SAPPHIRE 9800 PRO 256mg


May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Im thinking about upgrading my 9600pro 256mg... to a 9800pro 256mg... does anybody out their own a sapphire 9800 pro? if soo how does it benchmark on doom3, far-cry, and other graphically intense games?

any feed back would be great peeps!


MIke :cheers:
that card is great. Im sure some people will get you benchmarks soon enough but it is a wise upgrade. Although you dont really need the extra 128 mb of ram.
i think that the additional RAM would help if he wants to play at 16x12 with lots of AA-AF. otherwise the difference would be slight in most cases. couple more frames perhaps.
you'd be getting such minimal frames with a 9800pro at 1600x1200 and lots of AA, AF anyway that it wouldn't even be worth it. it would be 30fps as opposed to 26 maybe.
But don't you see.... It's always about the extra 4 FPS!!!! I say go for it, and the whole issue of RAM, my idea's about that are, if you are going to be doing any/alot of photoshop, then i suggest the extra RAM, and if you only have like 256 or 512 in your comp, the embeded RAM on the Video card SHOULD help free up some system ram so that your games can run smoother !! :thumbs:
I own one, it's a good card and hasn't failed me yet. Unfortunately it is bottlenecked on the Source engine by my CPU. =[
it means his videocard is giving the cpu more data than it can handle, so the the videocard has to slow down to accomodate the cpus lack of speed. or at least thats what i think it means.
asdasd12345 said:
it means his videocard is giving the cpu more data than it can handle, so the the videocard has to slow down to accomodate the cpus lack of speed. or at least thats what i think it means.

Yeah, that's pretty much what it means :) Nice explanation. I would have explained it in a way nobody would have understood.
Would an Athlon XP 2200+ be well suited to a 9800 pro? Even if it bottlenecks a little, it's still gonna run okay, right?
asdasd12345 said:
it means his videocard is giving the cpu more data than it can handle, so the the videocard has to slow down to accomodate the cpus lack of speed. or at least thats what i think it means.

Also keep in mind that your CPU is the worst bottleneck you can have in terms of general performance. Not only does it slow your video card, it slows ram access, disk access, and internet access as well as just fps.

[edit] It'll run fine bro. A gig of ram really helps nowadays...
Sin said:
if you are going to be doing any/alot of photoshop, then i suggest the extra RAM, and if you only have like 256 or 512 in your comp, the embeded RAM on the Video card SHOULD help free up some system ram so that your games can run smoother !! :thumbs:
Considering Video ram does nothing for 2D images, yeah...