Same Sex Marraige

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uhh then wtf am I? A freak accident? Im acceptance on either side? Too str8 for gays, too gay for women? :LOL:
mchammer75040 said:
uhh then wtf am I? A freak accident? Im acceptance on either side? Too str8 for gays, too gay for women? :LOL:

No, like I said, it's probably a lot more complicated than this (I don't know much of genetics either) and a lot more factors play a role in determining your preference.
I'm just recently experiencing some bi-ness, and I must say it doesn't feel like it's something that's been there all along, more a personal choice on my part, although it feels kind of natural. I think more likely it's something awakening with my encouragement... bah, idunno.
Gay marriage has been legalized here in Canada, and what has changed?

So far, two things:
1: Many gay people are moving out of the US and into Canada in order to Marry.
2: Many more christians are vaguely angry.

When people have to move out of your country in order to gain equality to average straight couples, that's an indication that something's wrong.
I live in Canada, and has gay marriage hurt straight, white, middle-class me?
Nope, and it never will either.

Many people who are against gay marriage propose civil unions and other unions that are exactly the same, except for the word marriage.

From a non-religious standpoint, that's like saying that Coke-drinkers should not be allowed to drink Coke products unless they pour it into a Pepsi bottle first and pretend they're drinking Pepsi whenever Pepsi-drinking people look at them.
Sounds stupid, doesn't it?

It doesn't change a single thing, other than creating a fantasy world for the majority where nothing's 'scary' or 'different'. That's called marginalization of human beings, pretending they don't exist because they scare you or make you feel 'icky' either through personal preference or religious beliefs.

You know what else made people feel 'icky'?
Interracial marriage.
Before that, it was Inter-faith marriage.
Before that, it was Inter-class marriage.
Each one has become a social norm, and the churches that opposed them eventualy shut up, and set about treating them as though they were always in effect.

I'm sorry to say that this whole fear of gay marriage thing will likely be researched in history classes as a symbol of a more ignorant time, ruled be predjudice and discrimination.
Just like how we look back on how the 1950's treated black people.
Only looked on the first page of this thread, but I'd like to add that George Bush is basically an asshole for wanting to forbid gay marriages. I mean, how ignorant is a goddamn president allowed to be? And spare me the usual crap about marriage is a sacred thing between a man and a woman. There's a thing in life called evolution..
Champ said:
Only looked on the first page of this thread, but I'd like to add that George Bush is basically an asshole for wanting to forbid gay marriages. I mean, how ignorant is a goddamn president allowed to be? And spare me the usual crap about marriage is a sacred thing between a man and a woman. There's a thing in life called evolution..

So lets all evolve into homosexuals and spell the end of our species! I'm sure the planet would appreciate it for one.

Next logical step right.... yuh! I'm sick of people trying to argue that because homosexuality hasn't died out that it isnt un-natural and that homosexuals should be entitled to all hetrosexual rights. Not to draw parallels between them, but down syndrome hasnt died out either.. neither has dyslexia.. guess they're natural too eh?

Pull the other ****ing one!

craig, and I'm sick of morons like you.

Zakat said:
craig, and I'm sick of morons like you.


STFU. I'm making a point. Seems anytime anyone makes a point that isn't pro-gay it's a bad thing. Sorta kills the point in a forum doesnt it!
craigweb2k, naw, don't get mad, I'm just trying to get the thread closed too ;P Nothing personal.
/me hugs Zakat.

I'm glad somebody agrees with me on something. Even if it is trivial :LOL:

BTW what PvtRyan said about the reccesive genes is spot on imo.
well, I admit homosexuallity is unatural, but I'm bisexual so I don't care ;P

Anyway, what I wanna say, this "Same Sex Marriage" discussion has been discussed til death, can't just a nice admin such as Abom close it?>.>;

Imo, all it is now is an annoying thread for people to flame in.
er..... how can being gay be genetic :|. i thought you needed a man and a woman to have a kid, and if so, that kid cant be gay unless one of the parents was, and if the parents were ga, they wouldnt have sex with the opposite sex would they
Zakat said:
well, I admit homosexuallity is unatural, but I'm bisexual so I don't care ;P

Anyway, what I wanna say, this "Same Sex Marriage" discussion has been discussed til death, can't just a nice admin such as Abom close it?>.>;

Imo, all it is now is an annoying thread for people to flame in.

/me agrees

crushenator 500 said:
er..... how can being gay be genetic :|. i thought you needed a man and a woman to have a kid, and if so, that kid cant be gay unless one of the parents was, and if the parents were ga, they wouldnt have sex with the opposite sex would they

negative. you can be a carrier of a gene also. diseases have often been known to skip a generation, isnt it plausable homosexuality also could? the thing you have to remember is the gene pool is so vast now that it's likley homosexuality will be with humans forever.

I watched a program once that made the point that upon death when examined a homosexual mans brain exhibited many aspects of a feminine brain and this led them to the conclusion that gay men are basically women inside mens bodies.
crushenator 500 said:
er..... how can being gay be genetic :|. i thought you needed a man and a woman to have a kid, and if so, that kid cant be gay unless one of the parents was, and if the parents were ga, they wouldnt have sex with the opposite sex would they

Sigh, I think I explained that on the other page....

That is like saying a blonde kid can only exist if the parents are blonde, but there are plenty of children with darkhaired parents. You can carry certain traits without them expressing themselves.

