Save the Sea Kittens


The Freeman
Jun 12, 2009
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PETA says fish don't have a very good PR image, so in an effort to get people to stop fishing, they're giving all the cute little critters under the sea a MAKEOVER! Fish are now referred to as 'sea kittens.' You can read some stories about these adorable little guys here:

Everyone dies. It is unintentionally hilarious.

Oh PETA, I love you.
haha, that IS hilarious. At first it wasnt that funny, but then i thought of PETA storyboarding those and LOL'd.
When Tony is caught and fed to a precocious young
child who, having eaten on mercury-filled sea kitten too many,
falls to the bottom of his class, the irony is not lost on him.

*picture shows a degenerated young child with a sliced open fish looking at him*

peta...your mastery of ridiculousness is unparalleled. maybe just by religion
They can call them whatever they want, still doesnt change the fact that are worthless beings that taste really bad.
Oh hey, let's all go to this page, and fill in all the fields with anti-PETA stuff and messages of support for FWS!
They can call them whatever they want, still doesnt change the fact that are worthless beings that taste really bad.

speak for (the ones with low mercury content) are tasty.
Lets all gang up on krynn and beat him up.

That'd be cool.

"PETA are idiots."

Please ignore PETA and their disgustingly narrowminded fanatical dogmas.

You have my full support. The opposition of these nuts only makes me support fishing and fish farms more.

Their "Sea kittens" campaign is horrific. Please hold out against the pleadings of impressionable 6 year old girls who might want to support these calculating zealots.

Sent using PETA's own web form. Delicious.
Sausages > Bacon


Salmon > Bacon
You're all wrong.

Bacon is too salty.
It's just wrong when pig meat is saltier than freakin FISH.
The bacon I eat is never very salty at all. You need to try a different brand of bacon.
Not all the fish in the sea are going extinct. O.o

People eat meat, they're omnivores. So get a grip, PETA.
PETA says fish don't have a very good PR image, so in an effort to get people to stop fishing, they're giving all the cute little critters under the sea a MAKEOVER! Fish are now referred to as 'sea kittens.' You can read some stories about these adorable little guys here:

Everyone dies. It is unintentionally hilarious.

Oh PETA, I love you.

Ah, crazy crazy animal ****ing furry loving PETA retards, still at it I see.


And the "sea kitten" campaign just shows they are rapidly losing touch with reality.

Sent a letter of support via their own form, it was rather smile worthy.
I facepalmed so hard my head is now concave. Thanks, PETA!

Let's see them try to market this in Korea.

This just in:

Worms are no longer worms. They are *Dirt Ponies*.
Constricting snakes are no longer snakes! They are cuddle monsters!

Well... I suppose that applies to cuttlefish and octopuses as well, but still.

Octopus are Sea Spaghetti!

Oh wait... we're trying to prevent the kids from wanting to eat sea creatures.
What slightly annoys me is had we eaten nothing but fruit & veg in the past, we would probably be long gone from the face of the earth. Yeah, it doesn't matter so much now that we can cultivate our own crops, but you know.
I hate kittens, so yeah, nice try PETA.

I don't actually hate kittens. I just hate cats enough to despise their deception in baby form.