Sale on EA website.

Pretty much everything EA I've ever wanted I already got... but something interesting... how the **** does Medal of Honor already have a MAP PACK!? Come on EA I thought you were getting out of the whole milking gamers for every penny with shitty games... :(
Pretty much everything EA I've ever wanted I already got... but something interesting... how the **** does Medal of Honor already have a MAP PACK!? Come on EA I thought you were getting out of the whole milking gamers for every penny with shitty games... :(

They are just trying to compete. If CoD has a map pack, they better have a map pack too.

That's what I think, anyway.
I dunno... why compete by raping your customers. Real competition would be if they made it free.
I'll stick with Steam *venerate our immortal Gabe*
I got like 3-5 games from the EA Store for free, thanks to the bugs.
I dunno... why compete by raping your customers. Real competition would be if they made it free.
Well, that's true.

I was thinking about the comparison between the games. Map packs? CHECK.
Well, that's true.

I was thinking about the comparison between the games. Map packs? CHECK.

I was just having this conversation with someone a few days ago. Map packs are taking over in the FPS world. They used to not exist and then console games (I think Halo was among the first) started this thing where you can't just get maps like you would on a PC... you have to buy map packs. Remember when UT2004 and games like that would get free map packs released all the time? Everyone was doing free maps. It was a way to keep your game relevant and make it fun for newcomers. And they'd make maps that were completely new, not just a single player level with the ends cut off.

At least Valve still does it like champions. Consoles haven't screwed PCs in their eyes. I hope they stick with it. I suspect EA's name will soon just mean Expensive Addons.
I was just having this conversation with someone a few days ago. Map packs are taking over in the FPS world. They used to not exist and then console games (I think Halo was among the first) started this thing where you can't just get maps like you would on a PC... you have to buy map packs. Remember when UT2004 and games like that would get free map packs released all the time? Everyone was doing free maps. It was a way to keep your game relevant and make it fun for newcomers. And they'd make maps that were completely new, not just a single player level with the ends cut off.

At least Valve still does it like champions. Consoles haven't screwed PCs in their eyes. I hope they stick with it. I suspect EA's name will soon just mean Expensive Addons.
Kotick happened.

I really don't think it was Halo, especially because Halo had a map editor.

And yeah, I remember the free map packs for the very first Call of Duty on the PC, back in the day.
Maybe it was Halo 2... I remember it being a big deal because it was like a physical thing you had to go to the store and buy and I was like "whaaaaaaaat".
>Vaguely interested, decide to take a look at the games
>Go to PC section
>Realize I've browsed this site before looking for a game I was remotely interested in
>Close tab