Scalar EM weapons manipulate Katrina?


Nov 8, 2003
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Scalar inferometric weaponary, is quite possibly being used to increase or decrease energy in the atmosphere... The evidence of EM signature's known as the woodpecker grid mark the target area's.. chemtrails and rake like cut marks in uniform cloud structure's are created by scalar EM signature's to verify the area subject to energy change. Then the weapon goes to work on the area using inferometry , triangulation.

Where two Scalar EM waves meet , in this ' interference zone' the scalar waves powerfully manifest EM disturbances on a quantum level producing the desired effects of energetic exitation, or the opposite, sucking energy away from the surrounding area... Its unclear what happened with Katrina, It could well of been manipulated, to what degree.. no one can be quite sure.

example of scalar inferometry grid marking: Contrails.jpg

video example

March 11, 2005 Morning looking eastward.
Contrail planes isolating an EM signature first with an 'X' then with other flights.

I have seen, and have had sent to me, so many pictures of contrails displaying that perpendicular 'X' that I had to post this movie so everyone can see the additional flight activity and investigations that always surround such an event in this continual scalar/EM war that is waged over our heads each day.

more weather EM induced anomalies
that was so quick TrOn, Im absolutely certain you cant read that fast. btw dont post if you havnt read through the article, and seen the satelite picture and video.
a cross 'two chemtrail markings materialise about 20 seconds into the video.. back left in the sky, subsequent chemtrail's follow. they are completely unatural phenomenon, chemtrail lines follow the Russian developed 'woodpecker grid' used for targeting scalar weapon's, chemtrails are used for visual verification.
Clarky, you just love this stuff don't you?

That's cool. But I gotta say I doubt any crazy human technology is responsible for this one.

Global warming maybe, but weather control devices? Nah.....
Didn't the Russians create a Scalar weapon back in like 80s or something.

(If its mentioned in the article, sorry didn't read it because...I didn't read it).
clarky003 said:
that was so quick TrOn, Im absolutely certain you cant read that fast. btw dont post if you havnt read through the article, and seen the satelite picture and video.
It's tr0n god damn't...with a 0..not a capital O.

Also yes I can...I have scalar em waves hiting my brain which makes me read very very very very quickly. So quickly in fact I knew what I was going to type before I typed it.
Sorry Tr0n.. i knew you where special really

Didn't the Russians create a Scalar weapon back in like 80s or something.

quoted from Khrushchev in the 1960's:

The weapon we have today is even more perfect and more formidable. The weapon which is being developed and is, as they say in the portfolio of our scientist's and designer's, is a fantastic weapon.
thats cool, havent watched vid yet takes a while ot downlaod when im overlaoding ma netowkr already with transfers