Say bad things about me! Please!


Nov 22, 2007
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Hey everybody this is your chance to dish on me and flame me as much you want but on one condition:

It has to be about the following story and has to be based on some sort of evidence.

I repeat I am not looking for compliments I'm looking for ways to improve upon myself.

"One, two, three, all green, ready for insertion."
"Roger that, now withdrawing core cooling rods 4, 5 and 6."
"Belay that last order Sam! Cooling rod 1 is showing an anomaly, integrity is compromised."
"Roger, reinserting cooling rods 4, 5 and 6."
"Captain looks like were not going to be able to go to hyperspace yet, we need to swap out one of the frakkin' cooling rods again."
"Understood, oh and crewman Riley."
"Watch the language, this is a starship not a cantina."
"Uh, sorry, sir. Won't happen again."
The comm fell silent and the two men slowly began to relax in their chairs.
"You know when we finally finish this job I hope the captain?s going to finally get one of those greasers to fix up our engine. With all the mileage we've racked up in these past few months, she can't even make it to hyperspace anymore!" growled Sam, giving his console a little kick.
"Easy man! This baby's gotten us through more scrapes then I can remember, besides, I want to hang onto that money until we get back to Subruul," Riley gave Sam a mischievous grin which was answered with a roaring laugh.
"Ahahaha! I admit, that does have a certain appeal!" Sam managed to get out between gales of laughter.

The bridge of the Argo was quiet, too quiet. Captain Rivas knew the benefit of order on a ship and made sure it was enforced but a feeling of dread tickled the edges of his mind. As if every step they took towards their goal was another step to their destruction. Hugo's familiar gravely voice broke him out of his contemplation.
"Repairs on the hyperdrive cooling rod are under way Captain."
Rivas turned to face Hugo. The men had been wary when he chose a Gromarl as his first officer but in the five years since he had been with them Rivas had never had a more dedicated and loyal officer, never mind the fact he didn't have a face.
"Captain is something the matter?"
Rivas grimaced, "It?s our client.... Ever since we took his job, I've just.... I just have a bad feeling is all."
Hugo cocked his head slightly, "Feeling? I do not understand your meaning."
Rivas grimaced, "Never mind it's not important, Pull up the star chart our client gave us so we can plot our next jump."
"Of course Captain."
Hugo moved silently over to one of the consoles and input a few commands, and in a swirl of light a larger then life map of galaxy appeared in the center of the room.
With a nod from Rivas Hugo input a new command bringing up a new magnified projection of the sector they were currently in.
"We are currently orbiting the 4th planet of a star system listed in the records as... Chiss."
Rivas' eyes narrowed intently, "Estimated time to the target?"
Hugo was silent for a moment, "If we do not have any more core failures we could reach the planet in two days."
Rivas let the relief show on his face, "It's amazing that after so many months in hyperspace we are this close to our destination."
"If you pardon my intrusion Captain, why are we heading to...." Hugo paused to read the system information, "The Arroyo system? My study of the map shows it to be one of the most remote places in the galaxy."
Rivas' frown deepened, "I asked our client the same question when he first met me."
Rivas shifted uncomfortably, "He said 'to reclaim what was lost.'"
Hugo hummed softly, "This new client of ours seems to like his secrets."
"I have a feeling your right and I also think that whoever our client?s looking for is in a frack load of trouble."

One last thing, I'd appreciate it if you could think of a better fake curse word.

You bad, bad, man! You've been so naughty! When you get home I am gunna spank you! You big dirty man!

-Am I doing this right?
....Your doing something right.

Excuse me I have to go.... tame a dragon.

"If you pardon my intrusion Captain, why are we heading to...." Hugo paused to read the system information, "The Arroyo system? My study of the map shows it to be one of the most remote places in the galaxy."

That entire part and parts like it made me want to hurt people...I don't know why though.
That particular line is too clinical. The guy who checks the map should express a little more concern about the remoteness of the place.
I know I've been writing screenplays for so long I barely remember how to write a regular book :(
ooh man, so cliched and terrible I couldn't even begin. You could just summarize it all by saying "sci-fi" and that would be enough to capture the same experience as reading it. Oh yeah, and stealing frack from a tv show is no good.
Did this story really have the line "it's quiet - too quiet?" used in a non-ironic way?

I must read it. After I've done this essay.
You are also inconsistent in your spelling of the made up word frack and the grammar is all over the place. Here's a quick edit for writing mistakes.

