untill last year.

Well not exactly. It still uses precalculated light maps for about 95% of the lighting.
Neutrino said:
Ya, I know it has dynamic lighting. So does HL2. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't have a unified dynamic lighting system like D3. In Doom 3 all lighting is real time and per pixel. I doubt stalker has that ability. I'll have to go read up on the engine to see just what they say.

"The custom-built dedicated renderer is capable of real-time dynamic lighting, soft (physically correct) shadows cast from every object onto every other object, true per-pixel lighting, physical umbra/penumbra computations, and hundreds of lights per frame--all in real-time"
cadaver said:
"The custom-built dedicated renderer is capable of real-time dynamic lighting, soft (physically correct) shadows cast from every object onto every other object, true per-pixel lighting, physical umbra/penumbra computations, and hundreds of lights per frame--all in real-time"(stalker)

Hmm, interesting how they say the renderer is "capable" of these things. That might very well be true, but I'd bet anything it won't be in the game as computers couldn't run it now.
I'm just wondering if stalker has soo much more than hl2 and doom3 technology-wise, how come they were hardly noticed by game critics last year or this year?
lans said:
I'm just wondering if stalker has soo much more than hl2 and doom3 technology-wise, how come they were hardly noticed by game critics last year or this year?

Maybe because they're relatively unknown developers? I mean anything with Valve or id slapped on it would probably get noticed more than most games don't you think?
It's not technology that gets games noticed for graphics as much as it is the artists... and, frankly, they just aren't as good at that as iD or Valve, in my opinion. The monsters are bland (from what I've seen), the colors in all of the textures seem a bit dark/saturated/harsh, and their characters look... *blegh*. There are several parts that look great while others are disappointing. It's just not as consistently good in the graphics department as HL2 or D3.

It is impressive for a first showing.
it's not their first game...they had a couple of games released a few years back that got terrible reviews, but they didnt have proper funding back then
Stalker has been regarded as the sleeper hit, and it will challenge HL2/D3 for the crown, believe you me.
Stalker is definately a game to look out for, the textures are absolutely amazing and the art team are definately at the top of their league, the question is how will the game run on a standard or top end system.
the graphics are not what drew me in to stalker...it's the open ended game play and rpg elements that'll make this game stand out
Thats what im worried about. I don't wanna be walking for an hour or two without running into anything but a horde of mutant animals. Also the enviroments looks incredibly detailed but they don't look exciting. They seem very dull
Sparta said:
Thats what im worried about. I don't wanna be walking for an hour or two without running into anything but a horde of mutant animals. Also the enviroments looks incredibly detailed but they don't look exciting. They seem very dull

They make it seem like you are acually in Chernobyle... God ForbiD!!!!!
it'll be creepy plus there's tons of things to do
RMachucaA said:
Stalker has been regarded as the sleeper hit, and it will challenge HL2/D3 for the crown, believe you me.
I want to believe you...I won't deny the fact that I'm looking forward to stalker more than HL2 and doom3 because of it's graphical eye-candy...but I wasn't impressed with the video...the fighting seemed too stiff (too much realism like weapon sway/slow reloading), monsters seemed a cross between far cry's and doom's,there were detailed yet boring characters, frame rate skips, and the fact that your hardest enemies will be other stalkers who like you are collecting loot doesn't make the story very promising. All in all, I just don't want it to be a tech demo.
Deadline said:
They make it seem like you are acually in Chernobyle... God ForbiD!!!!!

Yeah i know but when i say dull, i mean nothing is happening in that enviroment. Alot of the area's in Half-Life were dull, but something was always happening. From all the screenshots and everything i've seen of stalker, its showing off the surroundings and graphics, not scenarios of gameplay or anything. I know its stupid to say that about a screenshot, but take a look at the screenshots for Ninja Gaiden or Doom 3. Something is always happening. I'm just worried the graphics will be great but the action will be few and fair between.

Also i don't wanna go around collecting items like the whole game is a sidequest in a Zelda game. I hope the story is interesting and intriguing and i hope that each fire-fight or action sequence will be differant. Not like in Far Cry where every single fight is the same regardless of how the AI is flanking differantly to before.
And for whoever said that it would be boring to walk for 2 hours to get to anywhere.... they have apc's, trucks, cars, etc... which you can 1-buy, 2-steal. Now that rocks. What really impresses me is the immersion factor.. i have seen everyvideo of stalker that has been released since a year and a half ago... and it has really impressed me. Yes, the gameplay is set towards realism... but not as to make it a tedious realism, but a fun realism.
RMachucaA said:
Yes, the gameplay is set towards realism... but not as to make it a tedious realism, but a fun realism.

You call half-an-hour to reload a gun while getting your ass whooped, "fun"?