Savage: The Battle for Newerth = Freeware!

It's been free for quite some time now.

Most underrated game of 2003, imo.

Can't wait for Savage 2.
Meh I played the demo eons ago, never really liked it even when it became freeware.
Yea it's been free for quite a while, just not "official" (they turned off the CD-key checking servers last year, so as long as you could find a Savage client you could play).

This is such an under-rated game... I can't wait until Savage2 (I pre-ordered so I get to participate in the beta, yay)
It says I have to enter a CD-key...

edit: never mind, it says what to enter in that link
Played this a year or two back. Decent game, and very underrated considering the whole FPS/RTS style is what most mods and full games are going for now days. Definately worth a try.
Last time I played it I was on 56k so it was laggy. Might pick it up for a second time now I have broadband.
It was funnish, but all the vets were always like "omg you noob learn to play", but they were completely deaf and blind when you asked for a manual that explained more than just weapon and building statistics. This meant that the teams were always stacked and nubs always got pwned.
hey, this looks cool, will have to check it out.
It was funnish, but all the vets were always like "omg you noob learn to play", but they were completely deaf and blind when you asked for a manual that explained more than just weapon and building statistics. This meant that the teams were always stacked and nubs always got pwned.

Remind you of any other game beerdude? bsidstackftw
Maybe we could all get together and play a game of it later?
It seems cool but I'm picking it up kinda slow. Is there a manual or something somewhere?
It seems cool but I'm picking it up kinda slow. Is there a manual or something somewhere?

I would just try forums and fan sites... It is really one of those games though that the more you play the more you understand and get better...