Sarah Palin Joins Fox News!!

Feb 24, 2005
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Wow. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Her commentary is going to be epic!! I really wish she would just GO AWAY tho. :(

The former Alaska Governor has signed a multi-year deal to serve as a contributor to Fox News, effective immediately.

"I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at Fox News," Palin said in a statement. "It's wonderful to be part of a place that so values fair and balance news."

As a contributor to Fox News, Palin will offer political commentary and analysis for all of the network's platforms, as well as special event political coverage for Fox Broadcasting.

She will also host periodic episodes of FNC's "Real American Stories," a series looking at inspirational real-life tales set to launch this year.

Palin joins an on-air team that also includes former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who hosts a weekend show, and Fox News analysts Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove.

Just look at the fine company she will be keeping! It reads like a who's who of conservative a-holes. *gag* Sadly, I bet ratings skyrocket.
**** Sarah Palin, that sorry bitch is killing off the wolves of alaska just so the hunters can make money. Killing of a species just for surviving, how ****ed up is that? **** her and fox news
"I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at Fox News," Palin said in a statement. "It's wonderful to be part of a place that so values fair and balance news."

Does not compute.
I hate Fox News more than other stations, but for different reasons. At least other stations are honest about being lying, biased bags of scum. Fair and Balanced my ass.

Fox has hurt conservatives more than any liberal has.

And Sarah Palin... it's like adding and extra set of lips to a caricature or the Republican Party.
this get's a resounding "ugh" from me....
So 2012 is ruled out then, which is a shame, she is an amusing debater.
" Refugee" What happened?
oh god, just imagine Palin and Oreilly teaming up together.

brb suicide
I support this. Should make the Daily Show and Colbert Report even better. Plus it discredits Fox News even more than it already was.
Well the good part of this is that she'll be isolated to one channel instead of every single time she shakes her ass around 40 cameras flash on it. Also, it will make for some hilarious Daily Show / Colbert Report clips when she's relegated to talking about someone other than herself.
As long as Rick Dickert stays in Sky Fox, my mornings will be complete.
"I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at Fox News," Palin said in a statement. "It's wonderful to be part of a place that so values fair and balance news."

Oh lawd. Now I'm convinced: in a few years, Faux News is going to come out and confess they've been trolling us all these years, or that it was some kind of satirical art project or sociological experiment that got out of hand.
How does an ex-candidate for the 2009 Republican side to be vice-president is fair and balanced news?
youtube will probably get a Sarah Palin channel just for her short bursts of stupidity
How does an ex-candidate for the 2009 Republican side to be vice-president is fair and balanced news?

According to my father, who is a die hard republican, Fox News and the right wing are moderates and all democrats/liberals are all extremist nut jobs. So ya, I think it can be seen as fair and balanced.
My eyes rolled so far back in my head I think they're stuck there.
Hey... it's a first for Fox. It'll probably be the first time they have to coach a contributor into saying the right thing every time they go on.

I'm sure even Karl will have a difficult time reigning her confusing digressions in.
When Sean Hannity interviews her, he basically tells her what to say. So even they acknowledge she's an idiot, yet they want her to be president.
According to my father, who is a die hard republican, Fox News and the right wing are moderates and all democrats/liberals are all extremist nut jobs. So ya, I think it can be seen as fair and balanced.

I find this hard to believe. not that you're not telling the truth but rather that anyone would believe that either the democrats or republicans are "extreme" in any sense of the word. sure there's plenty of extremist rhetoric but both parties run on moderate platforms. there's nothing extreme about either of them as ideologically speaking they're not all that different from each other

oh and Palin will pick up the slack left by people like Hannity or Beck. or more precisely she'll pick up the conservative female demographic. She's well versed in "conservative folksy mom" retard-speak that neither Hannity nor Beck is fluent in. in other words she'll be targeting people who for the most part have never watched a political program in their life but will tune in to see the policial perspective from one of their own. palin's much more of a threat now. the republicans will be very effective at shutting down every single initiative put forth by the Obama administration ..just look at how many retards bought into the obama healthcare is bad for americans bullshit
Sarah Palin joining Fox News ? I see comedy gold here.
When Sean Hannity interviews her, he basically tells her what to say. So even they acknowledge she's an idiot, yet they want her to be president.

I think you answered why
The entire American political system seems to be based on "Retarded and Proud of it - aka Republican" VS "Retarded in Denial - Democrat". No offense to you guys. :p
But Sarah Palin has been a a contributor for Fox ever since she started her clown show in federal politics last election season. Guess she's just getting paid for it now.

Does anyone in their right mind believe Fox News is "fair and balanced news"? Hell I'm not sure any news agency is, but Fox is far from it.
The entire American political system seems to be based on "Retarded and Proud of it - aka Republican" VS "Retarded in Denial - Democrat". No offense to you guys. :p

You're right though. The party system in general is terrible and was not how the founders originally foresaw it becoming.
This just makes me like O'Reilly more. Whenever Fox News comes up, I see the morons like Beck and Hannity, who I despise greatly. Then O'Reilly pops up and I realize that he's just flat out scary. Not in the "This is American journalism now?" sense, but in the "Oh God he is seriously going to kill somebody" sense. Mainly sex offenders, who he hates more than Liberals.

Oh, and I didn't think Palin wore enough make-up to be on Fox. And she isn't blonde.