Savage Defiance


Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
Savage Defiance is currently in its starting phases. We have recently found a skinner and character modeler but we are always looking for more talented individuals to help us.

The story and gameplay aspects are still being ironed out and when finalised will be revealed but all I can display at the moment is this excerpt that Devin, our lead story writer has prepared.

"In the 1990s, a small biological research company patented a new form of biomechanical medicine. Using tiny organic biological nanobots programmed to repair cells or hunt viruses and bacteria, doctors could easily target a single type of bacteria, or repair a large wound quickly. Instead of selling the patent, they decided to create a small lab and production facility, and produce the nanobots themselves. They quickly adopted the acronym gRi, which has never been officially defined, but is believed to stand for Genetic Research Initiative. It is now 2043, and the gRi has grown into a multi-trillion dollar industry. The factory and lab have entirely consumed the surrounding city, replacing it with a large city of glass skyscrapers and domes used to house research and production. The surrounding suburbs have become rather bad, with the gRi bribing most of the government and law enforcement in the area to their cause. Police often beat and kill citizens for ridiculous reasons, and people are often arrested for no reason. Many of the arrestees are never seen again, it is rumored that they are taken into the labs as test subjects. You are currently being held in the Donhurst High-Security Detention Center. Your crime: the beating to death of a rogue cop, who killed your best friend over an argument about coffee. You have been given the death sentence, and are set for execution today."

This modification is both a singleplayer story and online multiplayer. We are planning on many multiplay modes, including capture the flag, hold the point (similar to DoD or the battlefield series), co-op, where 2-8 players work together against automatically adjusting AI (stronger in skill and number as more people join), objective mode, where one team defends and objective and the other tries to attack/destroy/capture/hack/steal it, and of course, deathmatch and team deathmatch.

Various new vehicles, including a humvee and a quad-runner, are currently being worked on. A helicopter or light tank are also other possibilities.

We have positions open, at the moment, for:

Lead Coder
Assistant Weapon/Vehicle/Character/prop modelers
Extra Skinners/Texture Artists

We would also welcome any prospective mod members talented in the fields of GFX art and sound sampling/music composition. We already have a lead mapper and several assistant mappers but we would embrace anyone that has mapping abilities also.

Please take your time before replying and view our Official Website and Forum:

You can contact our Mod Leader at:

[email protected]

I forgot to include a request for two other unfilled positions. I apologise.
