Saving Private Ryan inspired map


Aug 7, 2004
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I am trying to make a map inspired from the movie saving private ryan, The town at the end of the movie, I want to make some damaged buildings and the bell tower. So far i am not doing so good, can anyone help me make this pls. I am making this for hl2 singleplayer.
the map is day of defeat called dod_sturm is a basic replica of the saving private ryan town. it has the brigde and some bombed buildings, but im not sure if it has the bell tower. maybe you could look at this map for ideas, etc
don_johnson said:
the map is day of defeat called dod_sturm is a basic replica of the saving private ryan town. it has the brigde and some bombed buildings, but im not sure if it has the bell tower. maybe you could look at this map for ideas, etc

where would i download it and could it be run in half life 2?
gokumike said:
where would i download it and could it be run in half life 2?

The map comes with Day Of Defeat, which is available through Steam. The map won't work in HL2.
Oh, no, not another WWII game...

Well, to each their own. Good luck. If this is your first mapping experience, expect to have difficulties. Just when things start going smoothly and you get excited, something happens to screw it up.

If you have any specific issues, please post them here and if you like you can PM me and I may be able to look at the map and help out.

There are also other sites, which concentrate on Mapping rather than the game as a whole. I've found them to be extremely useful, even if HL2 information is relatively scarce. Snark Pit is one, I'll have to look the other one up again.

I think the Belltower would be pretty easy to do... However, I'ld recommend learning vertex manipulation right after learning the basic boxes and skies and whatnot. It's indispensable to building objects, fixing mistakes and just making good, solid construction.
Homercidal said:
Oh, no, not another WWII game...

Well, to each their own. Good luck. If this is your first mapping experience, expect to have difficulties. Just when things start going smoothly and you get excited, something happens to screw it up.

If you have any specific issues, please post them here and if you like you can PM me and I may be able to look at the map and help out.

There are also other sites, which concentrate on Mapping rather than the game as a whole. I've found them to be extremely useful, even if HL2 information is relatively scarce. Snark Pit is one, I'll have to look the other one up again.

I think the Belltower would be pretty easy to do... However, I'ld recommend learning vertex manipulation right after learning the basic boxes and skies and whatnot. It's indispensable to building objects, fixing mistakes and just making good, solid construction.

I have mapped before, I can create the stuff, but I am not good at making stuff realistic, i have no artisitc ability. my buildings are just big boxes with doors, i don't know how to make them look real with the right architecture. I have started a map with the layout and stuff, streets and plots for the buildings. If you could add to it or anyone else add to it, that would be much appreciated. :thumbs:
I have mapped before, I can create the stuff, but I am not good at making stuff realistic, i have no artisitc ability. my buildings are just big boxes with doors, i don't know how to make them look real with the right architecture. I have started a map with the layout and stuff, streets and plots for the buildings. If you could add to it or anyone else add to it, that would be much appreciated.

Hate to tell ya... but making stuff look realisitc is the hardest thing about mapping, you may as well get practice doing it now, if you plan on more in the future. Coming up with a layout and/or idea is quite easy... its just executing it thats tough.
I have started a layout, but how do i post a link so people can download it?
Well I don't see the resemblance between your map and the SPR scene but you're making better progress then I am with mapping :)
Meyer said:
Well I don't see the resemblance between your map and the SPR scene but you're making better progress then I am with mapping :)

Thats why it is an inspired map, not exactly the same :)
AH, well, if making realistic buildings is the goal, then you are shooting higher than I probalby ever will. Likely you will have to create custom textures to get the effect you want.

I generally try to create MP levels with real good gameplay, and make them look as nice as I can within reasonable amount of time.

Making a spectacular SP map is much more difficult IMO. I'm afraid I can't be of much help, but there could be others out there who will be willing to pitch in.
It looks cool so far, but I suggest adding a lot of debris in there. Possibly blcok off some roads with debris.
Why not look up some pictures on google of WW2 destroyed cities or something. Copy some of the architecture etc
I suggest using alot more static_props in your map. There's lots of debris and stuff that you cant do with just hammer and cutting.
Ive add some debris so far. looks pretty cool, later on when i have most finished, i will make a sphere brush and use it to carves crates in the streets and buildings. I will post some more pics of the progress of my map soon :)
you shouldn't carve. especially not with a sphere. it divides the solids around the sphere into a bunch of weird, unstructured, triangels from hell, which makes them almost impossible to edit later on. as if that wasn't enough, carving has a terrible impact on performance. :x
try using the Vertex tool or displacement to try bend holes in the ground, in effect making a vertical cave.