SC2 movies!

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It says I have to be an insider. Doesn't that cost money?
Wow. Amazing. Can't wait. Isn't this supposed to be released in March?
I got the Bink version of these and they really look great...
Guess it's gonna be another bomb from Ubi. They're really getting up in my scale.
Awww, I was hoping you meant StarCraft 2... I guess I'll just have to wait for that C&C Generals StarCraft mod.
I was like "OMG STARCRAFT 2??!?!?" then you let me down, plz, some mod edit the title to read spliter cell so that no one may read the title and be so disappointed by the real topic so that they come to the verge of suicide.
Not to be redundant, but I was expecting the same.

The new splinter cell's multiplayer is genius though. The console versoion will provoke much screenlooking though, I bet.
um....not StarCraft 2?
:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( <----the world (1 ":(" = 500 million people)

:):) - Satan and his head demon (1 ":(" = 1 hellsent demon and his spawn)

i was really scared when i saw the link was (oh god no, not MS sticking is greedy ass in and spoiling another PC game(what? i didnt say anything about halo. *shifty eyes*)

but oh, splinter cell 2, yay.
um....not StarCraft 2?
:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( <----the world (1 ":(" = 500 million people)

:):) - Satan and his head demon (1 ":(" = 1 hellsent demon and his spawn)

i was really scared when i saw the link was (oh god no, not MS sticking is greedy ass in and spoiling another PC game(what? i didnt say anything about halo. *shifty eyes*)

but oh, splinter cell 2, yay.


btw, kickass movies.
I knew it was too good to be true. I just came from and saw nothing.
Guys... SC2 Pandora tomorrow is already out... and u can easily get the trailer free in alot greater quality if you search around, cant remember where I found it.

Anyways Im playing it atm and its very nice! I have some sounds with it making weird noises in my sound (Audigy2 plain) but thats probably Creatives drivers fault (Im using the newest version), Im gonna try to uninstall them and try without the update.
Uh... this didn't need to be bumped. Closed.
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