"One, two, three. All green. Ready for insertion."
"Roger that. Now withdrawing core cooling rods 4, 5 and 6."
"Belay that last order Sam! Cooling rod 1 is showing an anomaly; integrity is compromised."
"Roger, reinserting cooling rods 4, 5 and 6."
"Captain, looks like were not going to be able to go to hyperspace yet; we need to swap out one of the frackin' cooling rods again."
"Understood, oh and crewman Riley."
"Watch the language; this is a starship not a cantina."
"Uh, sorry, sir. Won't happen again."
The comm fell silent, and the two men slowly began to relax in their chairs.
"You know when we finally finish this job, I hope the captain's going to finally get one of those greasers to fix up our engine. With all the mileage we've racked up in these past few months, she can't even make it to hyperspace anymore!" growled Sam, giving his console a little kick.
"Easy man! This baby's gotten us through more scrapes then I can remember. Besides, I want to hang onto that money until we get back to Subruul," Riley gave Sam a mischievous grin which was answered with a roaring laugh.
"Ahahaha! I admit, that does have a certain appeal!" Sam managed to get out between gales of laughter.

The bridge of the Argo was quiet, too quiet. Captain Rivas knew the benefit of order on a ship and made sure it was enforced, but a feeling of dread tickled the edges of his mind, as if every step they took towards their goal was another step towards their destruction. Hugo's familiar gravely voice broke him out of his contemplation.
"Repairs on the hyperdrive cooling rod are under way Captain."
Rivas turned to face Hugo. The men had been wary when he chose a Gromarl as his first officer, but in the five years since he had been with them, Rivas had never had a more dedicated and loyal officer; never mind the fact he didn't have a face.
"Captain is something the matter?"
Rivas grimaced, "It's our client.... Ever since we took his job, I've just.... I just have a bad feeling is all."
Hugo cocked his head slightly, "Feeling? I do not understand your meaning."
Rivas grimaced (does he do anything else?), "Never mind it's not important. Pull up the star chart our client gave us so we can plot our next jump."
"Of course Captain."
Hugo moved silently over to one of the consoles and input a few commands, and in a swirl of light, a larger then life map of the galaxy appeared in the center of the room.
With a nod from Rivas, Hugo input a new command bringing up a new magnified projection of the sector they were currently in.
"We are currently orbiting the 4th planet of a star system listed in the records as... Chiss."
Rivas' eyes narrowed intently, "Estimated time to the target?"
Hugo was silent for a moment, "If we do not have any more core failures we could reach the planet in two days."
Rivas let the relief show on his face, "It's amazing that after so many months in hyperspace we are this close to our destination."
"If you pardon my intrusion Captain, why are we heading to...." Hugo paused to read the system information, "The Arroyo system? My study of the map shows it to be one of the most remote places in the galaxy."
Rivas' frown deepened, "I asked our client the same question when he first met me."
Rivas shifted uncomfortably, "He said 'to reclaim what was lost.'"
Hugo hummed softly, "This new client of ours seems to like his secrets."
"I have a feeling your right, and I also think that whoever our client's looking for is in a frack load of trouble."

You should look up the definition of a clause.
"One, two, three, all green, ready for insertion."
"Roger that, now withdrawing core cooling rods 4, 5 and 6."
"Belay that last order Sam! Cooling rod 1 is showing an anomaly, integrity is compromised."
"Roger, reinserting cooling rods 4, 5 and 6."

When I was on this part, I thought you were making a Butt Sex joke.


I mean, with the title and all...
You are also inconsistent in your spelling of the made up word frack and the grammar is all over the place..

The original BSG used "Frack", which was basically "shit", the newer series uses "Frak" which means "****".
It's all very cliched and nothing very interesting in it. Also, for a curseword, you could use fuck.
You named a planet after a Star Wars species. Not horrible, but just annoying because it makes me think it's set in that universe.

Use dialogue descriptors to help us figure out who the hell is talking. How many people are involved in the first conversation?

Use descriptors of ANY kind. If this is the beginning of the story, the reader has absolutely no interest: all of this, as has been mentioned, is cliche. Draw the reader in by pointing out something unique to your universe. Alternately, change the narrative so we're focusing on one character, not this pseudo-objective POV, which tbh is the worst you can have in a sci-fi. Then, give us a glimpse of that character; tell us something intriguing about him/her/it (no face?).

Treat the story like a narrative, not a movie. This reads like a screenplay.
Wow guys let me just say,


Your comments have really helped me focus on areas that I need to work on and I hope you will all read and give the same type of feedback on the story I'm submitting for the contest thingie.

P.S. Didn't Farscape use frack instead of ****?
No, they used freil or something similar sounding. In Firefly, the writer substituted swears with their Chinese equals or "Goram" for God-Damn. I was just asking geez louise.

But i do agree with you I need to use my own material.
"Ahahaha! I admit, that does have a certain appeal!" Sam managed to get out between gales of laughter.

Why would he say, "Ahahaha!" in between laughing? It's just more laughing. I was just asking geez louise.

But i do agree with you I need to use my own material.
Or how about you just use f
uck because using fake swears just makes you look like a pussy who's too afraid to use a dirty word.