Scandal anger mounts in Canada


Oct 8, 2004
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For those of you from canada, what do you think of this?

As sensational revelations continue to pour out of a Canadian government corruption scandal enquiry, public anger is mounting across the country against the governing Liberals.

The larger question will be whether that anger will translate into calls for a new election less than a year after Canadians last went to the polls.

On Thursday explosive testimony from the previous week, by an advertising executive, was released for the first time, when the judge presiding over the public enquiry lifted a publication ban.

The enquiry is investigating how millions of dollars were paid by the Liberal government in the late 1990s to advertising firms in the province of Quebec, after Canada's auditor-general concluded that little or no work was performed and the money was largely unaccounted for.


this only increases what i thought...

everycountry in the world is not innocent of corruption. they have the power to do it.

at the moment, the world is hooked on americas everymove, when all the other countries in the world, are doing corrupt things themselves...

this shows the media are bias aswell.

Mr Dutrizac said:
"Canadians from other provinces probably see Quebeckers as opportunists, liars and thieves. That hurts me. I'm sure that Quebeckers see these French-speaking witnesses at the enquiry every day and feel embarrassed."

do all quebeckers speak french?

The Canadian media has even been debating whether the scandal will lead to renewed anti-federalist sentiment in the province.

But Mr Dutrizac says that separatist sentiment is declining, despite the scandal.

"The last time I checked about 40% of Quebeckers wanted a new deal with Canada," he said
this only increases what i thought...

everycountry in the world is not innocent of corruption. they have the power to do it.

at the moment, the world is hooked on americas everymove, when all the other countries in the world, are doing corrupt things themselves...

this shows the media are bias aswell.

Wow you just figured that out. Damn how long will it take you to figure out that the reason that the US is attacked much more because of their corruption and mistakes is because they affect the world much more than what happens in canada or belgium. I mean we can safely agree that the Iraq war has had much more influence that this scandal. Furthermore other countries don't meddle their noses in other countries affairs as much as the US.
korebolter, you have maybe 2% of the story. The liberal party: (the NAME of the party ..not their political affiliation ..the Liberals are about as "liberal" as the democrats of the US ...the NDP are canada's true liberal party)

some liberals were accepting payolas from advertising firms ..the conservatives (being politicians) use this as an opportunity to discredit the liberals in Quebec by frightening voters into believing that they are corrupt (which to some extent is true ..but is only a small percentage) ..why would they do this? because the liberals (party name ...remember?) have a minority government ..this could force an election and the conservatives could possibly seize all the seats in Quebec which would probably lead to defeat of the liberals in the rest of the country. (parilament: each province has seats according to population)

While this is a big deal (whenever politicians take tax money, people need to take notice. The ones responsible should be jailed) the opposition usually takes this opportunity to discredit the entire party in hopes of calling an election

btw "Quebeckers" prefer to be called "Quebecois"
CptStern said:
korebolter, you have maybe 2% of the story. The liberal party: (the NAME of the party ..not their political affiliation ..the Liberals are about as "liberal" as the democrats of the US ...the NDP are canada's true liberal party)

some liberals were accepting payolas from advertising firms ..the conservatives (being politicians) use this as an opportunity to discredit the liberals in Quebec by frightening voters into believing that they are corrupt (which to some extent is true ..but is only a small percentage) ..why would they do this? because the liberals (party name ...remember?) have a minority government ..this could force an election and the conservatives could possibly seize all the seats in Quebec which would probably lead to defeat of the liberals in the rest of the country. (parilament: each province has seats according to population)

While this is a big deal (whenever politicians take tax money, people need to take notice. The ones responsible should be jailed) the opposition usually takes this opportunity to discredit the entire party in hopes of calling an election

ah right.. thanks for telling me the full story :)

CptStern said:
btw "Quebeckers" prefer to be called "Quebecois"

so do have the Quebecois have a fued with the other provinces of canada? is there tension between quebec and the rest of canada? english and french speakers?

i have the image that Quebec wants to be independant from Canada.. (from what ive read)
the seperation issue has been around ever since upper and lower canada joined (Constitutional Act of 1791). It's nothing new but certain federalists want to drag the issue of separation into the scandal giving the average canadian the impression that "see? quebec is doomed without the rest of canada") while separatists use this opportunity to say "see the liberals have screwed us again". The biggest issue here is that some quebec businesses were forced to give huge handouts to certain Liberal party members (remember Liberal is the party name) in order to land government contracts
I heard that they were gonna have a no confidence vote to force an election this spring. Besides..all the other oppostion parties will attack the liberal party just to overthrough them..they see a very big target and now they are attacking at full force.
gh0st, stfu fagg0t.

