Sacha Baron Cohen's Bruno held at gunpoint by 3 homophobes


May 5, 2004
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Sacha Baron Cohen was threatened with a gun during filming for his new film, Bruno.

The comedian, who plays the gay Austrian fashion designer Bruno, was on location in the Deep South in the US with three Americans.

Unaware they were being set up, they started to get angry with the comedian's camp behaviour. And when Bruno danced around the campsite naked, they realised he was gay and grabbed their guns.

Baron Cohen and his producers were forced to leave the film set to escape after they failed to persuade the Americans to put down their weapons

I bet it went down something like this:

Mountain Man: What do you want to do now?
Toothless Man: [grinning] He's got a real pretty mouth on him, don't he?
Mountain Man: Ain't that the truth.
Toothless Man: You gonna do some prayin' for me, boy. And you better pray real good.

Toothless Man: Come on piggy, give me a ride...Looks like we got us a sow here, instead of a boar....I bet you can squeal. I bet you can squeal like a pig.

Bobby: Weee!

Mountain Man: Weeeeeeee!

Bobby: Weee!

also this is hilarious:

In another scene Bruno appears on an American chat show, telling the studio audience that he adopted his baby in Africa by swapping him for an iPod. He then talked about using his new baby, who he names OJ and who appears in a midriff-baring t-shirt emblazoned with the word "Gayby", in a controversial "arts project" involving a fashion shoot with the baby posing as Jesus on a crucifix.

as is this:

In another scene which is likely to shock viewers, Baron Cohen exposes Hollywoods ambitious "career moms" who will stop at nothing to land their aspiring child stars in the limelight.

Auditioning for a children's fashion shoot in Los Angeles, Bruno asks a group of showbusiness mothers a series of questions about what they would allow their child to do for the shoot.

Bruno then reveals that the fashion shoot will involve one child dressed up as a Nazi officer pushing a wheelbarrow holding another young girl dressed as a Jew into a furnace.

One of the mothers auditioning her child says: "It sounds theatrical... as long as she gets the gig."

Wow, that's kind of terrifying. I'm glad he's okay D:

In another scene Bruno appears on an American chat show, telling the studio audience that he adopted his baby in Africa by swapping him for an iPod. He then talked about using his new baby, who he names OJ and who appears in a midriff-baring t-shirt emblazoned with the word "Gayby", in a controversial "arts project" involving a fashion shoot with the baby posing as Jesus on a crucifix.
But on a lighter note, this is going to be the best movie ever.
I saw the trailer in the cinema the other day and all of the above scenes seem to be still in the film, though I can't say if they are there in entirety but as scenes themselves, they haven't stopped at putting in the scenarios. Looks hilarious.
I don't particularly like Sacha Baron Cohen, but all homophobes should have their guns turned on them and be put to sleep. Goodbye, Texas.
my sisters ex-boyfriend went to Cambridge with sasha and his brother apparently he has a natural comedian all his life...I can't wait for this it's gonna rock
This same shit happened when Borat was being filmed.
It's just publicity, I'm almost positive that it's all staged.

And in saying that, this movie looks as bad as Borat.

You're missing the point! Borat was so bad it broke the barrier and by default is awesome!

Nah, the second I saw some naked fat guy wrestling Borat and you could actually see their dicks flopping around, I turned it off having not laughed once throughout the entire film.

Also, meh, whatever Stern... it just seems awfully convenient for their publicity.
Cannae wait for this.
"so your saying it's fine if I shower with a man but the second I put his penis in my mouth I'm gay?"
Nah, the second I saw some naked fat guy wrestling Borat and you could actually see their dicks flopping around, I turned it off having not laughed once throughout the entire film.

Also, meh, whatever Stern... it just seems awfully convenient for their publicity.

that's because you're not yet confident enough about your homosexuality. you need to loosen up a bit
I'm excited to see it too!

I only watched bits and pieces of Borat. I didn't think it was THAT funny though.