Samuelk's Artwork (South-Park style)

One more:


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This next one is a bit more might only find it funny if you hit the USE key around Barney as much as I did when playing Half-Life:


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/me rolls around floor in laughter......

lol, i love that, they've all been great keep them up samuelk
sorry for double post, but i had to post these, i made South park versions of MrBadger, Sniper and I....




STONE (me)


lol love the barney helmet reflection one, make sure to send that to gehab.

(make that barney into an avatar also, would be pretty nifty)
Ok, here's the latest one. I'm going to take a break for a bit. :)


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LOL.. this is awsome! great comics. you should get a sperarate section on this website. like weekly hl2 comic thingy.. it would be great

BTW, I like the SniPer, stone and badger characters :D. where is that flash thingy where you can make those things?

I love these comics.Funny funny stuff.You need to make comics for this website.I can't wait for your next one!
Ok, this one doesn't really have to take place in the HL universe, but it still works. :)

This one just proves that there are even things that creep out the G-Man.


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you got a great sense of humor in your comics. I love them
Originally posted by samuelk
Ok, this one doesn't really have to take place in the HL universe, but it still works. :)

This one just proves that there are even things that creep out the G-Man.

Yeah you are very good, you could get ur own comics website... BTW that last one are Dilbert inspired isn't it?
Originally posted by _-_-SELAS-_-_
Yeah you are very good, you could get ur own comics website... BTW that last one are Dilbert inspired isn't it?

No Dilbert inspiration. I don't even read Dilbert. Just came up with it on my own.

"Casual Friday" is a common thing.
THey absolutly rock. something to hold up over until HL2 is released!
hahaha seriously really funny

i really respect you. i tried to make gordon but it good job!
Your comics are great man! You should definitly get a section on thats updated with a weekly comic!
Originally posted by Northwood83
Your comics are great man! You should definitly get a section on thats updated with a weekly comic!

I agree! These comics are truly something special, and I feel that you're the only one who can make them like this. Great pictures, great humor, they have it all. Keep up the great work!
You have to keep making more!!!




well when you get the time.
let him take his time and do good ones. :)

aww...forget that...

samuelk you a ****ing funny bro, please, please make more.
Here it is !!! The Strider ! South Park Version !


Hrem...i know...not funny :)
Hey, here's a Dr. Kleiner I made :P

[edit] - BTW I laughed real good with the reflection thing and beer one :D
lol, man where do you come up with these things, there hasnt been one yet that I haven't laughed :P
exelent work.. funny as ever. I bookmarked the site!