The Liberals are retards and will be gone very soon and let my beloved PC into power, paul martin is a moron and i'll be good and happy to see him gone :)
Quebec deserves to be and will some day be its own nation. The francophone culture is just too different to coexist happily with the rest of english Canada. Either the Canadian govt. will have to stamp out the french culture and make the people of Quebec actually Canadian, or Quebec will seceed. I hope for the latter.
:upstare: over 100 years of peaceful co-existance proves you wrong. There's more solutions than the radical extremists views your pushing
harper is a goon and homophobe

True, but right now we have no choice of good govt. We can choose between the Conservatives who stand for nothing anymore, the Mob (aka the liberals) or the Crazy Socialist Party (good ole NDP). God help us all if the socialists get in, but luckily they have no chance. The Mob has no chance for obvious reasons.

Which leaves us with the Do Nothing party lacking all conviction, as the next govt. of Canada. I think I just heard John A. roll over in his grave.
over 100 years of peaceful co-existance proves you wrong.

*cough* FLQ *cough*

And I did not say peaceful. I said happy. Different cultures can't live together and be happy. One side will always get the shaft. A majority of people in Quebec don't consider themselves Canadian. Do you consider that a sucessful relationship?


Quebec seceeding is not radical nor extremist. It is the only logical view. If the govts. of England and France combined and became one nation, do you think everyone would be happy?

So tell me, what would be more radical in that situation. Drestroying one culture, or instead letting that culture form it's own nation again.

You're Spanish. You of all people should know the terrible reality of trying to force multiple cultures under one leadership.
a handful of deaths in less than a decade does not make a history of conflict
GhostFox said:
*cough* FLQ *cough*

And I did not say peaceful. I said happy. Different cultures can't live together and be happy. One side will always get the shaft. A majority of people in Quebec don't consider themselves Canadian. Do you consider that a sucessful relationship?

? are you sure you're canadian? go to any large city there's more than 2 cultures living together in peace neighbour is greek, the other is chinese, the guy down the street is irish the family across the street are english with a chinese baby ....all living in harmony ...sounds like peaceful co-existance to me.
Oh and sure there are many separatists in quebec but the referendum proved they see themselves as canadians
GhostFox said:
Quebec seceeding is not radical nor extremist. It is the only logical view. If the govts. of England and France combined and became one nation, do you think everyone would be happy?

stop pushing your bullshit ...if quebec wanted to suceed they would have whenthey had the opportunity

GhostFox said:
You're Spanish. You of all people should know the terrible reality of trying to force multiple cultures under one leadership.

wtf is that supposed to mean? I wasnt around 500 years ago so I cant comment on that.

And who's forcing them to conform? last I checked french is the official language, last time I checked children are taught french in school
GhostFox said:
Quebec deserves to be and will some day be its own nation. The francophone culture is just too different to coexist happily with the rest of english Canada. Either the Canadian govt. will have to stamp out the french culture and make the people of Quebec actually Canadian, or Quebec will seceed. I hope for the latter.

Quebec is different alright, my last trip there was last november and it is quite different from the rest of Canada...if Quebec ever did leave Canada they'd be taken over by like Russia or some or the US for fun, and it's not light Quebec would win, they are french :laugh:
xLostx said:
Quebec is different alright, my last trip there was last november and it is quite different from the rest of Canada...if Quebec ever did leave Canada they'd be taken over by like Russia or some or the US for fun, and it's not light Quebec would win, they are french :laugh:

so would quebecois rather be called french, or canadian :P?