Saudis fear therell be ‘no more virgins’ and people will turn gay if women drive


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Oct 21, 2008
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The report warns that allowing women to drive would ‘provoke a surge in prostitution, pornography, homosexuality and divorce’.

It was delivered to all 150 members of the Shura Council, the country’s legislative body.

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In the report Professor Subhi described sitting in a coffee shop in an unnamed Arab state.
‘All the women were looking at me,’ he wrote. ‘One made a gesture that made it clear she was available... this is what happens when women are allowed to drive.’

This is what happens. So control your women goddamnit. I wont be having this shit.
Women, hitting on men? What has the world come to?!
Goddamn harpies, with their free agency and their frontal cortexes. Will they ever learn?
Grow up you ****ing repressed bastards!
Finally, the Saudis royals making some sense! Can't have any steerin' queers in the sand.
In the report Professor Subhi described sitting in a coffee shop in an unnamed Arab state.
‘All the women were looking at me,’ he wrote. ‘One made a gesture that made it clear she was available... this is what happens when women are allowed to drive.’

No, a woman clamping her nose with her forefinger and thumb and pointing at you does not mean "I am available" you throwback chimp

I love how its some unnamed Arab state, I cant keep track of all those shitholes either
Women are literally non-people in the gulf states. It's so incredibly disgusting.
Makes me wish I actually had my license so I could be all like yeah drivey drivey damn you Saudi Arabia!

(Although that said, I lost my virginity well before I could drive. To a guy who has a car and drives me everywhere).
I personally have not yet had sex because I want to wait until I have a car.
I sat my license thrice and have therefore had three sexes. Suck it.
Oh no! I'm being propositioned by a person who drives a car!
Why, with her dysfunctional woman brain, she might think my genitalia to be some sort of gearbox apparatus! No no, this kind of wanton automotive lust simply will not do.
Beware female train operators!
I am extremely shocked to find such an article in The Daily Mail and I just spat milk all over the keyboard.
What a ****ing shithole Saudi Arabia is. Seriously. I wouldn't mind if that ****ing dustbowl of a country would sink into the ocean.