/me loves people who read all posts...
Perhaps "Gayness" is evolving to a genderless state where everyone is an A-sexual and literally shags themself all day long. Life would be much simpler if that was the case!!!!
mortiz said:
Perhaps "Gayness" is evolving to a genderless state where everyone is an A-sexual and literally shags themself all day long. Life would be much simpler if that was the case!!!!

:LOL: isnt that just so true.
craigweb2k said:
So lets all evolve into homosexuals and spell the end of our species! I'm sure the planet would appreciate it for one.

Next logical step right.... yuh! I'm sick of people trying to argue that because homosexuality hasn't died out that it isnt un-natural and that homosexuals should be entitled to all hetrosexual rights. Not to draw parallels between them, but down syndrome hasnt died out either.. neither has dyslexia.. guess they're natural too eh?

Pull the other ****ing one!


did you just compare homosexuality to down syndrome? Who the **** are you anyway? What qualifies you to speak on this issue with any authority? Are you gay, bisexual, a psychologist/psychiatrist? Or are you just some ass speaking about something you know NOTHING about? People like you pollute are planet with your ignorance.
No one needs authority to speak on what they want. As long as one knows what homosexuality is, then he or she isn't ignorant either. Different points of view... get over it.
/me hides from the angry people, I'll... um.. just sit her in the corner...
Letters said:
No one needs authority to speak on what they want. As long as one knows what homosexuality is, then he or she isn't ignorant either. Different points of view... get over it.

oh please, don't give me that different points of view shit. When someone says homosexuals don't deserve the same rights as heterosexuals because homosexuality is unnatural, that's not a point of view, that's ignorant bullshit.
qckbeam said:
oh please, don't give me that different points of view shit. When someone says homosexuals don't deserve the same rights as heterosexuals because homosexuality is unnatural, that's not a point of view, that's ignorant bullshit.
No, that's stupid bullshit.
qckbeam said:
did you just compare homosexuality to down syndrome? Who the **** are you anyway? What qualifies you to speak on this issue with any authority? Are you gay, bisexual, a psychologist/psychiatrist? Or are you just some ass speaking about something you know NOTHING about? People like you pollute are planet with your ignorance.

god damn, this is the last time I'm gonna write in this thread, the conversation has degraded to from the original subject (which is impossible to discuss without insult being thrown) and therefor should be locked and deleted.. anyway.

qckbeam you're an absolute ass. anyone who has any sort of oppinion different to your own homosexual view and you get offensive.

yeah, 'not to draw any parallels' means i just compared the two didn't you know? you just like to make me look like a **** to dis-credit anything I say I know you do, but pick anything in humans that hasnt died out that should have. down syndrome was just an example!

the majority of hetrosexuals believe the way you live your sexual life is wrong otherwise they'd be doing it GET OVER IT rather than insulting them for being close minded that they dont think what you're doing is okay! granted a lot of them are willing to look the other way and to remain politically correct remain quiet, but the do think that way non-the-less.
craigweb2k said:
the majority of hetrosexuals believe the way you live your sexual life is wrong otherwise they'd be doing it GET OVER IT rather than insulting them for being close minded that they dont think what you're doing is okay! granted a lot of them are willing to look the other way and to remain politically correct remain quiet, but the do think that way non-the-less.

Ermm i don't think most heterosexuals think it is "wrong", just it's not their sexual inclination - which is a valid feeling to have

Rather than being "close minded", why not have an open mind? Accept that people are different, there is not one set blueprint for a human.
wtf .....
you mean queer eye for the straight guy ????? and if you do, then no, i havent seen it
craigweb2k said:
god damn, this is the last time I'm gonna write in this thread, the conversation has degraded to from the original subject (which is impossible to discuss without insult being thrown) and therefor should be locked and deleted.. anyway.

qckbeam you're an absolute ass. anyone who has any sort of oppinion different to your own homosexual view and you get offensive.

you're right, I get offended when people like you try to take away my rights based off of your ignorance.

craigweb2k said:
you just like to make me look like a **** to dis-credit anything

sorry, but I'm not the one making you look like an ****. You do a good enough job of that yourself.

craigweb2k said:
the majority of hetrosexuals believe the way you live your sexual life is wrong otherwise they'd be doing it GET OVER IT rather than insulting them for being close minded that they don?t think what you're doing is okay! granted a lot of them are willing to look the other way and to remain politically correct remain quiet, but the do think that way non-the-less.

you know, this is the bullshit I'm talking about. It doesn't even need explanation. You are a homophobic little bastard, and in my opinion the scum of this ****ing earth. Keep your mouth shut when it comes to things you know NOTHING about!
crushenator 500 said:
wtf .....
you mean queer eye for the straight guy ????? and if you do, then no, i havent seen it

I think he's making a joke. If he isn't; No, I haven't. Nor do I have any desire to.
GhostValkyrie said:
I think he's making a joke. If he isn't; No, I haven't. Nor do I have any desire to.

nah, it's no joke, it's a new show where straight guys "make over" gay guys. I don't think it has aired yet.
craigweb man youve got to calm down. Being gay is not some sort of genetic condition, no one has the "gay" gene in them. Its all about how you were brought up, you are also most likely very wrong about how most heterosexuals view gays. Most of them are either only a little uncomfortable or don't really care about the desires of gay people.

Also who really cares if its "wrong". Its not like there is some sort of mass switch of people becomming gay that threatens to whipe out the human race, and its also not like they are really going to cause you any harm.
Don't think I've laughed so much in a long time.

craigweb2k has some interesting points but at the end of the day, I think we can agree that the only thing he's proven is that it is indeed possible for the average human male to talk via a rectum.
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