Say 'Hebbo' to Tarvuism


May 5, 2004
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who needs crazy Christianity, Judiaism, islam when you can belong to the religion of Tarvuism?

Since the dawn of time, mankind has searched for the meaning of life and existence. Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? But thanks to Tarvu - Lord and Master of the Universes - mankind can find the answers to all of life's questions.

Tarvu - creator of Universe A and Universe B (we live in Universe B) - came to Earth over 3,000 years ago as a tiny baby boy. After landing in the oceans, and swimming with Oobu the holy octopus, Tarvu came ashore and lived amongst men and women so that he could teach them "to live".

sounds no less ridiculous than more established religions

"Octopuses are holy creatures"

Tarvu (sometimes referred to as Lord Tarvu, Our Saviour, Master of The Tarvunty, His Brilliance, Giver of the Word, Giver of Words, Tebbu, Thebbu, Thaddu, Ah-Haut, Tinvu, Tarh-Shenty, Sheppartarvi, Mr. Invisible, Tarvoobi, Mr. 9, His Loveliness, Friend of Amzamiviram, Octunatatov, The Dude, Uvrab, The Non-Worrier, The Negative Barvu, Saviour of the Seas, Lord Belly-Fonty, Octish Warrior, Lord of Octopuses, The King of Sex, He-Him, Mike Fantastic, The Tipperarian) came to Earth (Erbu) 3,000 to 3,500 years ago. His followers set up, what is now one of the oldest and largest religions in the world - Tarvuism.

btw: "Tarvuism is a parody religion created by British writers Robert Popper and Peter Serafinowicz". they're working on a series for Cartoon Network's Adult Swim based on Tarvuism
There seems to be many Pastafarians like me pondering whether or not they should join...I have a lot of thinking to do.
ya that video is in the link I posted. the site is worth visiting

After creating the two universes several bilion years ago, Tarvu came to Earth (Erbu) inside an egg as a tiny baby (weighing just three pounds four ounces) and landed in the middle of the ocean (there is some dispute as to which ocean he landed in). He was rescued by a family of octopuses, who taught Tarvu how to swim, how to hunt and how to disguise himself from predators (in later life, he was to become a master of disguise). Tarvu survived on barnacles and octopus ink. Tarvu lived like an octopus in the ocean until he was nine. At that age, his adopted father, Oobu the Octopus told him (in Octish) that he was ready to come on to dry land and join the human race.

Tarvu's appearance is seldom discussed in the Tarvunty, and when it is the descriptions are usually contradictory. For instance, in R*fl*cti'ns (V-VII, a45/15), he is described as "limber with large hands and feet, having long, flaxen blond hair, styled in the Baalbian fashion of knotted ringlets, with equine features and a certain kind of moustache". However, in Disagr*em'nts (PQ-PQQ 969/01-0.1) he is referred to as "a puffy, portly chap, ruddy, enstubbled and bald, with wrinkled cheeks and surly countenance" while H*lid'ys (Uh 44: Uh,1, 88.8) describes him as "tall and muscular, with one central eye, thick black beard, chestal tattoos and a prominent bulge at his loin suggesting two or perhaps three penises"

sigh darkside, you polluted my awesome thread with crappy 80's cartoon characters, please dont do it again