Sausage or Bacon?


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oh god, that...wurst and the first pic on this page. I've seen them in public bathrooms.

You've seen bacon wrapped sausages in a public bathroom?

I don't care what anybody says.. they look ****ing DELICIOUS in that first image of this page.
Bacon, bacon, bacon.
I also love Bacon Cola.

Good sausages are simply unbeatable. There's a butcher in my town with prize-winning sausages (apparently butchers have competitions for that stuff).
Bacon is pretty much all the same.

Good sausages >> Bacon > Poor sausages
Sausages you fools. Bacon is fantastic (I just had a fantastic bacon sandwich, actually) but it's so simple and bland compared to sausage. It's still awesome, but nothing beats a sausage sandwich.
Oh god this is SO hard. But i've got to go with sausage
Thing is, bacon is always the same, and had with the same basic meals. Now sausages - they're a far more versatile pork product. Fry-ups, sandwiches, casseroles, sausage and mash, pasta (some nice chorizo, chillies, garlic mmmmm). You get small ones, thin ones, fat ones, skinless, spiced, and filled with all manner of ingredients - pork and leak ftw.

Bacon will always be the most essential component in a fry-up and is the best sandwich filler, but in the grand scheme of things, sauages > bacon!
Bacon is good, but Sausage..there's so many sorts out there, it has to be Sausage. (Pork & chilli, Pork & apple, venison & red wine, etc etc ) :)
Bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon
I'm disappointed in everyone who chose sausage.
Bacons ftw!

i just wanted to feel like i was a part of something


We're all family here. You're just completely unequipped to make any sorts of judgements about the deliciousness of bacon and sausage if you only eat the tofu replicas D:
I would MAYBE like bacon if it wasn't always crispy. I hate it crispy.. it tastes like wood.
I don't mind crispy bacon but it's far more delicious when you cook it so it's soft. Dear god. My mouth is watering.
Sausage is good, but bacon wins by a long shot, you can eat so many more pieces of bacon in a sitting than you can with sausage, sausage gets old tasting.
Sausage, because of all the wonderful kinds and flavours. Bacon is awesome too though.
I'm disappointed in everyone who picked bacon because of that stupid trend. :E

That trend was moronic, to put it nicely, but bacon is better regardless :dozey:
Hmm, I feel torn. So all I'm going to say is this - If it's English sausage, Bacon wins. Damn they serve some nasty stuff over there. In London, anyways.
Check it out:

God damn it, now I'm hungry! :(

Have you never tried a linconshire sausage? cumberland?! There's more than one type...

I'de say sausages wrapped in bacon

Although, if it was a big curly cumberland... I may have to go with that :dork:

EDIT: also, what's with the rock hard cooking of american bacon? it's much nicer when it's cooked properly! (soft like ennui says!)
All about preference I guess. I like bacon that has a good crunch to it, but also has some parts that are less crunchy, usually what's left of the fat tissue. Too crunchy and it's not that great and the salt is too concentrated, but a good piece of bacon for me needs to have crunch, but not too crunchy.

Crunch and chew...
All about preference I guess. I like bacon that has a good crunch to it, but also has some parts that are less crunchy, usually what's left of the fat tissue. Too crunchy and it's not that great and the salt is too concentrated, but a good piece of bacon for me needs to have crunch, but not too crunchy.

Crunch and chew...

Well fried food is always gonna be crunchy, but whenever I've had bacon in America it's always been like eating hard cardboard
Bacon is awesome although it sucks that there is basically only one flavor. Sausages, on the other hand, have many variants which make them more "exciting" as you have many flavors to choose from. So sausages narrowly beat bacon.
Well fried food is always gonna be crunchy, but whenever I've had bacon in America it's always been like eating hard cardboard

The majority of people here seem to feel that that is the best way to have bacon. I disagree, although I don't mind crunchy bacon one bit :D
My grandpa once made this really thick bacon. It was hard to chew and bite off a piece but it was very good. I really don't mind how tough or crisp it is at all. It's all about taste.

I would argue that texture (IE crispiness/softness) plays a role in taste.
If anything I can savor the taste more when it's tougher, like jerky or something.
Bacon is too salty.

If you want salty bacon, you should try salt cured pork that looks like bacon. I cooked some of that without reading the package, and it was like I bit into a big pile of meaty salt. Looked like bacon, but was like 100% salt.
If you want salty bacon, you should try salt cured pork that looks like bacon. I cooked some of that without reading the package, and it was like I bit into a big pile of meaty salt. Looked like bacon, but was like 100% salt.

That sounds AWESOME.
Bacons loves bacon. To me eating bacon is a treat, not really meal because it's so good. Anybody that knows me well will tell you that I'm a bacon thief. So protect your bacon.. while it lasts! *evil laugh*

I perfer it nice and crispy. :D