Satanists Kill & Eat 4 Teenagers

awesome, finally a use for teenagers: as a food source
Man, who the hell counted them?

"Ripping your enemies into 100 artfully arranged pieces sounds nice on paper, but it's a real bugger to actually carry out, you know?"
His apartment lies just about 250 yeards[sic] from where the remains were discovered.

Smart guy.

EDIT: wtf is a yeard anyways? A combination of beard and yard? That'd be awesome, to use a beard as a unit of measurement.
You cannot use beard as a measurment unit because everybody has different lenghts of beards.Say 3 beards and it would be 0,2 mm or 50 km.
Hey, people use hands. It could happen.
You cannot use beard as a measurment unit because everybody has different lenghts of beards.Say 3 beards and it would be 0,2 mm or 50 km.
Wow. You actually took him seriously. Thank you, I needed a lol. Thank you.
Wow. You actually took him seriously. Thank you, I needed a lol. Thank you.

Wow. You actually took him seriously.

By the way, 666 is totally terrifying. I'm totally scared over here.
Please point out the sarcasm in Gordon-man's post kthx
Please point out the sarcasm in Gordon-man's post kthx

And you think he was seriously discussing beard length as a form of measurement? There's more than just sarcasm in the world.
I measure using my penis.

OT: Teenager's are fairly delicious. I used to eat them all the time when I was younger.
BTW to OP, Satanism and worshiping Satan are too extremely different things.

Satanism is a philosophy/religion which states that the only person qualified to make decisions about yourself is you, and they do not believe in a literal Satan. The reason the religion is called Satanism is because rather than reject "bad, satanic" emotions (like anger, hate, lust, greed, etc.) like most religions, they instead embrace them. There's some libertarian elements tossed in there.

Satan worshipers on the other hand are just insane nutjobs. Just thought I would clear that up, as Fox News does not tell you the truth tbh.
what the **** is wrong with the ****ing world....

This is ****ed. I hate the human race
So Satanism is kindof like the Dark Side. Strength through Passion and things.
So 3 penises equal 0,2 mm in this case too?

Don't assume everyone's is the same as yours. I feel sorry for ya bro. I use mine as a 12" ruler.

Atomic Piggy said:
Just thought I would clear that up, as Fox News does not tell you the truth tbh.
This shouldn't be 'news' to anyone. ;p
That is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. :x :x :x
Read about this in the free paper today on the bus.

At first I was like D:

But then I lol'd.
my friend's psych teacher told her a creepy story about satanists.

She had this patient, she was like 8 years old. Her mom was the head of this satanist group and they would use the girl to lure in other children. (by like, telling kids her mom was giving away cookies, and getting them to come into a van)
Children were disappearing all over the town for like, 4 years
They would torture these children. They believed that the longer the sacrifice suffers, the more power they are giving satan.
They'd rip the kids skin off, and stuff. Then once the kids died they would all eat them and this poor little girl witnessed a lot of this.
One day when she was at school they were serving chicken wings, and the girl thought that the pieces of chicken were parts of children and ran screaming....
So the principal figured out that something was up and drove the girl home. but when he got to the house he saw something horrific in the window (no one knows what) and he drove the child away from there and got her into a foster home.
The weird thing is, even though they figured out what was happening to the children, nothing was really done about it. A lot of the cops and lawyers were in this satanist group o_O
They just eventually dispersed and no one knows what happened to them.
Must of been in the 60's or 70's or something. Had to be long ago.

The girl learned to dissociate, pretending she was somewhere else when at home. I can imagine that would be the only way to cope with something like that as a child.



After police arrested eight suspected members of the ring, one boasted how they had previously dug up the grave of a newly-dead girl and eaten her heart.

Another said he did not expect to be punished, saying: “Satan will help me to avoid responsibility. I made lots of sacrifices to him.”

The rest of the cult were described by ex-teachers as having been of low intelligence and moody at school.

Oh lol.
religion causes no damage....

That is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. :x :x :x

Probably just bored of conventional chicken. Hahah crazy people.

Btw off topic, I think I saw you at bury bus station yesterday, at the 474 stand among the other college students, on my way to practice.
What a pain to have to stab them 666 times. Most goths I know are not that physically active, so that would be a stretch for any of them I imagine. Is it wrong that I was relieved to hear that it was not animals that were harmed? :o
Well if those kids did indeed die, this is still horrible. What a terrible way to go :(

Doesn't matter if they were goth or not.
Isn't 616 the number of the beast anyways? ****ing dumbasses

Is it wrong that I was relieved to hear that it was not animals that were harmed? :o

Russian police discovered the teenager's limbs, hearts and scalps in a pit in the Yaroslavl region around 300 miles from Moscow, along with the dead body of a small rodent crucified on an upside-down cross.

BTW to OP, Satanism and worshiping Satan are too extremely different things.

Satanism is a philosophy/religion which states that the only person qualified to make decisions about yourself is you, and they do not believe in a literal Satan. The reason the religion is called Satanism is because rather than reject "bad, satanic" emotions (like anger, hate, lust, greed, etc.) like most religions, they instead embrace them. There's some libertarian elements tossed in there.

Satan worshipers on the other hand are just insane nutjobs. Just thought I would clear that up, as Fox News does not tell you the truth tbh.

Only if you buy that whole church of satan Anton LeVey stuff. My friend was interested in it for a while so I ended up reading for hours about this guy and his "church of satan" it's interesting stuff if you're remotely into studying counter-culture and theology.
Only if you buy that whole church of satan Anton LeVey stuff. My friend was interested in it for a while so I ended up reading for hours about this guy and his "church of satan" it's interesting stuff if you're remotely into studying counter-culture and theology.
Yeah, I did a bit of studying myself a few months ago. A lot of it is interesting, a lot of it is... humorous as well.

A lot of the way they think/word things remind me of The Sith. :p
Isn't 616 the number of the beast anyways? ****ing dumbasses


Yup, funnily enough some russian ( i think) bus company changed a buses number away from 666 cos of the stigma... to number 616